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Grayson finally moved. He was freaking out. He first buried his face in his hands, then ran his fingers through his hair, then around his chin. Then he started to breathe heavily and rub the back of his head, while his leg shook vigorously.

"W-what??" Was all he managed to spit out
"I've had it since I was 6. About three months ago I was told I have about four months to live. My condition is way worse than my mom or grandmas. I have the worst out of all of us." Grayson was still taking this all in, then he choked
"So I won't be with you forever?" Tears filled his eyes, causing me to tear up as well
"...No...and that's the reason I didn't want to date you. The reason it took so long for me to answer. I was thinking about how much this will hurt you, and I NEVER want to hurt you" I said, then grabbed his hand (which was shaking so hard)
"I'm sorry" was all I could say, before the water from my eyes was spilling down both my cheeks and his. He took his other hand and wiped some of my tears away and whispered
"I love you"
"I love you too" I told him.

"BRI OMG ARE YOU OKAY" Julianas voice shook behind me, and as I turned around she gave me a huge hug. I wiped away my tears, sniffled, and nodded my head.
"Can I see her?" Emily asked me
"Yeah I think, let me check." I went over to the door and peeped it open, and my grandma looked over and smiled at me. I opened the door the rest of the way, and Emily rushed in. The rest of my friends followed

Everything was going okay. My grandma talked with Emily for about 20 minutes, then Emily asked
"So what does this mean about Bri.." Julianas head shot right at me, and I looked at her. I mouthed the words
"I told him" and she looked surprised.
"I'm not sure honey" my grandma responded
"Wait what does this have to do with Bri?" Ethan asked. I looked at Grayson, his eyes were still pained from the news I broke to him. He lead Ethan out into the hallway to tell him.
"So you told him?" My grandma asked
"Yeah.." I finally said
"What did he say?"
"We just cried together"
"So that's why you were crying" Juliana said. I giggled, until Ethan came storming into the room and just wrapped his arms around me. I hugged back, wanting to cry again. As soon as I heard him sniffle, a tear leaked
"It's okay Ethan" I managed to spit out, then he released the hug
"Is it?"
"I'm very sorry guys, but I'm afraid visiting hours are over and you must leave" the nurse interrupted.
"You can stay at my house, both of you" said Juliana
"Thank you" my grandma told her.

We left the hospital, and she invited Ethan and Grayson to her house too, because her parents were away.
"We can all crash in the basement. Emily if you want me to pick Sarah up I can"
"Can you please?" She begged
"Of course"
I sincerely thanked her for doing all of this, I was so lucky to have her.

We were all exhausted from the long day, so we all set up our blankets and stuff in the basement. I got the love seat, Juliana Ethan and Grayson took the floor, while Sarah and Emily shared the couch. I couldn't fall asleep, and I guess Grayson noticed because I felt his rough hand gently touch my shoulder
"You having trouble sleeping" he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I lightly nodded my head and flipped over to face him
"Can you sleep with me?" I said so quietly you could barely hear. Grayson climed over so he was behind me, and he wrapped his strong arms around my body and rested his head on my shoulder. Our fingers interlocked and I was slowly dozing off.
"I really love you" he said
"I really love you" I replied with a smile, and we both fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning with a call from the hospital. And yes, it was the worst phone call you could get
"Your grandmother passed away late last night"
Those words played over in my head like a broken record. Grayson, and I'm pretty sure everyone else woke up to the sound of me sobbing.
"Hey babe what's wrong?" Gray rubbed my shoulder
"She's gone" was all I managed to say. They got the hint. Everyone huddled into a hug around me, nobody said anything, we just hugged. Emily and I cried. Hard. I'm almost positive some of them wanted to cry too. Juliana cried a bit, just because she was close with my grandma too from always being at my house.


One week passed, and it was definitely different. Living with Juliana wasnt the same as living with my grandma obviously, but it still is fun. Emily still hung out with Sara all the time. I just tried living my life normally, but I missed her like crazy.

The funeral was today, and I wasn't sure how I was going to be. I put on my little black pencil dress and straightened my hair so it was poker straight. I didn't do much makeup invade I was going to cry, just some mascara (waterproof of course). I wore black sandal heels and some jewelry. I heard a knock on the bedroom door, it was Juliana
"You ready?" She asked. I looked in the mirror to get one last look at myself. My new, half empty self. I made a heavy sigh and nodded.

We walked downstairs and Emily and Sarah were all ready, so we headed out. When we got there, I greeted all of my friends and family thanking them for coming. I didn't look at the casket yet, I didn't want to greet anyone while I was bawling my eyes out. All of a sudden, I saw four tall boys walk in the funeral home in all black. I smiled at all of them, more than ecstatic that they came.
"Hey you guys came!?" I asked sounding surprised, and giving them all a little hug
"Of course" Grayson said
"I'm really sorry about this" Jack said. I mouthed thank you and gave him another hug.

After the boys walked in just a couple more family members came in, then that was it. I decided to go over to my grandmas casket. I kneeled down on my knees, and folded my hands. I prayed that she was in a better place. I prayed that she safely got to heaven. I prayed that I would be with her soon. I prayed.

I never realized that I was crying, but when I went over to my friends, they wiped my tears. I just giggled at my sad self.
"We are here today to acknowledge the death of Margaret loomy, grandmother and guardian of Brianna and Emily loomy." The priest started his speech. I didn't listen to most of it, until I heard the words
"Brianna, do you have anything to say?"

I stood there for a bit, but Grayson pushed me from the back the tiniest bit to get me moving. I slowly walked up to the podium, and cleared my throat. I took a deep, shaky breath, and closed my eyes.
"My grandma was and is a very special person to me. We had a connection. I didn't know my mom all that well, but everyone says I act more like my grandma than my mom. We never got into a fight, and she always knew what to say. She was my caretaker, and my support of getting me through my cancer filled years.." And now the tears began to fall
"She knew how to keep me going and got me through a lot. But now I only have three more weeks to live, and it's not with her. It is with my amazing, perfect friends, sister, and boyfriend. Of course my family as well. Thank you all so much for everything you're doing for me, and keep her in your prayers"

I was done. I couldn't talk anymore. My throat ached, my eyes burned, and my stomach killed. I wanted to go home.

"That was beautiful" Juliana said, pulling me into her chest. I felt a huge group hug hold me in tight, and I've never been so thankful in my life.

After a little while, Grayson came up to me privately.
"Hey princess how are you feeling?"
"Gray can you take me home?" I pleaded, trying to hold back the rest of my tears. I really just needed some rest. He didn't say anything, just nodded and gently took my hand. He drove us home, and we walked into his house. His parents were at work, so I shuffled over to his couch. He sat down, and I curled up in a ball next to him, with my head in his lap. He just rubbed his fingers through my hair repeatedly; and I slowly dozed off into my nap.


Okay I'm super sorry this is kind of a weird chapter but I'm excited to write the next one!! Keep voting pls:)) xoxo

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