A Bonus Honeymoon Chapter 1: Poor Marco!

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Marco Angelo Massaretti's POV

          "Are you fucking kidding me? That little annoying creature is coming with us?" Georgina rolled her eyes and was about to smack my head, but her palm landed on my shoulder. 

She's not too short, really.

"He's going to miss me, babe." My wife whined, glaring at me. And when she does that, I'm smitten all the more. She's just so irresistible, but I can't compete with Fica! For sure, he'll take all the attention again. 

"He can live," I grimly retort with sarcasm, folding my hands on my chest.

We are at nonna's mansion and just preparing to leave tonight to Paris for our honeymoon and then to London, and all over Europe for two months. I already got a headache, after my wife doesn't want to make love with me. And now, here's this little cockblocker is coming with us! 

"Oh, chiudere il mio culo" (Oh, shut my ass.) 

Her sweet face suddenly morphs into like Fica when he is mad. "It's going to be a long honeymoon and I'm sure, I'm gonna miss him-"

A knocking on the door interrupted us. Our head synchronically whipped to the door. Nonna's head peeks through the door, smiling enthusiastically. "Can I borrow Georgina for a bit?"

I groaned. Not again. I already have Fica, now there's my Nonna or Nonno. Oh, God, how many cockblocker do we need?

Georgina gave me a warning look and I knew she wants me to be polite to her, but damn, I'm already beyond pissed. She better makes it up to me as soon as we landed in Paris. My eyes landed to Fica who was barking now with excitement. Looks like this little mutt understand what's going on. My eyes turn slits as I watch him.

Is it good if I'll make him into a stew? FICA STEW,  maybe? I look back to my grandma who was smiling brightly. Frustrations are now killing me. My hands drop and rested on my hips, trying to calm my temper, but it was hard, especially when you are deprived (you know what I mean?). "Ten minutes," I glared at her. Honestly, the more she gets older, the more she gets annoying. 

Nonna raises her eyebrow, challenging me. "You are going to have her by yourself for two months, figlio. What is an hour for not seeing her?" then, she rolled her eyes. Yes, I am. I supposed to have her myself, but this little mutt has to come. And now, her attention would be divided between us, but I kept it myself.

I clenched my jaw and I'm feeling this mixed emotions of anger. Nonna saw it I guess, that she just raises her hands in silent surrender. 

"Fine, half hour." Nonna negotiated and I grunted in disapproval. Seriously, can't she get it? I don't even want her to take her even a single second. I'm just being polite to her, as a matter of fact. 

"Ten minutes, or leave us alone, nonna!" I declared firmly. I'm done with her. 

"I'll follow you in a minute, nonna. I just want a word with this big Fica!" My eyebrow cocked up. And then her last word descended in my penis, I mean brain. 

"Say what?" She called me Fica. She didn't say respond as she watches nonna disappear from the door. Then, she turns to face me. 

"And you," she walks closer to me until a few inches away and stops. Her index finger pokes in my chest. With just that, I felt like I was set on fire. And in addition, to my torture, her tantalizing and stimulating smell assaulted my nose, traveling to my deprived system, and like taunting my cock, making it harder. Fuck it! I was holding myself not to yank her. She was blabbering things, but none reaches my brain since my brain are already clogged with all this erratic thoughts, things I want to do with her. Her naturally red lips are moving, and I imagined my cock inside it, with those luscious lips latching around it, stroking it. 

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