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"No. No. I'm not going" I told her, shaking my head and making my way to the door to change. Unfortunately she stepped into my of the door
"Bri please??"
"Why do you wanna go so bad?"
"Ethans gunna be there and I think he's really squad will be there so it's not like I'm leaving you all alone! And you can hang out with Grayson"
"But I don't WANT to hang out with Grayson. I wanted to hang out with you my best friend" I didn't mind Grayson..I just didn't want to get attached.
"And we will!! I promise after this party it's me and you all weekend" I thought for a second. A party did sound fun. She was looking at me with pleading eyes
"Fine" I rolled my eyes. A huge grin appeared on her face and she jumped to hug me. I giggled and said
"Okay okay let's go" I grabbed my clutch and we were out the door.
"Are you sure my hair looks okay like this?" I asked Juliana, I never did my hair, it was in the same top knot with baby hairs framing my face.
"Yeah! It makes it look like you didn't try too hard."

We were in the car on the way to the twins house. I felt sick. My stomach was turning every which way. I didn't know why, I shouldn't be so nervous.

We pulled up to a pretty good sized house, and got out of the car. We walked in, and there was loud music booming, good music though. We kinda just stood in the doorway taking in the party, when Ethan walked up to us.

"You guys came??"
"Yeah!" Juliana said smiling.
"You guys both look amazing" Ethan drooled (not literally) but only looking at Juliana, I knew he only said both of us so I didn't feel bad. I didn't really care all that much.

I found out squad, and ran over to them with Juliana behind me. We all hugged and started to dance with each other. Guys attempted to dance with us but we kind of brushed them off. Especially me. I was in no mood to party and grind on some random. I was getting really thirsty so I squeezed my way through the crowd and made my way to the kitchen, which was slightly quieter than the dance floor. I was sipping on some water, when I felt someone put their arm around my shoulders. I glanced up to see Grayson standing there, drinking some soda.

"Is this the part where you try and get me to dance or try and get me upstairs?" I sarcastically asked.
"How about both?" Grayson smirked at me. I couldn't tell if he actually meant it or not. I scoffed at him
"Well there's no way that's happening." I grabbed a little sandwhich from the platter
"Okay, fine. I'll go dance with someone else" he teased, I think. It was very nonchalant.
"Wait Grayson" he turned around and lifted one eyebrow
"Who are you going to dance with??"
"I don't know. I'll find someone in there" he laughed, as if it was a stupid question. He had a bad attitude tonight, and it pissed me off even more. I was on my way to go act to the dance floor when someone spilt their soda all over me....of fucking course, another spill. Now I just wanted to go home, even if Juliana just dropped me off and went back to the party. I just didn't want to be here.

I walked towards where Juliana and the squad was, and searched the crowd. I found Juliana, but she was dancing with Ethan. I couldn't ruin her moment, she seemed like she was having such a good time. The twins house wasn't too far from mine, close enough to walk and get back home by the time the party was over. The only thing was to get to the door, the only way was to push through the massive crowd of party people. I tried to go as far away from my friends and Juliana and Ethan as possible so I didn't distract them. I was getting more and more pissed as people just didn't make way for me to get through. I had to squeeze through people grinding, including Grayson. I didn't realize but I think I touched his butt, and he turned around and yelled to me over the music

"I knew you wanted to dance with me"
"You fucking wish" I scoffed, and squirmed away. I was finally through the crowd and out the door. I fixed my dress and hair and started walking towards the sidewalk. I got about half way between the twins house and their neighbors until I heard my name. Great. What now. I thought

"Brianna?" I spun around and saw Aaron sitting on a swing bench.
"Aaron?" I questioned, he wouldn't normally be the first person to call my name.
"What are you doing out here? You seem like the party type" I asked him
"Got sick of it. And where were you headed?"
"Home." I sighed in sync with the word
"Yeah. Home. This party sucks for me and I didn't even wanna come in the first place" I started ranting. Aaron tapped his hand on the bench next to him gesturing for me to sit next to him. I accepted the gesture and sat down, causing the bench to swing a little. I wanted to rant about my bad luck here but I didn't want to annoy the one person who was willing to talk to me, so I remained silent.
"Doesn't this remind you of my 13th birthday party?" He chuckled. Then I remembered it
"The fact that it was just the two of us on the trampoline while everyone was in the pool?" I smiled, remembering this fun time
"Yeah!" He laughed a little harder, causing me to
"Yeah you stayed out of the pool at your own party because I got my period" now we were both laughing pretty hard, talking about the random conversations from the trampoline.
"I miss those times" he said, finally settling down from laughing.
"Same here"
"Why haven't we talked really for two years?" He asked me, acting like the answer wasn't obvious
"Well you started dating Jessica, and she's my worst enemy, you knew that. She bullied me and told me to stop talking to you so I did"
"Well Jess and I are long done"
"I know"
"So now we can be like before bub" he joked, poking me in my side.
"I hope so ace. Those were some good memories" I half sighed. We sat in silence for a bit again, until he offered to take me home. I accepted, I was exhausted and had no reason to go back into that party. I texted Juliana

Me: Hey, Aaron is taking me home, so just come home when you're done!
Juliana: okay but is everything alright!? Are you okay!?
Me: yeah I'm great actually!
Juliana: then why are you leaving early?
Me: I'm really tired and just didn't want to go back in
Juliana: oh okay. And Aaron?
Me: yeah! We talked for a little while and now we are back to being best friends :)
Juliana: awe bee that's great! Just as long as he don't replace me ;)
Me: no one could ever :)
Juliana: good. Well I'll text you when I start driving
Me: okay

Then Aaron and I got in his car and turned on our jams on the radio, and he drove me home. I put on one of our old childhood songs, and we screamed the lyrics and laughed like crazy. I'm so happy I have Aaron back.


Okay I'm not really sure if this is short or not but I feel like more happened in this chapter. What do you think of Aaron and Brianna? Or Ethan and Juliana??

Thank you so much for almost 200 reads!!! I love you guys so much. And I'm so happy I'm getting good feedback from you guys. Hope you keep enjoying the story☺️ xoxo

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