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Us three girls shopped around for about 2 hours. They wanted to try on a bunch of clothes, so I figured why not. We couldn't buy anything, we didn't bring enough money, so we just fooled around and had some fun. All that fooling around made us pretty hungry so we stopped at a little concession stand

"Can we have three bags of chips and three lemonades" I asked the worker
"That'll be 9.68" they responded
"I'll get that" a familiar voice said
"Jack?" I looked at him and smiled. He handed the worker a $10 bill and smiled back at me
"You didn't have to do that" I told him
"Yes I did" still smiling
"It's the gentleman thing to do"
"Well thank you" I kissed his cheek, and he seemed to blush a bit
"So what are you doing here alone?" I asked him, simultaneously reaching for my lemonade and bag of chips and the girls did the same
"I was craving some lemonade so I came down here and got some and now I've just been walking around"
"Oh alright then" I giggled
"Thank you!!" Both girls said in unison
"No problem!" He said to them
"Really though thank you" I told him. He just smiled at me. He had an adorable smile with those cute dimples of his.
"Take a snap with me" I took out my phone and pulled up snapchat. I faced the camera towards us and we took a selfie together, with my lemonade straw in my mouth

'Babe bought me lemonade' I captioned it.
"Brianna can we walk the boardwalk?" Sarah asked
"Yeah! Jack you wanna come?" I asked him
We all headed towards the boardwalk. The boardwalk had a couple free rides, the rest you had to pay for. It had the typical boardwalk dock, and a couple more shops. It also had these bike things that you could use to go down the beach. Jack was going down the dock dancing and I was snapchatting all of it. He was making laugh uncontrollably, along with Emily and Sarah. We got to the end of the dock and the view was beautiful, with the blue sky and waves in the background
"Hey Bri, wanna take a picture together?" He asked me
"Of course!" I excitedly squealed. I handed Emily my phone and went next to Jack, and for our pose we hugged each other with our cheeks pressed together

"Here let me see" I said, grasping my phone back
"Awee we look so cute!"
"Well, you look so cute" Jack whispered into my ear. I blushed pretty hard..and before I could say anything, Sarah was asking me to do the bike carts. Jack agreed to do it with us, so we grabbed one. Again, I HAD to snapchat the ride. It was hilarious, Jack would say the most random things to people as we rode by, and we were screaming "drag me down" by one direction. I was surprised he knew every word.
"What?" He asked as I was giving him a weird stare
"You're a directioner" I teased
"Well so are you"
"Nope, I just like the song" I laughed at his embarrassed face.
"It's okay Jack, it's adorable" I squeezed his cheeks playfully and he giggled.

Our hour bike ride was up and the girls wanted to go on the couple of free rides.
"You guys can go, but I think I'm going to sit this one out" I said
"What? Why?" Jack questioned
"I have a stomach ache, but it's nothing trust me! Just don't feel like going on a ride right now"
"Well I don't wanna leave you alone here" Jack said to me
"No Jack come on the rides with us!!!" The girls begged. Jack looked at me as if he were asking permission to go with them, and I nodded. I just stood outside the gate and watched them rush towards the Ferris wheel. I heard my phone buzz

'Looks like you're having a good time with Jack.' Grayson texted
'Yeah! Why?' I replied, genuinely confused
'He's your babe now?' He texted back. I chuckled a bit out loud at the message
'Gray it was a joke, we aren't dating'
'Oh' what was up with him?
'You okay??' I asked
'Yepp. Have fun.'

That was weird, he's not the one to be salty about things. But I let him be, it might have just been a bad mood.

I watched them go on three more rides, and giggled to myself because Jack was adorable with them. Surprisingly, I know they can get quite annoying so that impressed me. They came off so happy that Jack went on with them
"We HAVE to go on more rides with him" they said
"I'm sorry girls I gotta get home though" I didn't blame him for trying to get out of it
"Aweee" they whined
"Thanks for hanging with us though" I added. He grinned at me
"I had fun" he winked, causing me to blush
"Bye Jack!" Sarah said hugging him, then Emily followed
"Bye!" He said sweetly, and he walked off
"We should probably get home too, it's close to dinner time" I told them
"Okay, can we walk the beach way though?" Emily asked
"Yeah we have to go get our stuff" I said

We walked down by the water and headed towards our towels and bags. I put it by the lifeguard chair because I knew no one touches anything by the lifeguard chair, they aren't allowed. So I wasn't nervous leaving our things there all day, even if Grayson wasn't there. And to my surprise...he was. He was picking up the trash around his area on the beach.
"Hey Brianna can we go in the water one last time?" Emily asked me. I told them yes, it would give me some time to talk to gray a little
"I thought you said Sunday's were your day off?" I teased him. He looked back at me, kinda pissy looking, and sassed
"Is it bad to keep my area clean?"
"....No..." I said hesitantly. He was acting weird
"Good" he chopped.
"Gray what's up?" I rested my hand on his shoulder again, but he shook it right off
"Nothing." He chopped again
"Really. Come on." I said, folding my arms. Now it was me who was getting pissy
"Why are you hanging out with Jack and being all over him?" He asked suddenly
"I don't know he's my friend and I bumped into him at the concession stand" I explained
"So you just had to hang out with him?" He shook his head, and started walking away from me, but I kept up
"I don't get why I can't just hang out with one of my friends!" I said angrily and confused
"I just don't get a good vibe from him okay!?" He yelled back
"Why does it matter!!!"
"I don't want to see you get hurt." Grayson started to quiet down with that sentence, but that didn't stop me from screaming at him.
"Well maybe you should find someone who ISNT a mistake"
"Why are you acting like this??" I asked him. He turned back towards me and looked straight into my eyes. I stopped walking, a bit startled. Throwing his arms up in the air, he yelled
"Because I LIKE YOU"

It was those words. Those four words hit me like a brick...



BUT 400 READS ALREADY!?!? TYSM I love you guys xoxo keep reading :)

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