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"Mitch," a voice asked, breaking the silence. Well, not really silence, but it cut through the sound of chewing.
"Hm?" I replied, looking up with lettuce hanging out of my mouth.
"First of all, it looks like you're really enjoying that salad!" Everyone laughs at Avi's comment, even me. This action, however, causes the little bit of lettuce to fly out of my mouth and land on the table.
"Ew!" Kirstie and Scott move backwards dramatically, making gagging noises as I cover my face in embarrassment and Avi laughs a little louder than he probably intended to.
"That could have landed on me," Scott puts his hand on his forehead in a mock damsel-in-distress pose. Kirstie plays along, putting her arm round him and saying something along the lines of "it's okay your majesty, for he is a prince!"
"That is right my fair lady, now what can I do to seek forgiveness?" Scott opens his mouth to speak before a loud laugh interrupts him mid word. All four of us turn to Avi, all wearing the same "what the heck" expression.
"Little late there, Avriel!" Kirstie teases, and Avi glares.
"Anyway... As I was saying. Mitch, I was just wondering...could we talk in private?" I nod slowly and push my chair out, following him into the hallway.
"So, what's this about?" I ask, slightly worried about his serious tone.
"Hey, I thought it would be awkward to ask in front of everyone else. Heck, it's awkward to ask anyway. So, my brother, he's gay," "I know" I think to myself "I mean it's not like I've had a crush on him for like a year or anything"
"What the hell Avi? I'm not gay, why would you think that?!" I raise my voice at him and he steps back, cheeks red with embarrassment.
"Mitch, don't pull that shit with me, I'm pretty sure the first thing you said when we met was 'I'm Mitch and I'm gay'" I laugh for a second, because that really does sound like something I would say.
"Fair point. Carry on,"
"Anyway, so. My brother. He's been really low recently and I was just wondering if maybe you could, maybe, take him out or something?" As soon as the words leave his mouth, my mind automatically has one thought. "Hell yes". Of course I don't say that though, I play it cool. Pretend like I haven't wanted this moment for over a year.
"Uh, sure. Why not, I can't see any harm in it!"
"Thank you! So okay, his name is Michael, I'll give you his number...here," he hands me his phone with the number on and I punch it into my own phone, planning to call him when I get home from school. 
"Thanks so much, Mitch. I really appreciate it," then I follow him back into the cafeteria and continue eating my salad. Kirstie and Scott look at me expectantly, but I dismiss them with a wave of my hand. I don't need to tell them. Well, I'll tell Kirstie later, of course. Even though Scott is my best friend, I prefer telling Kirstie private things, because she reacts the same way I do - girly. Scott just nerds out with me. It works this way/

When I get home, I flop on my bed with my phone in my hand, hovering my finger above the call button. I've always hated making phone calls, but I'm excited to make this one. Apart from the fact that I've had a crush on this guy for ages and it's almost too good to be true. I will probably end up embarrassing myself. I stare at my phone for a while, before pressing the button and putting my phone to my ear. No going back now.
"Hello?" A deep voice says quietly down the phone.
"Hi, is this Michael Kaplan? My name is Mitch, and I'm friends with your brother Avi? Anyway, he gave me your number and asked me if I would maybe take you out, so that is the premise of this phone call," I mentally slap myself for sounding so awkward.
"Mitch Grassi?" He replies. My stomach flutters a little at the sound of him saying my name. I turn into such a girl when I'm crushing.
"Yeah...how did you know?"
"Lucky guess. Sure, I would love to go out with you! How about, this Saturday you take me for a nice meal and then we go bowling?" I'm a bit taken aback by his pushiness.
"Well actually I was going to-" he interrupts me.
"Perfect, meal and bowling it is. See you at 6 on Saturday!" Then he hangs up the phone and I'm left stunned, staring into the air with my phone still at my ear. What just happened?

Hope you enjoyed! Haven't really got much of an author note to be honest....follow me on twitter I guess? @BollockBlackery.

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