Chapter 41: A Finished Chapter!

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Daniel's POV

What does this man want now? I'm damn sure he's planning to take me down so that he can have Cara for himself. Not even in his dreams! But I don't know what he is planning. That is why it's best to keep Cara away from him. Not telling her is the best option right now. Otherwise she'd demand for details and might even want to come along. Worst part is she thinks that it's her war. Now that she's mine. My wife. It's my duty to protect her from all the evils, to share my happiness and to support her during her difficult times. This is not her war alone. Especially with the come back of her ex. I feel like my jealousy has reached a whole new level. Not that I doubt my Cara, but I just don't like men around her innocent presence. And of course, now that she carries our angel in her, I wanna be extra careful when it comes to her. I don't know why Cara even felt like I proposed because of the baby cause don't blame me but I do forget that we have a baby on the way sometimes. She's so small, you can't even guess that she's pregnant. This might be a new responsibility which I'm ready for but it scares me a bit. Hope I can be a father like my Dad. Even anything near him is fine. But I'm feeling bad now. It was our first day as a married couple and I just had to scream at her for no reason. All because of that Bastard. I felt like she got suspicious about me having to leave her. But when I left she was fine.... I guess and I hope it's all my assumption. For all I know Cara might be following me right now.

With that thought in my mind I reached the place... it looks like a broken, burnt, old building. I thought before going in. I already have informed Sam about this. He has probably tracked me down already and after few minutes he'll send his team to surround the place. I've asked his best shooters to stand in the building around the one I'll enter. Police? Informed. Well actually that doesn't matter. I can handle this the way I want and then it'll be easily handled legally. How? Connections!

The front door opened with a happy evilly smiling Asshole. As soon as I saw him I knew it was him. I walked up to the door and suddenly two men appeared in either side of him. They checked my body for guns or any kind of weapons. God! They still think that just because he asked me to come alone, I'd come alone with weapons. I swear they are such fools. Sam is already with his men outside. They took my cell and I happily gave it to them. I did infrom Sam to get in if I don't come out in an hour.

"Please come in. Have a seat. I'll order for them to bring in the drinks" he said with a evil gleam in his eyes.

I already had an idea that he's gonna proceed with his plan. "So what did you want and why did you want me here?" I said with a bored tone.

"Well... straight to point huh? I like it. I just want your money. Don't think that I'm such a big of a fool not to realise that you're the one who bought the company. When I said you're company I meant Caroline's father's company" he smirked.

"And what if I don't give you that?" I smirked back at him.

"Then you will loose your Cara aaaand your baby" he said. How the hell does he know about the baby. We haven't told many people and we haven't announced it in public. He sure has a lot of information on us.

"How do I believe you? May be you're just bluffing" I said shrugging trying not to be affected by his words. Honestly? I really wasn't affected.

"You will just have to trust me on that... you will believe once you see them dead right. You just have to take the risk of trusting me. And you have advantages too... if you agree then I promise I'll never bother you and your wife. Agreed?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Soooo... all that you've done until now is only to get that company?" I asked though I knew what he wanted. It's definitely not just the company.

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