Chapter 25: Truth is Out

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Caroline's POV

I did'nt have the courage to do this. I looked at Daniel who was as tensed as I was. May be he did'nt want the baby now. I looked at him pleadingly. He raised his eyebrows asking me 'what'.
I pointed towards the bathroom silently asking him to go and see. I gave the cover which had all the instructions written on it. He read them and went into the washroom.

After few seconds he came back with a grim sad expression. Oh god! Am I pregnant? Is that why he's so sad? Is he gonna leave me now? I won't even get a chance to tell him those three magical words. He's gonna leave me.
I sit on the bed and cry my eyes out infront of him. I don't care what he thinks about me at this moment. Atleast I have the right to cry for the love of my life! I heard footsteps coming towards me. And soon Daniel was sitting beside me hugging and smoothing my hair saying sweet words in my ears.

"Cara...... it's alright. We have all the time in the world to try again" he said and chuckled sucking at my neck.

"Try again?" I asked not knowing what he is talking about.

"Hmm? Yeah.. may be it was not time for us to have a baby. But we will... soon.. I mean if you want to.. that is of course." He said with a calm smile trying to soothe me.

"You mean I'm not pregnant?" I asked. And he shook his head 'no'
"Oh Thank god!" I said and sighed with relief.

"What do you mean by 'oh thank god'? You didn't want the baby?!" He asked now seriously angry with me.

"No! Obviously I'd love the baby if I had been pregnant! You came out with a grim face that I thought may be I am pregnant and that's why you're all sad. I thought you didn't want the baby and you'll leave me soon. You'll leave me all alone with a baby. And oh my god! I'd have to be a single mother" I said. Here comes my weird thoughts. But I was really hurt with my thoughts. What if I was really pregnant and all this would have happened?
Daniel shook me by my shoulders bringing me back from my world of thoughts.

"Cara! Welcome back to Earth! I don't know where you get these ideas from. But.... Do I look like such a bastard to you? Who'd abandon his own child?" He asked angrily and I didn't reply. Instead I looked down at my fidgeting hands on my lap. So he continued. "I wasn't sad because you thought you were pregnant. You assumed you were. While I was sad knowing that you weren't pregnant. With your own brain and creative ideas you already got to know that I deliberately tried to get you pregnant! Then how can you think I didn't want the baby. God! You make me sound like a monster" he sighed and got up from the bed with his hands on his waist.

"There's no need to be so sad about that. I was just voicing out my thoughts. That what if... and usually billionaires like you wouldn't want a stupid baby to come their way and screw their lives!" I said rolling my eyes as he was making a big issue out of it.

"Billionaires like me? Care to explain what do you mean by billionaires like me?!" He asked with anger blazing in his eyes.
God! He's changing the topic. I don't even understand why we are fighting.

"Can we just stop fighting? Please?" I asked with an irritated tone.

"No! I want you to explain to me first!" He said with his hands still on his waist and narrowed eyes.

"It means..... that you'd either leave me alone with a child or pay me to get the child aborted and leave me alone. Well... that's what the tabloids say! And I'm no wife of yours. You introduced me as your girlfriend to Mark, I don't even know if you mean it or not." I said with an unlady like snort.

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