Chapter Fourteen

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Jaime's POV:

It was about a week later, my Dad had woken up and always he wasn't completely miraculously healed - he was doing okay. I'd have to go back on tour soon again, but now that he'd been given the all clear I wasn't as worried.

Today we were packing up the bus, we leave tonight. We'll drive all night and by the time we wake up we'll be at our next venue. Although I was off tour for a good reason, I missed it a lot.

I wandered into our bus, looking for one of the guys, I hadn't seem them all day. I noticed Vic at the kitchen, cooking something in the frying pan - which with his cooking skills was never a good thing. Quietly, I snuck up behind him, I pulled out his earphones and shouted boo in his ear and he jumped.

"Ah shit" He said, jumping nearly a mile in the air.

He pulled his other earphone out and clutched at his hand, that he'd just burnt on the frying pan.

"Jaime that was really mean"He said, with a pained expression.

I took his hand and inspected it, it was a fairly big burn considering.

"Here, put it under the water" I laughed, dragging his hand under the tap.

"I think we still have burn cream somewhere from when Mike burnt himself trying to make bacon" Vic said.

I walked off, looking through our supplies. I quickly found the cream ad returned back to our dramatic lead singer. I took his hand and put some cream on it. I glanced up at his face, it was much like a kid's who didn't get dessert after dinner, I began to feel bad.

"Sorry" I said, sticking my bottom lip out.

"You should be, I'm gonna be scared for life" He said, trying to act annoyed at me.

"C'mon, you can't be annoyed at me" I laughed, pulling him into a hug.

I felt him try to wriggle out of the hug, pretending to be serious. As he untangled himself from me, he pretended to scold me. I began to tickle him, before we knew we were on the sofa, I was straddling him, tickling him. I feel as if it's a best friend's duty to know where all their friends worst tickle spots are. He began to tickle us back and somehow flipped us over.

Now he was on top of me, but now the tickling had stopped. His face was centimetres away from mine, a little bit closer and we could-

He suddenly jumped up and went to walk back to kitchen to clean up the mess we had just made. I went after him, catching his shoulder and spinning him around. It was now or never. I crashed our lips together, this kiss was a lot more passionate than any other. Our lips moved in sync, his mouth granted access to his tongue and our tongues began to fight for dominance. He pulled me back towards the sofa and I didn't fight it as we fell on top. Our hips began grinning together as the kiss got stronger, despite me thinking it was impossible. I never wanted to leave this moment. I tangled my hands in Vic's hair, his soft hair. We didn't know where this was going and apparently we didn't care. We heard the tour bus door open, as we sprung apart - breathing heavily. Right on cue, Mike and Tony wandered in - in some argument over what movie was together.

I saw Mike give us a weird glance and then return his attention back to Tony. Mike always seemed clued in, to what was going on around here. No matter how well you tried to hide, it was like a sixth sense he possessed or something.

I sat next to Vic, we sat so close our legs brushed together. But I guess that was just the story of our friendship, always sitting too close.

~I wrote this in Geography so sorry it's short and kinda lame~

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