Chapter 34: Clue Unfolds

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I loved you yesterday. I love you today. I'll love you tomorrow . Even if I'm not on your mind, you're always on MINE.

Caroline's POV

Daniel and me are lying on our bed. I'm actually sleeping on his chest while he held my body. Of course, we came back early from the club . Nick and Kate were nowhere to be seen. Alex obviously disappeared as well. So Daniel brought me back home with him. Cause he says I quote "the smell of alcohol and the tobacco filled air is not good for the baby"

Okay.. I agree but though. You know sometimes I still think Daniel is with me for the baby. I don't know why but it just gets into my mind. I do love Daniel with all my heart. But I don't know if he does. I mean I know he does. Fuck! What am I telling...I just don't want it to get to me. I know and I believe that he loves me. Anyways we are happy now I wouldn't want to ruin it. I thought and eventually went into a deep sleep.

I woke up to the smell of bacons. Yummy! I look around but there's no sign of Daniel. May be he's the one cooking. I mean obviously. I quickly finished my private business and ran into the kitchen. My stomach was calling for food. I'm really hungry. But it wasn't Daniel. But there stood an old lady in her 40's. She smiled at me as soon as she saw me. "Good Morning Ma'am". The lady wished me. 

"Uhhmmm.... Good Morning.. Sorry. But I don't recognize you" I said in my soft voice. I know I should be scared when I find a stranger in my house. But no. By the way she's moving around, I just know that she knows this house very well. So I guess she might be working here. 

She chuckled at my reply and said, "Of course, you don't recognize me ma'am. My name's Maria, I'm the housekeeping. I actually come here only on Saturdays, that's why you don't know me. But Master Daniel wants me to stay here everyday. Since you're newly pregnant. Right? Congratulations" she said making me blush. Gosh Daniel! Couldn't he have told me first!

"Aahh... Thank you... uhm.. Do you know where I can find Daniel?" I asked stuttering in between.

"Oh... He left already. He got a call and he left saying it was an emergency. I'm sorry I forgot to inform you Ma'am." she said apologetically. But she was still so cheerful. I think I'm gonna love her company.

"Oh OK. It's alright. I think I'll go take a bath first." i said and turned back to leave but again looked back as I forgot to tell her something "And Please don't call me Ma'am again. Caroline would be fine" I said pleadingly with a smile to which she nodded and smiled back.

I was so eager to eat, but now all my hunger's dead. I mean... It's not like Daniel to leave without informing me. OK. He couldn't have waited till I woke up. But there's not even a call or message. Dafuck! There's something really fishy going on here. I think I'll just go take a bath and then I'll call him. 

I swear I took a really really long bath. I thought Daniel will be back by now and me staying in the  bathroom will be a nice wait for him. But plan flop! That Asshole is not back yet. I'm in my white jeans and light blue crop top. I think it's light blue. I tried to call him many times. By now I've already called him exactly 23 times. And it goes straight to the voicemail. I think calling Sam will be better. He always keeps his cell phone on. It rings thrice and then I hear Sam's voice. "Samue-" I don't even let him finish and interrupt him soon with annoying myself.

"Hey Sam. Can you tell me where Daniel is?" I asked impatiently.

"Daniel? Aaaaahhhh...." He trailed off and there was silence on the line except Sam's whispering while someone was bickering behind. And then......... then I heard the voices loud and clear. It was Natasha and Daniel.

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