Merry Kings

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"Bastard." Whoosh.
"Asshole." Whoosh.
"Call me Your Highness." I said in a mocking tone. Whoosh. After the meeting I decided to come to the target area and practice my knife throwing. I threw knife after knife, after each curse. I would do a sailor proud.

"Careful. Don't want anyone hearing a lady curse otherwise they would faint."

I turned around and saw Alder. The boy that I sparred with a few weeks ago. I shrugged and kept throwing knives at the targets, hitting the mark each time I might add.

"So whose head are you cursing?" Alder asked leaning against a tree.

"It will be yours soon." I said.

"Feisty today aren't we?" He said audaciously.

"Nosy today aren't we?" I said mocking him.

Alder chuckled. "You know, I never thought that I would be chosen to search for the Pirate King's hideout. That should be interesting. Especially with you leading it."

I looked at him warily, not knowing that he was chosen. "Why would that be?"

Alder shrugged one shoulder. "I've heard that you were attacked when you were little by Pirates, and also once again by another man who worked for the Pirate King, so I understand that you're going to be sort of excited about getting revenge right?"

"This is more about saving the people more than my own revenge." I sheathed the knives then walked away from him.


I wrapped my hands in cloth and walked over to the punching bags. We got the punching bags from another country over seas. The bags are made from cow skin and filled with sand from the ocean. They train their men to specialise in swordsmanship and hand to hand. This past year we made a treaty with them and we trade our graphite for these.  When I finished wrapping my hands, I walked over to the bags only to find His Royal highness using them.

Maybe I could do this later. I unwrapped my hands and turned around and left the arena.

I walked back home and changed into a clean light blue tunic with a white shirt underneath, black breeches and my black boots. Maybe a little walk would help calm me down. I haven't been on a walk in the city for a while. I let my hair cascade down my shoulders not really bothering to braid it again.

The kingdom's capital of Gasth has always been busy. It's one of the most busiest cities in the kingdom. One of the things I love doing is helping some people out, even if it means doing odd jobs now and then. I work for free, but some people still pay me a small amount even though I tell them not to.

I'd figure I'd hit the bookstore first, then see who else needed help, then hit the tavern last. See, in the castle I'm known for my fantastic swordsmanship, but in the tavern I'm known for holding in my liquor.

When I was twelve I would sneak into town at night, and I became friends with a lot of ruffians and people that no one would expect a twelve year old girl to befriend. I wouldn't drink, but I would just talk to them. Kinnley would catch me sneaking out every now and then, but he never told Opal. I smiled to myself at the memories.

I pushed the door of the bookshop open making the bell ring. Zurrus, the shopkeepers son, looked up from the book he was reading. He smiled.

"Kava, how can I help you?" he asked. Zurrus was three years younger then me. He had hazel eyes that reflected his funny and witty personality and brown hair that had specks of blonde when it shone in the sun.

"Actually, I was wondering if you have any odd jobs I could do for you?" I smiled. "So it's more of a how can I help you?"

Zurrus shook his head. "As funny as that joke was milady, it was still pretty terrible."

I shrugged. "I'll leave that to you then. And I'll just stick with sarcasm."

Zurrus nodded. "Seems like a good idea to me. And actually, you can be of help. Some books need to be shelved, and re-shelved." Zurrus stood up. "Follow me."

Zurrus brought me upstairs, and to the messiest shelf. "Pa told me to deal with this awhile back, and I still haven't gotten to it. I'll help, mostly because I feel bad for making you do my chores."

I put my hands on my hips. "Nope. You go read and watch the shop I'll finish this."

Zurrus shrugged. "Fine by me." He rushed back downstairs and picked up his book.

I looked at the shelf. "Let's start at the bottom and work our way up." I mumbled. About two hours later, I had finished. I re-shelved old books and placed new books on the shelf. I walked back downstairs. "Zurrus I finished the shelf for you."

Zurrus looked up. "Thanks Kava. What do I owe you?"

I waved my hand. "Nothing, I did it for free. Tell your Ma and Pa I said hi and take care of yourself kiddo."

Zurrus nodded. "Same to you Kava."

I exited the bookstore. I looked at the sky, and saw the sun slowly starting to set. "Maybe one more job that will take another couple of hours. Or a bunch of little jobs." I muttered to myself.

I walked to the bakery, there I delivered bread to shop keepers, taverns, and inns. Then I decided I'd go to the blacksmith. I helped him with testing out swords and other weapons. Next, I went to the Seamstress and helped her out with sewing people's orders. She tried to pay me, but I wouldn't let her. It wasn't until later that I realised that she snuck some coins into my satchel.

By now the sun was setting. I was sweaty and dirty, from the blacksmith mostly, and I couldn't wait to go to the tavern.

The tavern was called Merry Kings, it was mostly because a lot of the Kings came here and after they left, they were merry. At least that's what the owner says. I opened the doors, and when I entered it seemed like everyone stopped talking and looked at me. I smiled when someone shouted and everyone lifted up their mugs. At Merry Kings, I used to be a frequent customer until I got caught up in my training. Last time I was here was a few years ago.

"Kava's back!"

I was pulled into a tight embrace. "It's so good to see you back lass!" Albert squeezed the living daylights out of me.

"It's good to see you too Al." I had to breathe between each word. he was holding me really tight.

"Al let her go, your going to crush her to death!" someone shouted.

Al put me down. "Sorry Kav."

I gasped, catching my breath. "It's okay Al."

He pulled me away and whistled. "Ya sure 'ave grown lass." He turned me around. "Wh're did our lil' girl go?" I blushed slightly and was about to answer when I was pushed to the ground. I heard laughter and wolf whistles. "Kava!" My eyes widened when I saw a familiar face above me. It was Harvey. Harvey and I were the same age and he was one of the friends I made here. He was sweet and I always had a fun time teasing him. He stood up and helped me up.

"Harvey! It's so good to see you!" He had grown taller and his voice was slightly deeper. His hair was darker and it was shaved on the side. He was wearing a white shirt and a leather vest over it. Two knives were visible on his belt. He looked more like a brute now. "Wow, you've changed."

He blushed and rubbed his neck. "Yeah well, you have to."

I gave him an evil smirk remembering something. "Do you want a hug?" Harvey paled, backing away.

"No I do not. Kav, your hugs were nothing but torture. And they aren't even hugs! Plus I'm taller than you now."

I smiled evilly. "That's why I'm going to give you one anyway!" I tackled him to the ground and gave him a nuggie. "Missed you Harvey!"

Harvey stood up rubbing his head, as the men laughed at him. "Well I haven't missed you at all."

I smiled. "I know."

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