Mrs. Clark

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I waited patiently as the other students spilled out of the room boisterously.  End-of-day euphoria was setting in and they seemed to be feeling it even more than I was, if that's possible. When the student who Mrs. Clark was speaking with left and she was free, I walked to her podium.

"Ah Asher, yes, let me take a look at this."  Pulling the letter up I sensed her uncertainty immediately, it wasn't the letter she was expecting.  "So you can not speak?  At all?"

I shook my head 'no.'

"But you are taking choir? Asher, I don't mean to be rude, but this is not a free class.  My students are here to work, and to sing.  This is not an easy 'A'."

I grabbed my binder, searching for the note I'd written especially for her.  Why didn't I have it ready?  I had been so prepared the first few classes but as the day wore on I was slipping.  I handed it to her and waited anxiously while she read it.


My name is Asher and I had a stroke 3 years ago.  I can not speak, but I can sing.  I need to hear the entire song several times and having sheet music helps.  I'm a tenor, and would like the opportunity to be part of your choir.

"Makes more sense than you being one of the German exchange students.  Danny amuses me although I guess there was no way for him to know.  You picked a great time to start, you're coming in right in the middle of all the excitement."  She handed me the letter, then put her hands together as if she were praying.  "So, can you sing me something you've sung before?  A song you already know?"

So his name was Dan?  I filed it away for future reference.  I nodded my head yes because I could definitely sing something but I was always nervous singing in front of people.  If she was going to be my director though, she needed to hear me and I didn't blame her for wanting proof.  I was serious about this and willing to overcome my shyness if it meant I'd have a place.  My brain was doing loops though, so I tried to focus on things I'd sung for the Christmas concert back in Atlanta.  I closed my eyes, and rather timidly, began 'Holy Night'.  I didn't open my eyes until I'd finished the first verse, and then the smile on her face encouraged me to continue.

"You have an amazing voice Asher.  Welcome to the choir.  Now, it's late, you'll need a note for your next class."  She hastily scribbled onto the back of a piece of music and handed it to me.  "See you tomorrow?"

I smiled and nodded, then navigated the near-empty halls to my history classroom. It went fine, the teacher completely ignored me until I showed him my letter after class.  He looked it over as if he thought I'd forged it, then eventually said 'Well that's just fine.  Welcome.'  It took me about 10 minutes to find my locker once the dismissal bell rang since I was in an entirely different wing of the building.  There was no way I'd make it here from history and then to the bus next week, I'd have to plan better.

For today though, I was safe.  I just had to find the front door and then try to figure out where my mom was parked in all the madness.  Maybe it was good that I was a few minutes late.  I didn't bother to hurry, I needed to collect my thoughts before she bombarded me with 'how was it honey?' questions.  I heard him before I saw him, but recognized his voice instantly.

"Hey, it's Asher, right?  Wait up" he called, coming up behind me.  "Hi, I'm Dan" he said, speaking slowly and pointing to himself.

Oh god, he still thought... this was fun.  I got out my notepad anyway, I'm not mean. I'm not an exchange student.  I  understand English but can't speak.

He read it, then looked up at me.  "Are you deaf?" he asked slowly.

No.  I can hear you just fine.

"Why can't you talk?" he asked, falling into step beside me.


"Wow, um, okay.  So you missed the buses, do you have a ride?"

I nodded, glad to push open the doors and step into the warm afternoon.  He got major points for not crying, wailing at life and saying 'I'm sorry!!' 29 times.  See you tomorrow. I tucked my notepad back into my pocket, arranged my bag and waved good-bye, stepping down and onto the sidewalk and scanning for my mom's car.  She must have seen me because she pulled up 10 seconds later.

"Hey honey, how was it?"

I smiled and gave her a thumbs up, then wiggled it a little bit.

"I know, first days are hard.  You made a friend though?  You can tell me about him at home.  Do you have homework?"

I made a face of utter revulsion and she laughed.

"Nothing like jumping right in.  Well I managed to get the kitchen unpacked and the dining room table is free so you have room to do homework and I am going to actually cook some real dinner.  Sound good?"

I nodded, then turned my gaze out the window to check out my new town.  I had no idea how long I'd be here, but it seemed as good of a place as any.  I had no plans of doing my homework first thing though, I still had a lot to finish up in my room.  I'd gotten my clothes unpacked and my bed made, but my walls were still bare and my books and music were in boxes.  That needed to change, tonight.

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