Getting ready

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"KIRSTIE," I yell down the phone,
"get here RIGHT NOW! I'm having a crisis!" Then I hang up, without waiting for a reply. Thirty seconds later I hear frantic knocking at the door. See, that's the lucky thing about having your best friend live two doors down - you can invite her over whenever.
"Kirstie? Mitch is in his room!" I hear my mum say and a few seconds later Kirstie bursts into my room looking panicked.
"Mitch, why did you need me so quickly and why aren't you wearing any clothes?" I look down and sure enough I was stood there in my boxers. In my haste, I had forgotten to put clothes on.
"Never mind about my clothes, you've seen me naked before. Anyway, I have a date in an hour /WITH MICHAEL/ and I have absolutely no fucking clue what to wear. What if he dresses up and I dress down? Or vice versa? What does he wear to school? He doesn't go to our school so how would you know. God I need to calm down." She looks at the clothes I have in my hands, a pair of black skinny jeans and a pink and purple top with the word "anamanaguchi" in yellow lettering.
"Okay, say no more. So, the jeans are a yes because they're the only things you actually own. But the that top is a disaster waiting to happen, unless you want him to think you don't care about the date. How about this?" She picks up a blue and black checkered top and I grimace.
"I haven't worn that since I was like five hundred stone. No," she stares at me pitifully, knowing I used to be insecure.
"This?" I hold up a black top with a gold pattern. She stares for a few seconds, before telling me to put it on. I do so, with the jeans as well.
"Perfect! Now - shoes?" I pick up a beaten old pair of black vans.
"No, you wear those all the time. Where are those sneakers you bought, with the fur stuff? Or wait, hold on" she runs downstairs and into her house. She returns with a shoebox. Inside are a brad new pair of black vans, my size.
"Kirstie, you are not a size 10. Who's are these?" She shrugs.
"My dad left them when he left my mum. I kept them in my wardrobe, I was kinda hoping he would come back and get them. But now, frankly, I don't want him anywhere near me. Mum said she doesn't mind so...a gift to you," her eyes well up slightly and I pull her for a hug.
"He was an asshole for leaving," I whisper soothingly in her ear, and she mumbles a small thank you before pulling away.
"Anyway, try them on!" So I do. And they match the whole outfit perfectly! I smile at my reflection, because for once in my life I like what I see. I style my hair and spray it, before putting a bit of concealer and pressed powder on. Kirstie laughs from behind me, and I turn quickly on my heel.
"What are you laughing at?" I ask defensively, my powder in one hand and brush in the other.
"You're such a girl. Now wear that jacket I bought you for Christmas, and use protection. I gotta go!" I roll my eyes and hug her with one arm, turning immediately back to my mirror.
"Bye Kirstie, I'll text the details later!"
"Leave out anything graphic. Actually, don't. Love you, bye!"
"Shut up you perv, love you too!" And she's gone. I look at my watch, half past 5. I shrug on my jacket and grab my phone, wallet and keys, before going downstairs and joining my mum in the lounge.
"Hey mum. I'm off out in a bit, do you need anything on my way back?"
She turns away from the tv and smiles.
"No thank you sweetie. Have a good time, and don't do anything I wouldn't do!" And with that, I'm gone. I've still got half an hour, so I drive around for a bit, before pulling up in front of Avi's house.

Taking a deep breath, I knock on the door, and it slowly opens. No going back now.

So, he's going on his date. Hopefully we will see how it goes soon!
Hope you enjoyed,

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