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I was sitting on my bed eating a piece of pizza and watching YouTube videos on my laptop waiting for Juliana to get home. It was about midnight when I heard the front door open. She came right upstairs and quietly entered my room. I paused the video and looked up at her.

"Hey! How was the party?" I semi-whispered. She smiled.
"It was fun. I'm sorry you didn't wanna go back in! It would've been even better with you!" She said while undressing herself and getting into her pjs. I was already in my big tee shirt and panties so I was all good.
"Anything happen with Ethan??" I teased
"Nah nothing really. We just danced for a while and talked a bit"
"Yeah 'talked'" I air quoted. She scoffed and threw a pillow at me and we both laughed.
"So what's up with you and Aaron?" She asked me
"Well I was going to walk home and he stopped me, so I sat next to him on the swinging bench thingy and we talked about his 13th birthday and became friends again! So he offered me a ride home and I accepted the offer"
"Yay! I'm happy you guys are friends again. Especially because you can make Jessica angry as fuck"

We both laughed then decided to watch a scary movie together. We fell asleep around 3 in the morning, but it turned out to be a great night.


I woke up around 10:30 and checked my phone. I had 32 text messages, one from Grayson and the rest from a group chat with the squad.

Grayson: hey friend! Heard you left my party early last night, couldn't handle me huh?

I didn't reply. I don't wanna talk to him right now. Maria started the group chat

Maria: hey guys! Who's up for a surf today?? At around 3 I can go

The rest of the messages were everyone replying. I loved surfing. It's something I've loved since I moved here and lived down the street from the beach. Our whole squad loves to do it and we are all pretty damn good. I'm just not sure if I'm physically able.

Me: I think Juliana and I can come

I replied. I woke Juliana up by slapping her, and I told her the plan

"But bee what if you don't feel good?"
"Easy, I just stop"
"Alright then."

There was one last thing that still bothered me. Grayson's a lifeguard.

We ate breakfast and got dressed. We both wore one pieces because it's really hard to surf in a bikini, and I wore some denim shorts with a black cami. Juliana wore white denim shorts with a blue cami. We were almost out the door when I got another text from Grayson.

Grayson: bri I'm just joking around okay? I'm sorry don't ignore me. We haven't talked since yesterday

I still ignored him. To me that isn't a long time at all. We went to make sure my grandma was okay with us leaving, our caretaker came already so she was fine. The caretaker normally comes on weekends because that's when we are out at night. My sister does online school so she's always home during the week but on the weekend the kids down the street normally ask her to sleepover.

Somehow we all arrived perfectly at the same time. We all hugged and grabbed our boards. We all ran down the beach and stopped about midway to put our stuff down. As I was undressing myself, I saw Grayson. He was staring at me, from a lifeguard chair that was one down from the one we set up next to. I just glared at him, while he pleaded me with his eyes. I didn't care. Or I had to show I didn't. We all grabbed our boards and ran into the water. We paddled through the waves and sat on our boards. I got a couple really great rides in, until Ethan, Aaron and I think his name is jack, rolled in. I was paddling back when I heard their chants at me. I looked at them, rolled my eyes but smiled.

"I can do better than that!!"
"Come on bri show us what you really got!!" They teased
"Shut up and you do it!" I yelled back. They started to run up to our boards. Ethan tipped Juliana over and jack and Aaron went after a couple others. They tried to tip me but I stuck my foot out.

"Okay okay well stop" Ethan held his hands up in surrender. The other guys went to go tip the rest of the girls over. We were laughing pretty hard. Once we stopped Ethan broke our tiny silence
"So Grayson tells me you're ignoring him" he said
"I don't know if I would call it ignoring" I just kept my eyes out in the distance, looking for a wave
"What would you call it then?"
"Just not answering at the moment"
"Well could you at least tell him why? You're killing him bri"
"He shouldn't have been a jerk last night." I shrugged my shoulders and tried to say that as chill as I could
"Yeah I admit he can be a little cocky sometimes but he really likes you bri" he had his arms rested on the edge of my board. I finally looked at Ethan.
"Ethan I don't want to talk to people like that. I don't have time."

Ethan looked back at Grayson and so did I. He was staring right at us, probably waiting for me to paddle back to him and give him a big hug. But nope. I paddled forward, I saw the best wave coming. I turned around and paddled till I got the best spot to stand up, and when I did, I slayed it. I rode it all the way in, and after that I decided that was enough for one day. I brought my board up to where we set our stuff down and unattached it from my ankle. I knew Grayson would come running to me, and I was right. As I was drying myself off I felt a poke on my left shoulder. I turn around. Surprise! It was Grayson.

"Uh..hey" he said awkwardly. I fake smiled and turned back around. He grabbed my shoulder and forced me to turn around again
"Bri why are you ignoring me?"
"Because you were being a total jerk last night AND this morning!" I yet again turned around to put my towel back in my back and organize a few things. He kept talking to me.
"Bri I'm sorry I didn't realize I was being so rude to you and that you didn't need it."
"Oh you mean you couldn't tell I was already pissed enough last night so you continued to text me this morning and act like you're the shit?" I now was facing him, and was pretty close to him. Maybe a good six inches from his chest, which was my eye level so I looked up at him.
"I'm sorry it won't happen again" he sighed in sync with the sentence. I stood there and stared at him a couple seconds. I wanted to accept the apology. I wanted to be friends with him. But I couldn't. I had to be smart about spending my time with certain people.
"You're right it won't happen again because I'm done talking to to you" I stomped away and when over to the game of volleyball that the squad was playing. I felt bad but I didn't want to spend my time talking to people who piss me off. So I continued playing volleyball while I left Grayson standing there on the beach alone.


Yay I updated again!! How do you feel about this one? Xoxo

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