Chapter 40: Hide 'n' Seek

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Caroline's POV

"Why? Isn't Nick coming with us" I asked Alex.

"He'll be with us in a few minutes. He needs to bring his men. So that we could have a some protection" he shrugging.

"So we have a plan or we'll just go? I guess plans don't work well with me so we should just go..?" I asked Alex. Cause right now this is my mess. But Daniel just had to spoil everything. Couldn't he have atleast told me that he was going to THAT Bastard?!

Before Alex could reply I heard a buzz from my cell indicating an incoming message.

Private number: Hey Sweetheart! Meet me at the Allen Street @11. Sharp! Don't try to fool me like last time. It's about your husband;-)

"Alex?..." I called out for him speechless and pointed towards my phone. What exactly is this man actually planning? I looked at Alex who has already finished reading and turned towards the road again with his jaws clenched.

"What do you think?" I asked wanting to know his opinion.

"You shouldn't have come here Caroline. This man, whoever he is, he's plotting something really sick. Remember the texts he had sent to Daniel? Daniel had replied that even the air he breathed wouldn't be able to come near you and to which he replied back saying we'll see. He wants you to be there Caroline and we are falling into his pit like fools!" Alex exclaimed hitting the steering wheel with his hand.

"I don't know what he's planning Alex. All I know is that this my mess. I'm the one that should've been trapped and captured. But Daniel..... he should've atleast told me where he's going right?!"

"Caroline.... if you're worrying about Daniel? Then that's just waste of time sweetie. He is a different man. And you better not mess with him if you want your hands and limbs to be perfect. Well I guess you don't know the dark side to him" He said chuckling to himself.

Yeah yeah! That man! So infuriating.. Aaargh! I thought and looked out of the window and then into the mirror looking at myself. One thing that caught my attention was the black cars following us.

"Alex...?" I asked knowing that he already knew that they are following us.

"Chill.. that's Nick.... and his men." He said looking in the rearview mirror.

"His men" I asked and he nodded. Wow! Those cars look just like how they show in movies about mafia Dons.

"Caroline we are almost there. But I'll park my car here. Cause I can see Daniel's car there. Okay? Be careful. And always stay hidden!" He said with a strict face.

"OK big brother. As you say" I said bowing my head sarcastically.

I met with Nick standing outside our car waiting for us to get out. With his men of course. All in black suits wearing black goggles. Damn! Do I really know much about these two? "Are you the Mafia Boss or something?" I asked seriously.

"Uhmm... yeah. Something like that" he said not meeting my eye. I guess I really don't know much about him.

"OK guys. Listen. We'll not do much. Remember our work here is to bring back Daniel and stay hidden. Don't start a fight. We don't know what they are-" Alex started giving his instructions as usual but Nick had to interrupt.

"Only to bring back Daniel? I thought we've come here for a fight or something. To finish someone. And here he is... again! We will not stay hidden that's too... too... too tough. Difficult and cowardly!" Nick said.

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