An introduction

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*what Kava's outfits are like is in the media. also sorry this chapters kind of long, but it has important information.*
I sat up and yawned, while rubbing my eyes. I looked outside. The clouds were dark and ominous and the rain was pouring down heavily. Sighing, I got out of my bed, and stood up just as Kinnley opened my door.

"Oh good, you're up. Hurry up and get ready we have a meeting you know."

I moaned. "Good morning to you too." I mumbled. I changed into a long green tunic and buckled my belt around my waist. I pulled on my pants and boots, quickly tying my hair into a braid.

"Kava, you ready?"

I nodded. "All set and ready to go."

He gave me a light smile.  "Just to let you know, a lot of the Lords sons were talking about you, so you might get stared at a lot."

I huffed. "I bet they won't be the only ones staring," I said under my breath. Kinnley must have heard me, as he was laughing. I looked at him. "What? All this male attention is starting to get on my nerves."

Kinnley gave me a smile that made his eyes crinkle. "Yes it will, and believe me it's starting to get on mine as well." I laughed.

We both grabbed some bread and cheese from the kitchen and left the house. Opal worked in town at a local seamstress. She used to be one of Queen's ladies in waiting, but she didn't feel suited for the job.

We made it to the gate and Kinnley stopped me. "You do know I officially named you my heir yesterday right?"

I coughed, choking on some food. "You made it official?" I rasped.

Kinnley chuckled. "Yes I did."

I smiled. "Well, then. Looks like I have a reputation to build up now don't I?"

"Just as long as it's a good reputation and one not based on you're ability to hold in you're liquor."

I blushed. "Kinnley! Only the people at Merry Kings know about that." I crossed my arms. "And maybe Derrick and Cole." I mumbled.

Kinnley chuckled. "Alright enough talking lets get this meeting over with." Kinnley and I were on time, but we were there late enough for there to be enough men to look at me.

Great. Now let the staring begin! I thought, as Kinnley walked in front of me, and I followed him.

Just as I suspected, multiple heads turned my way, and some people started talking in hushed tones. Kinnley sat down at a chair next to King Warren, Derricks father. I mirrored his actions and sat next to Derrick. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

The map room was small compared to the library, but it was still a pretty large room. Covering the walls were portraits of past Kings and their queens next to them. The table that we were sitting at was a map of Galeilith and its neighbouring kingdoms. In the country of Eswor, there are five kingdoms in all. The Dwarf Kingdom Dwaygord, the Elven Kingdom Mirirth, the Fairy Kingdom Thalidien, the Kingdom of Thirer and the Kingdom of Galeilth. Thirer and Galeilith both were run by humans, whereas the other three were run by magical beings. I suppose you could say that we all got along sometimes, but the Elven people and humans sometimes had trouble seeing eye to eye.

Along the table, each of the Lords sat on one side, and their sons sat on the other side where I'm sitting. Derrick and  King Warren both sat at the head of the table. I caught Derrick looking at me. He winked and then continued to survey the room. I caught a few of the Lord's looking at me with glares, or their noses were turned up in annoyance. However, their sons were looking at me with interest. I shivered and ignored their stares.

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