I was sober once...

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I stood on top of a table belting my drunk heart out singing along with everyone. I'm pretty sure we were all just singing some random words as most of us were drunk. At some point I lost my tunic, and I was just in my white shirt. The song was about singing praises to those who gave us wine.

The song ended, and I was still standing on the table. I grabbed another mug of beer and started to chug. I finished and then wiped my mouth on my sleeve. If people in the court don't like me, they would be horrified if they saw me now.

"Kav, you should head back home soon." Harvey stood up on the table, and grabbed my arm. I removed my arm from his grasp.

"I'm having fun right now. And I don't want to go back. Too many responsibilities." I hiccuped and looked at him over the top of my new mug of beer. I waggled my eyebrows in order to make him blink. He ended up blinking and I cheered. "I won the staring contest!!"

"Kav c'mon."

I shook my head. "Just let me stay here. Please." I looked at Harvey with pleading eyes. Even though I was drunk, I trained myself to talk normally, just in case if Kinnley ever caught me, but it stopped when I got really drunk.

Harvey sighed. "I can never say no to you."

I gave him a pat on the head. "Good." I swayed a little bit and stabled myself. "Bartender! Give everyone another round of drinks!! My treat!" More cheering ran throughout the tavern. Harvey sighed then jumped off of the table.

I jumped down off of the table and fell, laughing. "I just fell," I said giggling. I got up and walked over to the bar. I dropped a sack of gold coins on the bar.

"Here ya go Oliver. I have to pay at some point. Plus this is for your troubles for dealing with me and these goons." I giggled looking at my cheering friends.

Oliver looked at me and smiled. "Thank you Lady Kava." I looked at him.

"What's with all this 'Lady Kava' business?" I slurred. "Just-Just call me Kav or Kava. None of that shmancy, fancy stuffs." Now the alcohol had started to get to my head.

"Kav, why did you come here, after all those months that you haven't been here? Castle life being hard on ya or something?" Oliver looked at me when he asked.

I shook my head and frowned. "It's just the people in the castle. Keep bothering and pestering me for being a Lady. Silly stuff." I looked up at him and smiled. "You don't need to worry about me though. I'm in good hands." I giggled.

Oliver chuckled. "Is he a lover of some sort?"

I tensed, and waited before answering. "Yeah."

Oliver shook his head with a smile. "He better be good to ya otherwise Al will beat him, and if not Al, then Harvey."

I giggled. "He treats me well. And he's probably going to be worried sick cause I'm not going back anytime soon."

Oliver chuckled. "You sure do love making people worry."

"Yup." I said popping the "p".

I shoved the bag towards him. "Keep it all. And give me," I held up both hands. "This many more drinks."

Oliver chuckled. "Alrighty."

I sat down at the bar, more in a gloomy mood now instead of being in a cheerful happy mood. I could still remember what happened with Derrick. I winced and continued drinking. I wanted to forget about him. He was being a complete ass. Pretty soon everyone left, or passed out on the ground. I was really drunk this time. More so then all the other times I've been out.

"Alright sweetheart, you should really get back home." Oliver looked at me with a worried expression.

"Pfft, don't worry about me Olives. I'll be fine." I gave him a sad smile and stood up knocking down the stool. I shoved money towards him. "Keep it. You and you're family need it more than I do."

I started walking towards the door. I made it outside, before I collapsed. I kneeled and leaned my head against the side of the tavern. I hiccuped and moaned when it started raining. "Oh well. Rain is just water. I'll be fine." I wanted to stay out here for as long as possible.

I lifted my head up when I heard hoof beats. It was some men from the castle. I cursed. "Milady, you had everyone worried. Especially the Captain."

"I'm sure I did have everyone worried. I'm not sure if I care though." I snarled. The guards seemed taken aback with my attitude.

"S-Sorry?" The guards both looked at each other, like they didn't know what to do with me.

I sighed and started walking, leaving the guards behind. Making my way through the alleyways, I made it to my home. I quietly made my way into my room. I closed the door behind me and sighed leaning against the door. I quietly made my way to my bedroom. I took my boots off and collapsed on my bed.

The Masquerade Ball (A tale of Eswor Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now