The Proposition

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The second I arrive home, I collapse back on to my bed and exhale slowly. I honestly thought he was a good guy, but clearly not. Every time I've been to their house he was nothing but nice to me, and he seemed so genuine. I can't help but feel let down. If that was our first date, I don't even want to know what he would be like after a while of dating, and I do not want to find out. Even if he is Avi's brother. Speaking of whom, I should probably let him know how it went, I'm sure he's wondering. But the second I'm in my pyjamas, I feel sleep begin to overwhelm me. I'll call him in the morning.


"Mitch, your friend Avi is here!" I'm woken by my mums loud voice echoing upstairs and into my room.

"Give me a minute," I yell back and rip the bed covers off, grabbing sweat pants and a shirt and throwing them on quickly before going downstairs.

"Hey Avi!" I say to my friend, who is sat on the sofa with a glass of water in his hand.

"Yeah. Mitch, I need to talk to you," he replied urgently, and I lead him up to my bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

"What is wrong with you?!" He yells quietly the second I shut the door.

"Whoa, what did I do?"

"Michael told me what happened yesterday!" I gasp, assuming he means the "intentional" distraction, which was a complete accident.

"I fail to see what I did wrong, it was an accident!" His eyes narrow and he stares at me, radiating anger.

"So you 'accidentally' pinned him up against your car and 'acccidentally' tried to force him to have sex with you? 'Accidentally' touched him innapropriately when he asked you to stop? What, did you just 'slip' and the words 'fell' out of your mouth? People like you make me sick. I never expected this, I thought you were a good guy, Mitch!" I can see his eyes start to well up, and I can feel the tears and anger boiling inside me, along with the intake of breath and shocked expression that I can feel on my face.

"Did Michael tell you that? Because that didn't hap-"

"Don't you DARE lie to me! I came here because I wanted an apology, and then maybe I might have forgiven you. But you clearly think I'm stupid. My brother wouldn't lie. You're pathetic!" He turns on his heel and opens my bedroom door.

"Avi wait!" I plead, tears falling freely from my eyes.

"No Mitch. Please, just never talk to me again." And with that, he's gone. I feel my body crumple beneath me, falling on the floor and sobbing. Why would he lie?

After a while, I have started to calm down, and I pick up my phone. I dial Michaels number, and after a couple of  rings, he picks up.

"Mitch, after your little speech yesterday I wasn't expecting a phone call. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I feel my blood boil under my skin.

"You know EXACTLY why I'm calling. What the HELL is your problem? Avi now hates me, so thanks so fucking much!" He laughs down the phone, which only angers me further.

"Yeah, sorry about that, but you rejected me. I don't like that, so I had to do something. I've waited too long to be able to go on a date with you. Yeah, I had a crush on you too. Pathetic, right? It came as quite a shock when you rejected me. There is one thing I can do though. A proposition if you will," I grit my teeth. I hear him chuckle again.

"What?" I ask, teeth still grinding together.

"If you agree to be my boyfriend, I will tell Avi I was lying. Tell him it was my sick idea of a joke, and that you didn't do anything. Or you can say no and reject me again, and I'll tell Avi EVERYTHING that happened yesterday. The way you yelled at me when I scored. When you called me a fucking idiot. When you kicked me, and punched me in the stomach. And other stuff. I know, creative right? So what do you say, Mitchie?" Tears stream down my face and I feel like I'm going to be sick. I let out a sob as I choke out a single word...



Short, I know. But effective, right? So... Michaels a nice guy isn't he?

Hope you enjoyed,

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