Chapter 19: His name is Fica!

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"I don't own you, you just belong to me." ― Pushpa Rana,

A/N: Thank you for patiently waiting. I hope you won't forget to







Marco Angelo Massaretti's POV

             IT WAS ALMOST midnight when we get to the mansion. The night was so quiet that you could only hear the sounds of the crickets and humming of the birds. The slapping of the chilly breeze with the trees, made the branches and leaves swaying here and there. The soft lights that scattered in my whole property giving enough lights to see what's around my vast surroundings.

I was so glad the little annoying creature in the cage finally decided to sleep after a few hours of barking, wanting to get out from the box cage. Everything the little Fica needs is in the trunk of the SUV my other securities was on.

Yes, after centuries of hearing his annoying barks and yips, I gave him a name, Fica. Suits him well.

Trivun carried the cage as he followed me into the mansion. The inside was so quiet that you could hear the sounds of a dropping pin.

Trivun was following me as I made my way to my room, pacing through the hallways. Suddenly, I heard Trivun spoke in an unsure tone. "Where do you want this pup, sir."

I stop and turned my head to look at his wary face. "In my room," I mumbled tiredly as I stifled another yawn.

I look at the elevator briefly, holding the temptation to go up in Georgina's room. I decided not to bother her tonight, even though I'm dying to see her and hold again. Just the thought of her makes my inside shiver with excitement.

I continued pacing to my door and pushed it open. Trivun followed suits and place the dog cage down on the marble floor.

"Would you like this pup to sleep in his cage, Sir? or I can get his little bed and he could sleep comfortably." Trivun suggested and I thought he might sleep through the night with a comfortable bed.

Decisively, I nodded my head to Trivun in approval and he headed out and surely came back after few minutes with Fica's furry monogrammed dog bed, a bit bigger for him, but too comfortable and cozy, that would surely make him sleep even through the day tomorrow. It's the same color as his fur.

After barking for long hours, I'm pretty sure he's exhausted as hell.

Or so I thought.

Trivun left and I decided to have a shower. I was too exhausted and can't wait to hit my bed that I didn't notice my door was ajar.

No sooner, I was on my bed and fell into a deep slumber.

I woke up with the need of a bathroom. I rolled out of my bed drowsily and walk to my washroom half sleep. As soon as I'm done peeing, I walk back to my bed and caught a glimpse of Fica's empty bed.


My sleepy eyes suddenly went wide.

"Fica," I called out and look around my room. I check at the time, it was almost seven.

"Fanculo!" I hissed as I quickly walk to my walk in closet and pulled loose pants as I scanned the room hoping Fica is inside. Then I heard a barking sound in the hall. I could hear faint voices and I quickly trudge down out of my room. I saw Trivun panting, as he walk aimlessly, looking troubled.

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