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"Once in a lifetime opportunity!"

"Sorry honey. I tuned you out like five minutes ago." Kc said to her best friend.

"You have to take this test kc. When we go to school tomorrow we have to do it!"


"We'll be in high school and graduate two years early!"

"And if we fail?"

"We do more than just academics kayce."

"Fine. I'll do it."


The next morning kc was anxious.
"Loosen up kid. You got tons of smarts up there."

"Okay for an English major. You need to work on it."

"You are my sister."

"Yep. And mom has the videos to prove it."
The sisters cringed in remembrance of the birth videos.

"Good luck biggie."

"Luck? Luck's for suckers."

"Kayce!" Her best friend ran up to her and gave her a hug.

"Hi honey." She hugged her back and sniffed her hair.
"Your hair smells good."

"Thank you love." She smiled when they let go.

"What's wrong?"

"How do you manage to look good in everything?"

Kc hid her blush. "Come on Shay. My shoes don't match."
She looked down at her shoes.

"But you make it work!"

"Thanks honey. You look good too."

"Don't lie to me."

"Shay. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." Kc brought up the courage to say it.

"Aw. Thanks!" Shay said as her attention went to a redhead talking to his friends.

"Yeah. No problem." Kc was discouraged.
/you know she's not gay./ she thought. /but you also know hat you love her./

Kc walked into school with low expectations.

"You'll do great."

"So will you."

"We'll meet here and show each other right?" Shay asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay. Love you."

"You too." Kc blushed and they parted ways.

She took tests for all of her academics and extracurriculars.

Before they got the scores the two nervously texted each other.

K: I'm so scared dude
S: you? My head is in a book 24/7! you think I pay any attention in class?!
K: well there's always softball
S: that's true
K: shet we're getting them now pray for me
S: gotchu boo

Kc put her phone away and looked over at her best friend's crush.

/what does she see in Kyle? He's a rude obnoxious boy who thinks he'll get everything he wants if he flashes a smile. Because he will. Because seventh graders are idiots./
She rolled her eyes.

A girl walked into the classroom holding the graded tests.

/she looks kinda familiar./
The girl was clad in a St. John academy uniform.
/she's cute./
Kc stood and tapped the girl on her shoulder.

She turned and she immediately knew who she was.


"You're Mari Kaplan right?"

"That I am. Who's asking?"

"Kc Hartman. Your second grade class and my kindergarten shared a room that one time."

"Oh yeah. Little girl, long brown hair, bright blue eyes. Sidekick. Short, blonde, nose stuck in a book."

"Obviously nothing has changed." Kc joked. Mari didn't respond.
"Well okie dokie. Still don't like jokes do ya boss?"

"Go sit down."

"As you wish. Your highness." Kc bowed sarcastically and returned to her seat.

Mari handed out the tests and walked out.

"Don't open them until you're off the premises." The teacher said.

/yeah. Okay./ Kc rolled her eyes and when the bell rang she went to the bathroom.

Shay texted her repeatedly.

Kc looked at the grades with a smile.

/oh my god!/

Shay paced at the spot they were supposed to meet at.
Kc approached her with a sad expression.


"I did it."

"You're such an asshole!" Shay said and pushed her. Kc was laughing. "You made me think I was gonna have to go alone! God I hate you."

"That's a lie."

"No it's not. Shut up."
The best friends walked out and hugged.
"See you tomorrow."

"Love you." They said at the same time.
Kc got into the backseat of Liz's car.

" hey biggie."

"Hi Smalls."

"Sup sprout."

"Hi Chandler."


"Guess who's got two thumbs and is skipping to sophomore year?"

"Guess who got paid a shit ton of cash and is buying all of us food tonight?"

"Liz don't cuss!"

"HELL FUCKIN YEAH!" Kc yelled and her sister joined in.

"Never mind then."

Written in the stars (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now