See You Tomorrow

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*Mitch POV*
The room falls deathly silent. Everyone stares at me. I can see it, because my eyes are wide open and staring. Well, not wide. Sort of cracked, I'm still kind of adjusting to the abundance of light.
"Miss me?" I croak, and Kirstie hits me.
"Avi, go get a doctor. Mitch you asshole, you scared the shit out of us! You could have been dead for all we knew! Don't ever do that again" she wails, throwing herself onto me and crying into my stomach. I pull up my hand - which is heavy and hooked to a machine - and stroke her soft blond hair as she cries. Kevin stares at me, tears lining his brown eyes. I haven't seen these faces in months, and not long after tears are falling from my own eyes.

Not long after, Avi enters with a young female doctor who smiles brightly.
"Good morning Mitch, that was one hell of a sleep you had there eh?" I laugh, which just hurts my stomach and makes me cough.
"How are you feeling Mr Grassi?" I groan as she prods and pokes me with different little contraptions.
"I've been better. My head is pounding, my stomach feels like it's being stood on by a thousand tiny people and I'm pretty sure if I sat up right now my entire back side would be on display. So this isn't exactly the ritz." The doctor giggles and I groan at the sickly sweet sound. I look over at my friends, who are currently being ushered out of the room. I've missed them.

A few hours and various tests later, I'm unhooked from all machines except one. She says it's because I could slip back into my coma, but I feel way too awake, I don't think i could at this point.

Kirstie walks in first, followed by her mum and dad, then Kevin and his parents. Then my parents, then Avi and his mum, and finally Scott's parents. They're all holding cards and gifts and they're all crying and staring at me.

"Who's gonna hug me first?" I ask, sitting up slowly, and my mum steps forward, her eyes streaming and red, and squeezes me so hard I thought I might explode.
"I missed you so much baby, I'm so glad you're okay!" She clings on to me for a few minutes, crying into my shoulder as I stroke her back, holding back my own tears.
"I love you mum. I'm sorry, I love you"

Everyone else hugs me and wishes me a get well and eventually they're all sat in the waiting room, leaving me with Mr and Mrs Hoying.
"You probably heard about Scott's recording contract. He was in London this week, I called him a few hours ago so he should be here soon. He's gonna be so glad you're okay Mitch. We all are, you're like a son to us!" Connie hugs me tight, and Rick just stares on smiling.
"Thank you for calling Scott, but I don't think he really car-" I'm interrupted by the very same boy we were just talking about coming through the door looking tired and red.
"Scott honey! We'll give you privacy, we're gonna go home now and I think everyone else is too, visiting hours are close to over now. See you soon Mitch!" I wave goodbye and Scott sits down next to my bed.
"Scott. Nice to see you care enough to break your busy schedule with your new husband" I scoff, staring at the ceiling.
"Mitch, I-"
"I know. You thought I was dead. You love me. All that shit. You told me it all that night you came to visit me, before you moved away"
"You heard that?"
"Yes I did. Did you really love me? Because I loved you Scott, but it sure doesn't seem like you did" he sighs and stares at the TV, and I look at him finally. God I've missed that face. I feel it in my stomach and my heart. This was who i was in love with
"I did love you. I do love you, but i wasn't gonna stand by and watch you die while I was alone. I wasn't going to come back here, not until I found out that you were okay" a few stray tears escape my eyes and I wipe them away quickly.
"I'm in love with you Scott. And that hurts to hear from you" for the first time today we make eye contact, and he stands up and moves closer to my bed.
"Shuffle over" I do as he says and he lays down beside me, grabbing my hand.
"I don't want to hurt you. I love you too Mitch, and I'm sorry I ever hurt you. I'm sorry for everything, you need to know that. I've been selfish and you needed me to be there. I'm sorry, I'll be here for you forever now okay? Until the day you die I'll be beside you, being the best friend, and the boyfriend, and the husband some day you deserve"
"But Alex-"
"Will understand" he cut me off.
"I married him because I love him, but I love you a thousand times more. The way your eyes change colour, and I never know what they are. When it's summer, they're the colour of coca cola with ice. When it's winter, they're the colour of milky cocoa by the fire. When you're crying, they glow like the stars, and they make me want to kiss you and hold you close. And the way your laugh brightens up a room, and your singing sounds like an Angels prayer. You're perfect, and you're all I need" I'm not holding back now, I'm sobbing into him, wrapping my arms around his body, and pulling him closer. We lock eyes and for a second time stops. Suddenly, we're both leaning forward, closer and closer, and we collide. And it's amazing. It's like we're the only 2 people in this hospital. There's no beeping of monitors, no rushing doctors or sick people. Just me and Scott, and that's how I know. This is who I'm meant to be kissing. Not Michael, or anyone else. Scott. He pulls away and reality is restored.
"Holy shit" he whispers, closing his eyes.
"That was amazing" i whisper back, squeezing his hand.

We lay there for a while, not talking, just listening to each other's breathing, enjoying each others company in a different way that we'd never experienced before.
"It's late Mitch, you should go to sleep. You're still not better and you need to hurry up and get better so I can take you out of this hospital on a proper date" i let my heavy eyes drop shut and I squeeze his hand once more, as I feel the world slowly slip away.
"Goodnight, Scott"
"See you tomorrow"

*third person POV*
Those were the last 3 words Scott ever said to Mitch.

So that's the end of that fic! I hope you enjoyed and don't hate me too much. I might post a sequel called "letters to Mitch" which would be scolex. Let me know what you think of that idea
Stay great, and see you soon
Georgie x

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