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Daniel's POV (Daniel's pic)

"Hey dad! How are you?" I asked my dad as I entered their house.

"Well I'm good son. A lot better now that my son has finally decided to show up here after months. Anyways where have you been all these days huh?" He replied.

"Oh nothing, I was just caught up with work" I lied. You think I'd tell him about the holiday with my friends with lots of one night stands? Nah!

"Oh sweetheart you work too much. You know you need to take care of yourself. Or much better! Why don't you get married?" Mom said excitedly as she entered the living room.

"Mom please! Not again! And how is taking care of myself related anywhere near to my marriage?!" I asked.

"Yes Darcy, leave the boy alone. He just arrived. Otherwise he wouldn't dare to visit again. And I'm sure you wouldn't want that. Right darling." He said to mom.

Mom scowled at dad and replied "Mr.William Rochester I think it is also your responsibility to bring your playboy son back to his track and not to encourage him with his ways."

Well looking at mom's anger level she'll be giving the silent treatment to dad atleast for 2 weeks. And he'll be begging for her to forgiveness. I chuckled to myself thinking about their "Love" for each other.

I don't believe in love! I mean how can a person stick to one women! I've never experienced love nor do I have any such wish to.

Love makes you weak. It destroys you with hurt. I've had the same opinion about love since ever.

"Dan!! Get in here! Lunch is ready." Mom's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

After having lunch with my parents I left to meet with my friends Nicholas Perkins and Alexander Rodriguez who is also my cousin.
We've been together since the day I was born. Well Nick and Alex met in nursery and that's how I met him too. We clicked as soon as we saw each other.

I met up with them at Nick's house. We left to the cafe from there. And since both the idiots didn't'nt want to get out of the car I decided to get inside the cafe.

I felt as if someone was watching me. From the corner of my eyes I saw a girl practically drooling at me. That was common for me. But there's
something in that girl. I don't know what but I decided to ignore it.

I got to the counter, bought everything we wanted. While leaving I tried to sneak a glance at the girl once again.. her green eyes hiding something behind them, and her brownish blonde hair was shining under the sun. Such a beauty I thought.

But my idea of sneaking was being spoilt and caught by her friend infront of her who was already squealing! I smiled to myself shaking my head and headed towards the car.

"What's got you smiling like a fool?" Nick asked.

"Nothing! The girl in the cafe was-" I was going to say but soon cut off by Nick's scream.

"-the fuck man! Have you lost your mind! Was'nt it our rule not to fall in that bloody love. Its not our thing and-" This time I cut him off.

"Will you just shut it Nick?! I wanted to say that the girl in the cafe was openly oggling at me not that I fell in love with her. You dumbass!" I shoved the espresso into his hand.

"Ok ok now guys. It's fine lets leave already."

Alex was the most mature one amongst all three of us. Any issue, any fight! We go to him! It's as though he is the solution book.

These are the people who complete my life.


Next day

"Guys! Wake up wake up!!" I heard Nick's voice. I groaned and turned my head the other side.

"Just fu*k off Nick" I screamed at him.

"Oh just wake up man! We'll have to take care of our companies from the coming week monday. We hardly have what? Three days?" Nick annoying voice shouted into my ear.

I shoved him to the side and woke up.
We hardly slept yesterday night as we were busy drinking. For us, fun is nothing but party, alcohol and girls.

I went to the breakfast table. Mrs.Taylor had prepared pancakes, bacons and eggs with coffee. After having breakfast I went up to get ready.

Yes! That's Nick's house. But we all almost live together. We do have our own separate penthouse. But when we feel like it we go to each other's house or if we find any free time from work!

Anyways on Sunday, we are planning to go out for a club. Looking forward to it. I have a good feeling about it.
We'll have a nice night!! Maybe that's why I love this bachelor life.


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