Chapter 35: Lies!

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Caroline's POV

"But Daniel! Why do you think it's Sara. I mean what connection would she have with my Dad or Uncle. Oh god! All this is so confusing. everything started cause of uncle Anthony! Ugh!" I said. Yup. Me and Daniel are having a chit chat about what this is all about. And obviously with Sara is involved in it in anyway then she can't kill my Dad alone. There is a definite possibility that someone else has also helped her.

We are sitting in Daniel's office. Sam is working in his computer trying to trace Sara. I'm sure Daniel is bored but looks like he's thinking something with his hand stroking his jaw. Suddenly we hear someone's phone ringing, that is Sam's. "Yup......... OK. Forward it to me. OK." He said and cut the call. I mean what kind of a conversation is that. Like seriously?! Anyway. "Daniel! I think we've got a clue. My men just found few old articles about your Dad, Cara. And it seems that.... there were rumors that they are together. And there's also a picture.. Uhm look." He said moving the screen towards us. It was Dad. When he was really young. yeah.... I guess he was already married at that time? I guess so. He was holding a young pretty girl's hand trying to hide her from the paparazzi. But it was clearly seen that she..... had a little baby bump. It's not clearly seen but her hand was protecting her bump. 

"Sara....?" Daniel muttered beside me. That's Sara?! Me and Daniel were looking at each other shocked.

"Yeah... So.. I think we've found a strong connection. And Daniel that's a picture from the year 1989." Sam said. And looks like Daniel did all the calculations in his head making his eyes widen to which Sam nodded his head.

"Will anyone of you tell me what's happening?" I asked and I hope it's not what I'm guessing.

"Cara, If I was born in 1987" He mumbled and then looked at me. "Natasha is 3 years younger than me. And I'm guessing that the baby is Natasha. I mean.... If it was Dad's baby...Uhm.. we don't know that. Oh God!" He said and closed his eyes with his hands.

"So you think If my Dad had an affair with Sara at that time. Then baby is his. Meaning Natasha is his daughter. Correct?" I asked and he nodded. Great! "Daniel, don't you think it's high time we ask Mom about it. Cause Dad was already married at that time and I'm sure Mom will have all the answers."I asked Daniel. But I know Will said I should make sure that Mom doesn't get to know about it. 

"I think you're right."He said.

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