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(Next day)

I walked into my third period class, and of course sitting in the back was that smoothie kid. He saw me, smiled at me and waved, but I rolled my eyes and sat in the front.
Half way through the period something was thrown at my head. It was a piece of crumpled up paper, and I immediately turned my head towards that guy. His lips mouthed "read it" so I did very unwillingly. It read in pretty bad handwriting

'You probably thought I was lying about having a twin brother yesterday but I wasn't. Look in the other back corner.(Sure enough I did, and there was the kid who spilt his lunch on me yesterday. I looked at smoothie boy and he was giggling at me, then mouthed "keep reading") Wanna talk after class?'

I can't believe they were actually twins...but that just means double trouble. Especially if they are both in my public speaking class, which I hate by the way. Not so much the public speaking part, but it's so boring.

After class, I didn't really wanna talk to him so I got up and sped walked as fast as possible, but my short little legs failed me once again. I felt a large hand cup my shoulder. I spun around towards the boy with the most annoyed face.

"Hey" he nervously kind of a cute way
"..Hi?" I said kind of questioningly just to pretty much end the conversation as fast as possible
"I'm Grayson if you were wondering"
"Oh! Well I wasn't" I gave him another one of the bitchy smiles
"You don't have to act like that" he smirked like he knew something
"Act like what?"
"Rude, sarcastic. I can tell you're not really like that" he wasn't half wrong
"Yeah okay well I have to get to class"

I spun back around and just strutted off. I had this weird feeling he was staring at my ass but I didn't bother to check and see.


After school Juliana and I decided to go to Starbucks to get our homework done together. We walked in and ordered our drinks. I got an iced coffee made with soy milk and no sweetener and she got a double chocolate chip frappucino, and we both got a cookie. We sat down at a table and began the shit load of homework. Soon after we started, I heard the door open but I was facing away from it so I didn't see who stopped in but Juliana's face&gasp pretty much gave it away. I slowly turned around and not only the twins were there but there were two other boys. Haha. Well shit.

I was feeling feisty in the moment so I went straight up to them.
"Okay you serioisly have to stop following me" I just stared right at Grayson.
"Woah Bri calm down" Aaron said. He was a junior like me, and we used to be pretty good friends.
"No Aaron. Grayson and whoever his twin is-"
"Oh I'm Ethan" said the other twin with the biggest smile on his face as he sentenced that in a little kid voice. The guys started laughing; even Grayson who chuckled.
"And ETHAN, have been following the past two days spilling things on me and not leaving me alone"
"We were just coming here so Grayson could get a drink before work" Aaron told me
"And where the fuck do you work?" I asked Grayson
"I lifeguard at the beach, remember?" He smirked at me again, which pissed me off even more by the slightest bit.
"Oh yeahhhh you spilt your smoothie on me" he chuckled
"Whatever just make sure you keep your drink off me." I went back to my seat and let out a sigh.
"Hmph" Juliana giggled
"You think he's cute" she teased.
"I hate you" I shook my head and looked back at my paper
"Noooooo you love me AND Grayson" she continued to tease me but I couldn't be mad at her. I just laughed and shook my head.


It was about 7 o'clock and I decided to go for a walk, just to clear my head and stuff. I got out of bed and just threw my long blonde hair into a messy bun, and walked out the door. I put my earbuds in and put on the song "Onto me" by Gold. I was walking for about a half hour til I reached the beach. 'He can't still be working' I thought, so I took off my flip flops and walked towards the shore. I decided to stop at a spot that was pretty empty, except for a couple having a little dinner more up on the sandy part of the beach. I sat down and just watched the water. I love doing this around sunset to see the colors reflecting on the water. But, I was rudely interrupted.
"Hi there" I glanced to my right, and of course there was Grayson. I sighed and rolled my eyes and started to get up, when he cupped my shoulder again and I sat back down.
"Seriously? You're going to leave again?" He asked, sort of offended
"Well you're ruining my quiet time."
"I knew it" he smiled
"Knew what?"
"You aren't really this ice cold chick."
"And what makes you think I'm not?"
"Ice cold people don't have 'quiet time'" he was right...but I couldn't let him know that
"Well this ice cold girl does, and you ruined it" I actually managed to stand up and start walking back towards the street, but Grayson also quickly stood up and faced me
"Brianna Aaron told me you're not normally like this. He told me you're actually really sweet" he shouted. I stopped in my tracks and turned towards him. He was almost a silhouette with the sun half behind him. I walked towards him so that now there was about a foot between us.
"You asked about me?" I said half angrily half shocked
"Well yeah. I wanted to know what you were actually like, so maybe I could break this act you're putting on." He seemed genuine.
"And what happens if you did break the act?"
"I would like to be friends. Maybe I would fall for you" he smiled. It made me blush
"Maybe we can be friends" I teased "but one rule" I said strictly
"You CANT fall for me."


Hope you guys liked this chapter! I'm so so sorry it took so long to update. I'll try to update fast for future chapters.

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