Chapter 9: Excited! But Cheated!?

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Caroline's POV

I woke up at 7 in the morning. 'Thank God! Mom did'nt ask anything last night. I thought she was gonna grill me with her questions.'

Anyways I don't wanna be late on my first day. He asked me to come early and according to me office hours are from nine to five. So I think I'll be there at exactly 9.

I did'nt know what to wear. Since I've never worked. But I wanted to look professional! I wore a grey color pencil skirt with a white sleeveless blouse. I don't think I'm wearing anything inappropriate. Right?


So here Iam. I hope I don't mess up anything. And he asked me to report at his office. I told the security here that I'm here for a job interview. Since he said employees have an ID card. I'm walking around with a visitor's pass. Finally I found the elevator. There was one infront of me and one each to my right and left. This building is just as confusing as the man's house. I came here yesterday but I don't remember the way. Anyways I took the elevator that was infront of me.

It was 8:55am. I woke up early, and got ready so slowly that I got late anyways! Ugh! That's me! I've never even been to my school on time. I mean NEVER! I have to reach up there in 5 minutes. Not a problem!

As the elevator doors dinged open I entered in and pressed the button for the last floor. 'I'm scared of heights. But not actually!' I thought. And just then I saw a security guard running towards the lift. My eyes widened when I saw everyone watching me but the elevator doors closed and I did'nt know what I did wrong?

And guess what when I reached the floor, the first face I saw was HIS secretary. I mean she's such a bitch! Seriously! I think she's worse than that "BLONDE BIMBO".
How do I know her? She was the one holding my hand twisting it so that I don't enter his office. That was just yesterday.

She did'nt stop me when I was going towards his door this time. I knocked on the door and heard a silent 'come in'. He looked annoyed for some reason and raised his eyes for the person, I mean ME to say something.

He looked so furious, like he was ready to kill someone and took long strides towards me.
Before I could step back out of fear I was pushed front when the door opened since I was standing infront of it. I was waiting for the fall that never came. Coz I was already in his arms, looking into his beautiful grey eyes.

"Sorry Sir, But-" a voice said from behind which broke our trance and I straightened my skirt and turned towards the door to look at the same security guard who was coming towards the lift.

He had not said much, but was cut off by Mr. Arrogant Hunk already.
"But what?" If possible I think his voice boomed through the entire building. People are intimidated by him but here I was already drooling over his sexy voice!

"Sir, s-she used t-the private el-elevator to this floor. Your se-secretary said she is here inside. So I ba-rged in without th-thinking. I'm s-sorry Sir" he said with complete fear in his voice.

I looked at the Greek God beside me who closed his eyes and listened patiently all along.

He called his secretary inside only to say "you both are fired!"

I looked back at him, at his secretary and then the guard and repeating the process.

"No wait-" I said and the guard cut me off.

"Please Sir. Don't fire me. I have a family. We were only instructed to not let anyone in the elevator except you and your family" he kept on rambling and stopped when Daniel signalled for him to and asked me to speak out with his hand.

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