Chapter 11: Breakfast Blunder

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Daniel's POV

I did'nt take her to the penthouse! I did'nt feel like it. I just did'nt feel right. Anyways now that I've shifted to my New York Office I'd gotten a new penthouse for myself. I'll take her there.

As soon as she enters she has a happy smile on her face, that screams she loves the penthouse. I feel happy myself for making her feel that way.
She turned towards me and said "It's so beautiful!"

She go stands near the balcony. I run to my room to keep her luggage there and run back to her.
I silently sneak behind her and hug her by the waist with my face on her shoulder and my lips on her neck.

We stayed like that for some time until Nick called me which brought me out of my trance. I go inside to speak to the idiot who spoiled my moment with my girl.

'My girl' that sounds so heartwarming. Somehow Caroline is different from every other women I've met. But she scares me more than any other.

"Yes, Nick" I say as I pick his call.

"So who's the new girl?" He asked calmly. I thought he'd freak out like a girl like last time.

"Aaaahh.... someone!" I answered trying to give away nothing.

He laughs and says "It's ok Dude. You can trust us on this. I always thought Alex would be the first to find a girl and settle down, but you?! Never ever even in my dreams" he says still laughing.

"Will you shut up asshole?! I'm not gonna settle down any time soon. She's just another girl. And what do you means by 'us'? Who's there with you? And how do you know about the 'new girl?" I asked out of serious curiosity.

"'Us' meaning me and Alex. And about the 'new girl'..... your entire building is gossiping about her and you. And hearing what happened today does'nt say that you're not settling down. Actually it's quiet the opposite." He says trying to proove his point.

He continues though "okay listen. Are you free this week? We could visit the club. You know what I mean" he said.

"Yeah. I think you can count on me. And if that is all can I call you back later." I state and cut the call.

She is still standing out. When I go stand next to her I know she's so pretty. Never have I seen such a pretty girl in my life. She has such an innocent face. I should've known she was a virgin. I feel guilty for that act I committed. I'd never slept with a virgin before. And she makes me feel proud coz of that. She had her eyes closed but I could see the tears escaping from her closed lashes. What happened? Did I do something?

I instantly hug her to me. She is so tiny, she hardly reaches my shoulder. But she fit perfectly in me. I kept stroking her hair until she finally looked up at me with so much hope. And I feel ashamed of myself coz I know I'll disappoint her.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I miss my Dad" she says softly and continues. "I wish he was here. I wouldn't have been working to earn. My Mamma and Dylan would've been happy. Why does God have to take people away from us?" She asked innocently and looked straight into my eyes waiting for an answer.

I wish I could have helped her. But I can't. I'm definitely not good with tears. Instead of giving her a helpless expression. I pick her up with her still hugging me and now her legs around my waist while her head rested on my shoulders.

I enter the large living room and sit on the sofa and lean back while still holding her. She is still hugging me the same way. And it just feels so right. But it should'nt be like this. I turn my head slightly to see her face. She is already asleep, I know it was a tiring day for her. I feel bad looking at her. I was lucky to have such lovely parents. Losing them would destroy me. I sigh and get up from the sofa to go up to my room.

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