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'Hey sweetheart, we are going out today, make sure you wear something warm'
The text from Grayson read.
'Where are we going??' I responded
'It's a surprise babe :)'
'But grayyy I don't have that many warm clothes, they are still at my house'
'I'll bring you a hoodie, okay?'
'Fine. This better be good'

I put on some warm, thicker black leggings. I grabbed a pair of my fuzzy socks, and my beanie with a pompom on top of it. The one thing I couldn't find was a pair of gloves
"Hey Juliana do you have a pair of gloves!?" I yelled down to her
"Uh I should, in my basket in the closet" she explained. I found them and slipped them on, I was just wearing a bigger tee shirt so I grabbed my north face jacket and waited for Grayson to pick me up.
"Going somewhere?" Juliana asked
"Yeah, gray is taking me somewhere"
"Aw, have fun!!"
"Thanks!" I said giving her a little side hug


"Grayson please tell me where the hell we are going" I giggled, putting on his blue hoodie that he gave me5
"Whyyyyyy" I playfully punched him in the arm
"Fine. We are going ice skating" he smirked (imagine his face as this emoji😌)
"What?? Why??" Don't get me wrong I was happy as fuck, but also confused
"Juliana told me some dates that you've always wanted to go on, and I want to take you on as many as possible" his hand touched mine as I blushed from his explanation. I grabbed his hand and our fingers were intertwined all the way til we reached the ice skating place.

Once we got there we rented some ice skates and put them on. I was so nervous to go on the ice
"Babe I'm scared" he chuckled at me
"Don't judge" he smirked at me, and I shot him a look
Then all of a sudden I felt his hands on my waist pushing me onto the ice. I screeched in shock but we both started to laugh hysterically
"I hate you" I said giggling
"I love you" he whispered in my ear. I smiled and kissed him.


"Im freezing" I stated
"Let's go get some coffee!" He suggested, and he took me to my favorite coffee shop and got me my favorite drink
"Let me guess, this was one of the dates Juliana told you" I said while we sat in the coffee shop. He nodded and giggled
"You're the best you know" I said, looking into his hazel eyes. He blushed and we sat in silence for a bit.
"Let's go"
"Where now" I chuckled. He didn't answer me he just grabbed my wrist and ran.

We ended up somewhere in the middle of nowhere, but there were woods. There was a little open pathway, I figured it was a little walking trail, and I was right. It was beautiful because it was autumn and the leaves were all changing colors on the trees and such.
"This is so pretty" I admired the scene we were strolling through
"So are you" gray told me, pulling me in next to him and making me blush like crazy.
We walked for a while and just talked about random things, until eventually the trail opened up to an empty field, in the middle was a pond. I saw a blanket and a basket next to the pond, and I looked up at Grayson and just had the biggest smile ever.
"I can't believe you" I jumped, running to the picnic basket. He chuckled at my excitement and ran over to me. He packed us turkey subs, some chips and apples.

"You look funny eating apples" he said
"Shutup!!! Everyone says that" I shouted, acting upset
"Okay I'm sorry babe" he rubbed the small of my back which gave me chills. I didn't say anything because I wanted to play around with him.
"Babeeee" he whined. I was forcing myself to hide my laugh in; but Grayson knew what I was doing. I felt his rough hands squeeze my sides, then his fingers wriggled around tickling me like crazy. I squeeled and cackled, so hard I was losing my breath
"I-I can't b-breathe" I struggled to say. He was laughing pretty hard too, but he let go. I lay on the ground out of breath so he scooched next to me. We just layed there in silence. I almost fell asleep, when Grayson stood up and started packing things up.
"Where are we going now?" I grogged
"My house" he had the cheesiest smile across his gorgeous face


We watched movies for a while, even built a fort in the middle of his living room. We ordered some pizza and bought a shit load of candy from the gas station to have a little more of a movie night. That day was perfect. He fit five of my favorite types of dates in one day, and he made them perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.
"Grayson." I randomly said softly in the middle of watching the Lorax
"Yeah Bri?" My head was on his chest while his arms were wrapped around me and our legs intertwined with each other. I lifted my head up to look into his eyes.
"I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend" I told him genuinely. I think I saw him blush a bit
"Seriously, today was amazing, thank you" I said again.
"Of course" he slowly leaned in and our lips touched softly, but perfectly. After we both pulled away, Grayson jumped up
"Oh! I almost forgot your last surprise" he gasped, getting up and walking to the kitchen
"There's more?" I giggled, following him and grabbing another piece of pizza. I took a bite and watched him shuffle through a bunch of paper
"Here it is. Read it" he handed me a sealed envelope. I gave him a 'this is sketchy' look, and he gestured towards the envelope.

I began opening it, and once I got it open there was a piece of paper inside with two smaller pieces, looking like tickets. The piece of paper was a letter so of course I read it (duh)

" didn'" I was freaking out, Grayson laughing at my reaction
"You seriously got tickets to Disney world!?" I asked, shaking hysterically
"Me, you, Juliana, Ethan, the guys, Emily and Sarah. We leave tomorrow." He smiled
"Tomorrow?? Like tomorrow!?" I said still freaking out, which caused him to laugh even more. He nodded his head
"Yeah babe"
"OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU" I yelled, jumping into his arms and wrapping my legs around his torso. He spun me around in total shock at what I just said. Once he put me down, he grabbed my jawline with both hands and pressed his warm forehead against mine.
"I love you too" he whispered. I lifted my face and smashed my lips onto his.

"IM HERE HELLO" Juliana yelled walking in with Ethan, but got wide eyed when she saw what was going on
"She got da tickets! Bro you told her!" Ethan excitedly said
"Yeah bro!"
"You excited?" She asked me
"Well duh!"
"It was so hard to keep it from you! But we gotta go it's getting late" she said. I kissed Grayson goodbye as she hugged Ethan, and we both went back to her house.


And I'm almost done with this story, but coming up is an Ethan fanfic AND an imagine book, so I'm excited :)) keep voting!! Love you guys xoxo

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