Chapter 4: Stalking Much

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"Often you don't know whether you're the hero of a romantic comedy or the villain on a Lifetime special until the restraining order arrives." ― Tim Kreider





Marco Angelo Massaretti's POV 

              IT'S ALMOST six, late in the afternoon, and the sun is still scorching. I heaved a sigh and walked to where my limo is waiting.

Trivun nodded lightly and opens the door for me. My two other securities are in the other SUV discreetly following behind us.

"Where to, Mr. Massaretti?" Trivun asks as soon as he's settled in the driver seat.

He looks five years younger with his age, at 43. He is a single man and never been married. He lost his first love and he swore not to love again. A reason why I hired him.

"To Hampshire mansion," I replied nonchalantly. The limo slowly pulled off the curb and smoothly move in with the traffic.

I trained my eyes out the busy street and remembered Georgina's face. She looks so innocent, with her cobalt eyes glistening fierily at me.

I smirked.

I never thought I would come across to someone as strong-willed as she is. None had challenged me yet ever before. All these girls swarming around me were like a puppet. They will do everything to please me.

I smirked again as her beautiful natural pouted lips flashed through my head.

Today as she signed the contract, I got the chance to finally assess her noticeable beauty.

She had the longest thick lashes I've ever seen. I've seen false lashes as long as hers but not as natural as hers. Her almost chiseled jawline was like sculpted by a legendary sculptor, with high cheekbone, beautiful slim pointed nose, perfectly complemented her beautiful features. Her pale face can't hide that agreeable beauty laid in front of me.

Her cobalt blue eyes lit up like sparkling sapphires and scorching like a sunlight over the clear crystal water. Her eyes held so many emotions. Her eyes that can't hide the innocence with her fiery character. Her fiery chestnut brown hair was tied in a bun, but I've seen how untamed her hair is, just as she is.

I wonder what our baby would be like? 

Will he look like her?



Marco is not seriously thinking about his heir-bearer.

I shook the thoughts off and noticed that we are close to my grandfather's mansion. The eight-foot ironworks gate automatically opened as soon as the limo gets into the camera's circumference.

Trivun pulled into the huge circular driveway made of permeable interlocking pavers through a well-maintained landscape. A great fountain sitting as the centre stage in the circular driveway with roses around the fountain base forming a hedge. The individual sprays shooting towards the centre like a crown fountain.

Shortly, Trivun pulled right in front of the luxurious porch of the Massaretti mansion. Trivun opened the door and I climbed out. I just nod my head to him and headed to the door.

John, the valet opened the door for me after he bowed slightly in acknowledgement.

I nod lightly with my stoic face and walked into the grandeur foyer. I shoved my hands in my pockets as I walked farther into the large entrance hall or foyer and my eyes trained with the grandeur of the stairs, still awe with the sweeping staircases, with a crystal chandelier lighting above the staircase made it all looking extravagant.

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