Chapter 36: A New Culprit?

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William (Daniel's Dad) POV

"But Sophia.. We need to tell them. I'm sure they'll get to know one or the other day. Let's not make it anymore difficult for them" Darcy said to Sophia. I was supposed to meet Sophie alone but Darcy insisted on coming. 

"She's right. And you know Roger already warned us about some danger that we don't know about. Unfortunately, before he could finish all this he had to leave us. So the sooner we tell Daniel about it, the more easy it will be for him to protect Caroline. And Roger did say that there is someone very close to him plotting against him to get his family. But he just didn't know who. I think it's better to tell them" I said trying to get her to agree on it. May be if she gets to know the consequences then she might agree.

"OK. I'm ready to tell them" Sophia said with a sigh.

"Great!" Thank God my words had at least some impact on her. Cause me and Darcy have been trying since an hour. "Let me call Daniel then" I said happily.

"No wait" Sophie interjected and Darcy's smile slipped away along with mine. "Can we tell them tomorrow? I mean, give me sometime. I know we should tell them as early as possible but.... tomorrow?" She asked.

"OK! Tomorrow then. How about lunch with them? I'm sure Daniel won't say no, he's already too curious to know the truth cause obviously he didn't believe our words." I said. 'Okay' Darcy agreed.

"So Daniel didn't believe? No doubt! He was always the genius kid trying to figure out and solve things. And Carol? I hope she didn't doubt?" Sophia asked curiously.

"No. Carol was too upset to observe that we were lying."Darcy replied to that question. "I think you should call them for lunch tomorrow. I don't know how they are gonna take it."


Daniel's POV

"What happened? Why are you so worried? I think Mom was right even though she didn't tell me. But it was good that she never let the police continue with their investigation because she'd have only gotten disappointment. This is a dead end. There's no other way." Cara said coming into the room while eating ice cream. I replied with an 'I know'. "Why are you still here? Don't you have a meeting today. It's already 9" She said trying to remind me.

"Yeah I remember. But I cancelled it. Cara..... this is not the dead end. My Dad is lying. I'm sure your Mom is too. They are hiding something. Maybe not something big, but they are hiding something that might lead us to that something big. And I cancelled my meeting cause Dad called me today morning... asking me to clear my schedule immediately aaaand he invited us for lunch." I said narrowing my eyes at my thoughts as doubts clouded my mind!

"Then we should go right? And anyways I wanted to buy some snacks!" She said determined to buy them and I chuckled at her. "Stop laughing! What do I do sitting at home alone when you go to office? I need something to munch on while watching movies right? And you know I hate popcorn!" She said making a disgusted face. I think she's the first girl I met who hates popcorn? 

"Come here" I called and she came running to me.

"I think we should get ready? I don't want to be late" She whined and I nodded kissing her head and let her go so that she could get ready.

And I went back into my thoughts. There's something definitely fishy. I just don't have a good feeling. There's something bad gonna happen today. I should see to it that Cara, Mom, Dad... Sophie and Dylan... all! Everyone are safe.

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