Chapter 27: Suffer & Search!

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Daniel's POV

"Dude! You're lucky! You got the love of your life" said Alex and started laughing. That bastard! As soon as Caroline left the room I called Alex and told him that Cara confessed and all that. I thought he'd give me a nice suggestion but that bloody Nick is with him and now both are making fun of me. And then I heard Alex's serious voice "ok listen..... there's nothing wrong in that Daniel. I meant it when I said that you got the love of your life. Me and Nick both approve of it. And she's like our sister. So you better don't hurt her otherwise I will personally kick your ass" he said and I heard Nick chuckling in the background.

"I don't need your permission or your approval! It's.... The problem is.... I don't know. You can say I'm scared. I'm sure Nick is still next to you. Look... I've h-had a very bad experience with love alright.. you remember Melanie right? She kinda spoiled me for the other girls. So one! I don't want to get hurt myself and two! After Melanie left me, you know how I turned into a Casanova. Sooooo... I don't know if I'll be able to be the perfect life partner to Cara. I don't want to hurt her as well. I know she has accepted me the way I am. But my past might overshadow my future and what if we fall apart one day. Whether the cause of it may be her or me. We both won't be able to handle it." I said including every doubt I had in my mind.

"That's where you're mistaken. You've had a bad experience in love? How many? Just one right? Melanie! Not all girls are like that Daniel.. Fuck! Forget other girls. Do you think Caroline's like Melanie?" Definitely not! "There's no comparison at all. So just chill out man. Give her a chance. She deserves it. Hell! She deserves much better than you. And if you know that, keep that in mind you'll surely improve enough to deserve her." He said and chuckled at himself. Asshole! "Wait!" He screamt.

"What? Stop screaming I can hear alright.." I said.

"When she said 'I love you', what was your reply?" He asked patiently.

"Uhmmm...... I haven't spoken to her since. I've been trying to ignore her. I can't just look at her sad, grim face. I feel like crying myself.. soo" I said sheepishly.

And then I heard a commotion and this time it was Nick's voice "Are you crazy? That's how you react to a girl who says she loves you. Asshole! Poor her. You definitely don't deserve her. You're a fucking piece of shit-" he was screaming but again it was blank.

And after a few minutes Alex spoke "You've messed up big time buddy. Go clean up. I don't think she's gonna forgive you. But anyways, it's Cara. The one with a big heart. But that doesn't mean you take her for granted everytime" he said and screamt the last sentence and then cut the call.
Hmph! They don't act like my friends.. more like Cara's friends.

Sooo..... finally after thinking for an hour, I've decided that I'll take my Cara to a romantic movie amd then we'll go for dinner where I'll confess my feelings to her.... in her way. The romantic way! Red Roses, lightings, a romantic set up with everything pink or red.... I think pink is tooo childish actually. So it'll be red and white. Great! Now I have to do something. I have to sneak out. Otherwise I can't trust myself. If I see her now, I'll tell her everything now itself. I want this to be special for her. I've hurt and ignored her enough, only because I wasn't sure about my feelings.

I went into my room so that I can have a shower and get ready. I didn't find Cara. Well that's good, she might be in the kitchen, easy for me to sneak out! I was ready in an hour. I didn't know what would be good on this occasion so I decided to be in complete black. Black shirt, pant, suit, black watch with a black dial, black shoes. I had no tie, I just left my first two buttons unbuttoned.

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