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(Cole's P.O.V)

Derrick and I walked on the deck and were introduced to the Captain of the ship. Curious glances were casted our way. I was silently hoping that they wouldn't know who we were under our disguises. I pulled Derrick by the arm and whispered. "Are you sure this is him?"

Derrick frowned in thought and looked at the disguised guards that accompanied us. "I'm positive. Now stop acting so suspicious and get to work, otherwise you're going to get shot. I've heard that he has a bad temper."

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. This plan was not one I was comfortable with.


"So she was taken by pirates?" I stood up and looked at Derrick, crossing my arms. "Why would the pirates take her? And how?"

Derrick shrugged and sighed. "My guess is that someone in the castle was working with the pirates and they got Kava to trust her."

I rubbed my face. "So how do we get her back?"

Derrick smiled mischievously. "Simple. We go to a Pirate Port, disguise ourselves as pirates and join a crew that's heading to the hideout. It's perfect.

I looked at him warily. "If this doesn't work," I pointed my finger at him. "Then she's damned."


I sighed and scratched my fake beard, while carrying provisions onto the ship.

I missed Kava a lot, heck, it felt like a part of me was missing, but I can't tell anyone or show how much I actually cared for her. We definitely didn't want anyone knowing that we were lovers. A least not yet. But anybody could see that Derrick loved her. She would always deny it and say that he was confused, but even me, the one who had kissed her in the dark, had slept with her, could tell that the Crown Prince was in love with his Captain of the Guard. It bothered me, but nobody could do anything about their feelings.

I caught Captain Slade watching me and we both glared at each other. He was onto us and if we took one misstep, then this whole plan would go to hell.


(Kava's P.O.V)

I was brought back to see Ethan multiple times. He just wanted to talk to me and fill in on how my life was while he was pirating. I didn't talk to him. He would ask questions, but it was useless. Eventually he got angry and he didn't ask to see me again. I got an upgrade and moved from a cell, to a room. The doors opened and I frowned. The room was nice, but there were bars on the windows and I had no doubt that the door would lock behind me when it closed.

The walls were painted blue and the curtains were a cream colour. It was fairly big, with a living room of sorts and a fire place. The windows let in a lot of light coming from the moon.I kicked off my boots and plopped myself on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. I put my arms behind my head.

Why Ethan had brought me here, I still had no idea. He never told me why, and I guess I should've asked, but I didn't want to talk to him. In a way, it felt like a betrayal. Sure he had no choice when he was adopted, but he could've run away. He could've done anything in his power to not become a ruthless killer.

Suddenly, the loneliness hit me. I didn't have Cole to tell me everything was all right. Without Cole I felt empty. And it was the same for everyone else. I didn't have Derrick's goofy smile, Kinnley's smile of assurance, or Opal's laughter to help me through this.

The Masquerade Ball (A tale of Eswor Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now