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I woke up the next morning extremely excited, but I didn't feel good at all. My head was pounding and I could barely think straight, I stood up and walked over to my window to see what the day was like.
"Are you ready for Disney!?" Juliana asked skipping into the room. I looked over at her with my dead eyes and a blank expression
"Bee are you okay?"
And it all went black.


I woke up in a hospital bed covered with needles in my arms.
"Hey girl" I heard a soft voice, knowing it was Juliana. Her arms gently wrapped around me.
"Hey" I said groggily
"The twins are here with Emily and Sarah, they are outside" she said. I weakly smiled
"Why are you the only one in here?" I asked
"I wanted time alone with you." She pursed her lips together, trying not to cry but it didn't work that well. Water filled her eyes
"Come here ju" I giggled. She sobbed into my shoulder
"I don't want you to leave me"
"I'm not going anywhere." I reassured
"Brianna I know what happens with cancer okay?"
"People fight it and beat it's ass. You know I'm strong right?"
"Of course I know that, I was always jealous of you for that reason." I giggled a bit
"Bri?" I heard a faint voice say. I looked towards the door and I witnessed Grayson peeping his head in the doorway.
"Come in" I told him smiling, and he did as I said. Behind him came Ethan holding my sisters hand, and Sarah trailed behind them.
"I missed you so much" Grayson rasped as he gently hugged me. I just sighed
"I'm glad you're okay" Ethan said, then Emily wrapped her arms around me.
"I'm sorry I ruined our plans today" I said half giggling and half being serious
"Brianna don't ever be sorry about this, okay?" Gray said with a very straight face. My half smile turned straight, shocked at his reaction
"Can I have some time with Grayson alone?" I asked, I needed to talk to him. He looked up at me a bit confused, everyone silently nodded and walked out the door.

Once the door shut I just glared at him. He felt guilty, I could tell.
"Grayson. Why are you like this" I asked sternly
"Like what?"
"So upset"
"How am I not supposed to be?"
"Because I'm okay" I said half smiling. He still didn't seem to lighten up
"No you're not" I knew that he knew. He knew what was going to happen to me and he didn't know how to handle it
"Gray.." I tried to be more sincere with him
"No. Brianna you're not okay and that's not okay with me"
"Grayson you're going to have to be okay with it."
"How?" His voice cracked, by now I knew he was on the verge of tears
"Live your life, be happy. Don't let me leaving stop you from anything okay?"
"I'm gunna miss you so much" now his tears poured out of his eyeballs. I opened up my arms slowly, and he rushed into them like a little kid, sobbing.
"I know you will." I whispered

He sat there crying for a bit but after he stopped he looked into my eyes. He wiped away his tears and sniffled
"How are you so chill about this?" He chuckled a little which made me happy
"Because I've delt with this my whole life. I expected this day to come, but I know I lived my life happy" I smiled and held his fragile face in my hands
"How are you so happy"
"I had my grandma, Emily and I got along great, all of my friends were there for me, Juliana especially, and then I met you"
"God I love you so much"
"I love you to Grayson but I'm pissed at you"
"What?? Why??" He asked all cute and worried like
"Because I told you not to fall in love with me"

He smirked at me and shook his head, which caused me to stretch my lips into a smile. He leaned in and we softly kissed, perfectly in sync. Then I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in" the nurse walked into my room
"I need you to leave sir I'm sorry, you can visit her tomorrow" she informed him. He gave me puppy dog eyes so I mouthed
"I love you" which made him satisfied enough to be able to leave. Later on I got a text from him
"So you finally said I love you"
'What did you really think I was going to leave you without saying that? I don't just love you Grayson I'm in love with you.'
'You're so amazing. Never forget that'

And with that I fell asleep.


Wow I'm sorry this sucks so much :( but I changed the cover just so it doesn't look so fetus and yes I changed my @ name to match my Twitter
But yeah I've had writers block and wasn't exactly sure what to do with this last part of the chapter soooo I'm sorry this sucks but the last two chapters should be not so cringe

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