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A werewolf book.

I was attempting to try some other genre, like a werewolf.

Please let me know what do you think of this...

Synopsis of The Truce:

Selina was always curious what lies beneath the wood. The overlooking forest that seems to no end, where she can only get a view from their 3 story house she lived in her whole life.

Her grandma always says, stay away from the wood. A warning that has a lot of meaning.

A TRUCE, but she never specifies what or why? Which only made her curiosity heightened to no end.

Sometimes, she just laughed, she thought it was just another scary story to scare the kids to bed.

Until one day, she wasn't prepared for the consequences of breaking THE TRUCE!

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            THESE guys wearing all black clothing that perfectly fitted to their godlike bodies that even in the dim light that was provided by the big antique crystal chandelier that hangs in the middle of the big room, it was evident.

Tall and muscled man were behind us, and they all look like a troupe of an army.

I scoffed inwardly.

I'm a girl, just about 5'7, these guys are insanely all taller by a head and almost all uniformed in height.

I can't see their faces since they drag me when I woke up from a deep sleep, unable to adjust from the surroundings and darkness.

All I could remember was, I bravely step into the boundary line that my grandmother had always told us not to step into, that's why tall fences were made.

I was stupid to sneak into the two pillars that have been broken for a while, but no one knew about it except me.

And now, here I am. In a foreign scary land.

All I could see is trees until we got to the deepest part and then a clearing. Since it was dark or night time I would say, I can't see anything clearer, but the shadows from the moonlight, I could tell there were inhabitants.

The men in mask kept dragging me until we reach the very top of the hill where stood a beautiful tower. It's overwhelmingly big.

Is it why we can't get into the woods because there were treasures hidden beneath?

But, what I didn't expect is to see the king of the land whom I trespassed.

The land, where a human is prohibited or death will come forth according to the truce.

But what I didn't know that's in-store for me in the foreign prohibited land, is something I never expect, not death, but something that changes my life forever.

"Your highness," the guy in a mask in front of us who seems to be the leader bowed down in respect.

"Bow down and keep your head down, human!" The man in my left snaps softly in his sinister deep voice and I did as I was told.

Too scared to defy.

"Nobody has seen the king yet, so don't attempt to look at the king, or your dead!" The other man in my left said as they kept me restrained on both arms as if I could escape from them.

So we have to keep our head low and not daring to look at the king, huh?

I heard loud footsteps and I could feel the fear radiating off from every man in the room.

"What is this stupid human doing in my territory?" His low controlled rich baritone, though menacing yet sexy and so powerful, reached my ears and my temper flared up.

Daring to look up, I stared into his eyes. It was a darkest bluish granite eyes. The strangest eyes I've ever seen. He has the strongest, prominent jaws I have ever seen in men. Even my David Gandy couldn't come close to his.

My eyes unconsciously and openly scanning his face made of perfection. Buttery skin, short stubbles surrounded his dimpled chin which made him look stronger and powerful.

His deep set bluish granite eyes are adorned with the dark long lashes, a hair that was thick and untamed which I think just like him.

Lips that was thin, a shade of pink and so tempting.

His body?

God, even with his fine tailored suit that looks expensively done couldn't hide the rippling muscles that were hidden underneath, almost popping out of the refined fabric.

Now my neck hurt from looking up at him. He's so tall and he seems to the tallest among the rest in the room.

Then my eyes traveled back to his captivating eyes.

For a moment I felt like I was drowned, hypnotize again into the depth of his rare, enigmatic eyes.

Mesmerizing and at the same time calming me. I felt something weird. My body seems to react. The stares became potent and dark. It was strange.

Then, he growled loudly that I thought my body just jump out of my skin.

I suddenly look down in fear. I sense the men steps back as well as fear filled the room.

"Look at me stranger!" He barked and I look up to meet his eyes again. And again that foreign feelings felt scary yet exciting. Something alarming, but in a good way.

My ocean eyes were lock with his and I felt like I was feeling weak in front of him.

I didn't feel his steps, he's already a few inches close to me.

"I told you not to dare look at him!" The man in my right snaps irritatedly, barely audible.

"She can look at me, and from now on, she's your QUEEN!" He growled to the man on my right and the two suddenly releases my arms and they step back in fear.

"Yes, your highness." They all chorused in all the same deep voices.

"NOW, LEAVE US ALONE!" He barked gruffly and I flinched looking at the men scrambling on their feet to the high and big double door and out of our sight in mere seconds.

"Huh?" I felt rooted to the ground. "Me? Queen?" I blabbered like a stupid fool, shocked.


This is my first writing attempt for werewolves genre.

I hope it's not too predicting and different from the others.

Please let me know what do you think of the story.

Just a teaser for now.

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