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I stood there; frozen like a rock. I seriously didn't expect Grayson to tell me he had feelings for me...I guess I didn't want to believe it. I was still for about a good ten seconds, looking at the ground past gray. He had a very concerned face

"Bri...please say something" he said, his voice cracking in nerves. The sentence broke my stare contest with the ground, and now my eyes connected with his. I stood there for about four more seconds, and finally spit out the words
"I told you not to fall for me"
"B-but I thought you liked me too" he huffed in between words
"Brianna I'm sorry I fell for you but I can't help it. I thought you wanted me-" I cut him off by rushing
"I gotta go" I walked past him, knowing he would turn around
"Brianna!" He yelled, but I ignored him. I just wanted to go home.
"BRI" he shouted louder, me still ignoring him, trying not to choke on the huge lump in my throat.


Grayson ended up dropping the girls off at our house. He asked for me to come to the door but I told my sister to tell him I wasn't home. I wanted to lay in bed and think on my own.

'Hey! I saw you were with Jack. You aren't dating him are you?' Julia sent me a message.
'No lol'
'Oh okay! I just wondered because you called him babe and stuff haha. Anything else up?' I decided to spill the beans
'Grayson fell for me..'
'I know Bri.'
'No Juliana like he just told me he likes me.'
'What did you say!?!?'
'I said I had to go and walked home. Ugh I don't know what to do!'
'Do you like him?'
'Yeah...I think so..'
'Then be with him' she responded. I was shocked at her advice
'Wait what?'
'Brianna just be with him. I know I said don't at first, but I want you to spend your time with people who make you happy. Not you being miserable.'
'Thank you' I responded, and didn't get a reply back.

I still wasn't sure if I wanted to be with Grayson. I didn't want to hurt him but I knew I would at some point if I got together with him. I went downstairs to talk to my grandma about it but saw that she was already asleep. I was kind of upset about it, knowing that my grandma would definitely have the best advice for me. I just decided to leave her be and try and fall asleep.

Falling asleep was quite difficult with Grayson constantly messaging me. I woke up to three missed calls and 13 text messages, all pretty much saying how he wanted me to call him asap. I didn't though. I still didn't know what to say. How to react. If I should say anything. That's how I knew school today would be difficult.

I got out of bed and got into the shower. I quickly shampooed and conditioned my hair and washed my body clean. Once I got out I finished washing my face up, then did my everyday make up (just foundation,concealer,pencil&liquid eyeliner and mascara) and brushed my teeth. I went back into my room and picked out my outfit for the day, which was my dark washed jeans, my brown knee-high boots and my long navy blue sweater. I paired that with my necklace that had a cross on it, brushed my hair and I was ready! Just needed some breakfast.

I rushed downstairs to get an apple and made myself some iced coffee for my ride to school. I grabbed my back pack and my phone and I was out the door on my penny board. I loved riding that to school, that way I didn't have to deal with the bus and I had a nice peaceful time before school started. But that peaceful time ended once I went up to my locker with Juliana.
"Hey!! So are you and Grayson a thing???" She asked, moving her eyebrows up and down rapidly. I chuckled
"No, I haven't answered him yet" I looked at the ground in embarrassment
"BEE!?" She whisper yelled
"WHAT!!" I did the same back
"You can't just leave him hanging like that!! He's probably miserable!"
"I know I know! I wanted to talk to my grandma about it but she was sleeping and I didn't have time this morning!" I said to her
"Oh my gosh he's coming over here right now!!" She said nervously
"Oh fuck I'm gunna go but cover for me" I whispered, and I walked away to hide behind the corner of the hall

"Did she really rush off because of me?" I heard him ask Juliana. She must have nodded, because I heard Grayson sigh. I felt horrible, but I just didn't know what to say..
"Grayson she's in a really difficult place right now, but I promise she'll let you know soon" Juliana explained
"What do you mean difficult?? Is she okay?"
"She will talk to you, I promise." She chopped off the sentence, shut the locker and walked away. As she walked past me, I mouthed thank you, and she smiled at me. I peeped around the corner to see gray, and he looked as if he were about to cry...damn I felt so guilty.


The rest of the day I didn't run into Grayson at all, but I couldn't stop thinking of him. I just wanted to get home and talk to my grandma.

Once I did get home, I ran right in the house and shouted
"Grandma!? Are you here I need to talk to you"
"Yeah Hun! Is everything okay?" I started tearing up but I never actually cried.
"You know that boy Grayson?"
"Did he hurt you?" Her face immediately turn straight and serious
"No...he told me he liked me and wanted to be my boyfriend...and grandma I don't want to hurt him but I really like him too"
"Awe baby" she pulled me in for a hug and rubbed my back
"You're a smart girl sweetie, just take your time and you will know what's right"

That was very cliche but she is always right. I went up to my room to go think about Grayson, like I wouldn't have had a choice. I checked my phone, and saw I had a snapchat from Ethan. I opened it, and it was a picture of Grayson lying in bed, almost in tears with the caption
'He needs you'

It broke my heart. I felt it tear in half. I knew what I wanted to do. I grabbed my jacket and my penny board, and headed off to the dolans house. It took me a little while to gather up the courage to go up to the door, but I did it. Ethan answered the door, and we stood staring at each other for a hot second. Breaking the silence, he said
"I'll go get him"
I rubbed my hands together, trying to get the sweat off them from my nerves.


IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IVE HAD WRITERS BLOCK. And I'm sorry this chapter isn't that great :/
Tysm for 700 reads!!

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