Chapter 27: The Encounter With The Bitch!

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"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." ― Marilyn Monroe

A/N: Thank you for patiently waiting. I hope you won't forget to

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Georgina Ricci's POV

                 NO, SHE didn't just shoved her tongue in his throat. My eyes turned into slits as I glared at her deathly. And that moron, he looks like he enjoyed it.

Marco grabs her shoulders roughly and pushes her away from him staring at her incredulously, then frantically averting his eyes from her to me, when he realized I was standing right beside them watching them as they enjoyed that brief kiss like I was non-existent.

I was clenching my hands into balls. One more wrong move and she will meet my fist.

Marco pulled me to his side as he snakes his hands around my small back, then he briefly look at the slut and introduced to me to her. "Carina, I want you to meet my fiancee, Georgina Ricci." Carina's eyes widened as she shot him an incredulous look and I grinned triumphantly.

Get that bitch, he's mine! My inward rave-up and doing the chicken dance.

I gave her my best-est fake smile and I realized I'm looking at Carina Donofrio, the supermodel, but I don't care. Marco is mine and she better keep her tongue stuck inside her mouth or I'll cut it and feed it to the lion.

My angry thoughts cut when Marco spoke again. I hate it sometimes when he's using that sexy voice. "Cara, this is Carina Donofrio. A family friend." Marco smiled and I gave him a bitter with a warning smile giving him a look of I'll-deal-with-you-later. He knew I was mad and he looks a bit uncomfortable, but I don't really care.

Carina didn't bother to initiate a handshake so I kept my hands on my side, with my fake smile plastered on my face as I stared at her. "It was nice meeting you, Georgina," Carina smirked and I nod returning her snide smirk.

I was enjoying the irritation plastered on her face when suddenly she spoke. "So which bar did you meet her?" Carina smiled at Marco and Marco's face turned grave and murderous. I was almost at the edge of punching her face. I was clenching my jaws.

"You're wrong Carina, she actually never goes to a bar." He insinuated and Carina's face turned red, but Marco ignored it as he continued. "I met her at the school she's teaching. She's quite an innocent..." Marco replied beaming at me, but then his face morphs gravely when he looks at her, as he tightened his hold on my waist. I know he's mad after that question.

"If you'll excuse us, I want the others to meet my fiancee," Marco said with pride and I saw Carina's eyes held distaste, but then she posted a fake smile to him before she gave me a grim stare, but I only ignored her shooting her the same cold stare.

Two can play at that game.

Marco then introduces me to everyone. Sophia has been very sweet, but sometimes I can see her staring at me looking so lost. I have this feeling that she knew something about me, and it gives me goosebumps all over my body.

I don't know. It's just weird.

Just as he led me to their living room to sit, his younger stepbrother Oldrich and his girlfriend arrived with his father Arcangelo Massaretti and his wife Chronicles. Another condescending bitch.

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