Chapter 21: Dream Destroyed

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Caroline's POV

I'm seriously confused right now. I called Mom to ask about Uncle Anthony. She says that he now stays in my late grandparents' small farmhouse in California. But...... then who was the one I saw in that car...? Was it my Uncle or just my imagination?

Daniel is sitting next to me and watching television. I look at his face only to see his eyes on me.
"What?" I asked.

"You seem to be deep in thought....? Something that I should know of?" He asked.

I laughed trying to make him believe that I am fine "Nothing..... Just that it's a beautiful place. Completely different from New York" I said. And he nodded agreeing with me. What I did'nt know was that he knew I lied.

"And I should believe that? Atleast say something that's convincing. If you don't know to lie, you shouldn't even try" he said not happy with me lieing to his face.

"Alright alright..... Daniel.... I saw my Uncle.... I mean my Dad's brother. In Greece.." I looked at him and he was listening with all his ears. I laughed at his expression and he seemed... amused.

"Care to share? What's so funny" he asked smiling.

"Uhm..... nothing.... just that you're so cute.. can I continue?" Again he nodded.
"Daniel... we have lost everything. I mean when Dad died.. we were bankrupt. After he died, we had a month time.. which I obviously wasted. When I thought that I was ready to face the outside world and to take the responsibility of an entire company... uncle told me that he tried everything but he could'nt help us. And then we lost the company to someone else. We did'nt even stay to see all that. Just got our things and left as soon as you offered a job and an apartment." I said and shrugged.

"Soo....?" He raised his eyebrows saying he did'nt understand.

"Soooo...... he himself did'nt have money to do anything. He said Mamma that he'll find a job and stay in California in grandpa's farmhouse. But I saw him in Greece. I mean now. While we were coming in the car. And I'm damn sure Daniel that it's him... Believe me! I just feel... I know there's sonething wrong" I said trying so hard that he believes me and does not think that it's my imagination or infatuation while I'm confused myself.

"Alright. I believe you. You..... want me to check up on him? I have an investigator. He can find out about him?" He asked.

But I just did'nt feel right... investigating.... he's not a criminal. It feels like I'm invading his privacy. He's my uncle and I'm just worried about him.
"Cara..... I know what you're thinking. Investigating in the sense.... Obviously we can't go ourselves and check out if he's ok. Right? So we can send someone so that he can inform if your uncle is fine or not. Or maybe.. who knows.. he might be in some... problem? And we might be able to help him? If everything's alright then fine. If not then we can help him. Simple." He tried to reason out. And I think he's right in some way.

"Okay....." I said smiling at him.

"Okay babe. You go freshen up.... or.. wanna have a shower.... with me? I'll call up Sam tell him to find out about this so that my Cara can be in peace" he said smiling and kissed my temple. His words making me melt at his tenderness.
He left the room and I went to grab my clothes for the shower.

I really am in need of a hot shower. I feel like something's wrong. I felt it when I saw him. But now that I told Daniel about it, I'm feeling a bit lighter. I stripped out of my clothes and got into the shower after checking the temperature. I think I was really tired as I hugged myself and closed my eyes standing below the shower.

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