Well I'm screwed

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We only had about two hours of  traveling left to do and then we would be at the first mansion on our list. I unrolled a map and spread it out. "We are going to meet up with the Big River within a few minutes." I cursed loudly earning a few chuckles. "We are going to have to find some way to cross. The River is at it's highest right now so the horses can't get across." I ran my hand through my hair and looked back at the men. "Anyone got any ideas?" No one said anything. Instead they just looked staight ahead and they had stopped. I stopped Strider and turned around my mouth forming an "o". The Big River was known for being big hence its name, but it was suppose to be overflowing at this time of year. Instead, I was looking at a long, deep strip of dirt. No water whatsoever.

At this point we only had an hour of travel left. "Dismount so we can lead the horses through. We don't want them lame or unable to travel." Derrick said. We all dismounted and took ahold of our horse's reins using them as a lead.

I pulled Strider forward but he wouldn't move, and instead he pulled away and backed up. "Strider, you're fine. Come on boy," I tried again but he wouldn't budge. I sighed. "You guys go first." The men moved forward and pulled their horses across the river. They made it without a problem. But Strider still wouldn't move. "Come on Strider!" I pulled but he still wouldn't budge. I dropped the reins and put my hands on my hips. "Fine. Then I'm going by myself." I walked away from Strider and he followed me until the edge of the river. I turned around facing Strider and walked backwards. "See boy? I'm fine!" Maybe I spoke too soon. I screamed as I tripped over a rock and fell backwards tumbling for a bit. I moaned and stood up rubbing my head. Strider ran up to me and sniffed me.

Timmy came over. "Kava are you okay? We all saw what happened and some men are laughing, and others are too scared to laugh." 

I placed my hand on his arm to stable myself. "Those guys are going to regret that." I looked at Strider. "As for you mister, stop being such a wimp! I trained you better than this!" Strider just snorted and walked up to the other men.

Timmy held back his laughter. "You're horse sure is something."

"Yeah, yeah." I glared at Strider. "Stupid bastard."

I walked with Timmy and grabbed ahold of Strider's reins. I glared at the men. Some were smirking and others avoided my gaze.

"You're scream was very cute sir." Josh said holding in his laughter.

"Yeah, and you're screams when my sword is slowly going through you're head are going to be just adorable." I smiled sweetly, while Josh paled and coughed.

"Yes well, I think we should get going then." He mounted his horse and rode ahead.

We arrived at Bexley Mansion within an hour. I dismounted and lead Strider through the gates. The people in the town watched as we lead our horses through the village and to the gates of the actual Mansion itself.
The gates opened and I walked through, with Derrick next to me. "I've been here when I was really little. It hasn't changed at all." He smiled. I looked at him and didn't say anything.

I looked forward and saw that the men were standing in a straight line in the courtyard. I handed the reins to one of the men in my patrol and walked up to the line of men. They all saluted at me at the same time, making me raise my eyebrows, and when Derrick stepped forward they all kneeled.

"At ease." I said. my voice rang through the courtyard as it was very quite. They all stood up and one man stepped forward.

The Masquerade Ball (A tale of Eswor Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now