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"Babe I don't know what to wear" The text from Grayson read. I chuckled to myself
"Gray it's just my grandma. Wear whatever you're comfortable in"
"But I need to make a good impression, should I wear a button up shirt?"
"Do you normally wear button up shirts?"
"No but ugh"
"haha aw gray seriously don't worry about it. In wearing leggings and my tee shirt so just wear like khaki shorts and a solid tee shirt"
"this is why I like you"

I found it so funny how freaked out Grayson was about dinner with my grandma. It was cute how he wanted to make a good first impression on her. I went downstairs and started to begin cooking the macaroni and cheese along with the pancakes. Soon I got a text saying Grayson was on his way here.

Not long after, the doorbell rang.
"ILL GET ITTTT" Emily screamed. She loved to embarrass me but I found it funny to see people's reactions. She swung the door open and I heard Grayson's voice
"Woah there" he chuckled
"Hi Ethan!!!!" She shouted and I think threw herself into his arms
"I'm Grayson..Ethans my twin" I heard him say
"Aw Ethan's the cute one" I thought that was rude so I yelled
"Is that a Bri I here?" I could feel his smirk. He does that a lot and it drives me crazy.
"Haha, come in Grayson"

By this point I'm surprised my grandma hasn't said anything. He walked into the kitchen, and from where I was you are able to just walk right into the family room where my grandma was located.
"Grandma this is Grayson, Grayson this is my grandma" I said introducing them. She peeped her head over the couch, and he sweetly smiled
"Nice to meet you ma'am" he told her walking over to her to shake her hand
"Wow you're very handsome" she made him blush, maybe even more then I did. I smiled at them already getting along, when I noticed the pancakes were ready. I made us all of our plates, and set the table.
"Okay dinner is ready!" I said. Grayson helped my grandma off the couch and into her chair. Then he looked at me and made a little nervous face. I mouthed "you'll be fine" and we all sat down.

I grabbed the peanut butter and started to spread it on my pancake. I could feel Grayson giving me a weird look, so I glanced up at him. I was right.
"Got something to say?" I asked
"Peanut butter on your..pancakes?" He was staring at the pancake now covered in smooth creamy peanut butter
"She has always done that. I'm not sure why but she turned out a weird child" my grandma added. Thanks. But it made Grayson laugh so I didn't mind her little insult. I never really did to be honest.
"So Grayson what do you do for fun honey"
"Uhm I like to hang out at the beach, I'm actually a lifeguard there" he said a bit nervous that my grandma was now trying to make conversation with him
"Oh Bri you got a lifeguard boy? No wonder"
"Grandma I swear" I said laughing with food in my mouth, my grandma and I are always sarcastic to each other and laugh. I can't even remember the last time we've ever fought or I've gotten upset with her.

My grandma kept asking Grayson questions about his life, and after a while he seemed to ease more into dinner. He wasn't as nervous and he laughed a lot more. Eventually we all finished eating, and I needed Grayson's opinion.
"So how was your first dinner of pancakes and mac and cheese?" I asked, taking his cleared plate away so I could wash it.
"Surprisingly really good" he replied with a half laugh
"I'm glad you enjoyed it sweetie. Bri I approve!!" She said walking away from the table. I looked at Grayson and he had such a relieved look on his face. Walking into her room I heard her muffle
"Not that you care anyway"
"Oh shush" I said smacking her ass. That's another one of our things. She started to cackle
"Well Grayson Hun it was great to meet you and I hope I didn't scare you too much. It's about time for me to go into bed so goodnight! I hope to see you soon"
"Goodnight mrs. loomy. It was so nice to meet you" he smiled. She walked into her room and shut the door.

I was washing the dishes when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist from behind, and a head rest on my shoulder. I felt Grayson's hot breath on my shoulder and a little onto my chest and it gave me chills.
"I won her over yayy" he whispered, causing me to giggle.
"Yes you did, plus you won me over" I put down the dishes and turned to face him. He was about two inches from my face, and I just wanted to kiss those lips.
"Wow I must be good" he teased, and I smirked back at him. I thought he was about to lean in, when we heard Emily coming down the stairs. I turned back around to continue doing the dishes, and he grabbed some and started to help me with them.

After we got done with the dishes, it was time for him to get home.
"I had a really great time tonight, your grandma is so sweet" he stood infront of the door
"I'm excited for our real first date" I smiled
"That reminds me, you can dress up a little bit for the date. Not too fancy but just a little more dressy"
"Grayson please don't take me for anything expensive" I pleaded
"I do what I want" he started to leave and I grabbed his muscular arm
"Gray really, don't" I said seriously
"Trust me it's going to be great, don't worry about it"
"Do I at least get a hug?" I asked, holding out my arms. He turned back and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in. He smelt soooo good. I was taking in his smell when I felt my feet lift off the ground
"Grayson put me down!" I whisper shouted while giggling. I could feel his smile against my cheek.

When I was back down on the ground, he smiled at me sweetly, waved, and was out the door. I shut the front door behind him and walked into my grandmas room to check on her
"You alright grandma?" I asked
"I'm great! Grayson is a very sweet boy. Did he go home?"
"Yeah he just left. I'm happy you like him"
"I'm happy you found someone to spend your time on" she smiled. Shit. I still have to tell him.
"Thanks gram. Goodnight" I went over and kissed her on the cheek, then walked out and closed her door. Emily was watching tv in the family room
"Hey em don't stay up too late" I told her
"I won't, oh and don't think I didn't see you with Grayson doing the dishes. You were about to kiss" I was a bit shocked but then again I wasn't
"He wasn't going to kiss me" I blushed
"It seemed like it. But goodnight" she never took her eyes off the damn TV. But I walked up to my room and did my homework. Then I got in the shower and cleansed myself. I blow dryed my hair and put it into two French braids for tomorrow. I finished doing my night routine and crawled into my warm bed. Checking my phone, I saw Grayson's tweet.
'Had an amazing time tonight :)'

I favorited it. I tweeted
'So happy with how tonight went'
And happily fell asleep.


AWWWWWW writing this chapter made me super happy :) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING. Keep on reading and I love your comments, they are great feed back. I'll try and post real soon :) xoxo

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