Chapter Thirteen

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"Shit. Shit Libby." Gary pants, twisting his hands tightly in his hair as he comes. I grin up at him as i swallow his load and lick my lips.
"Jesus Babe." Gary whispers, pulling me up to my feet. To be honest, im quite unsteady on my feet myself.
"Enjoy that?" I grin at him.
"Oh Libby, you wouldnt believe." Hes doing the whole lopsided thing again. Im going to convulse right here. Gary leans down and kisses me fiercely on the lips.
"You taste good." I smile, pulling away. He just raises an eyebrow.
"Oh really?..."
"Not as good as me though." I smirk. WOAH! You really went for that didnt you?! Gary raises his eye brow again.
"You think?...Well," He murmurs against my mouth. "I guess theres only one way to find out isnt there?" As soon as the words have left his mouth im on my back on the bed. Gary crawls his way up and stops inbetween my legs. I feel my breaths come out as shallow rasps. Gary looks down at me, hungry eyed.
"I think these might have to go." Gary smirks, running his index finger along the hem of my panties.
"Mmmh, Gary..." I moan, wriggling underneath him.
"What do you reckon?" He grins, "Shall we get rid of these."
I nod quickly, its all i can manage. Slowly, Gary hooks him fingers under the waistband of my underwear. My skin tingles where he makes contact again. Gently he begins to drag them down, down my thighs, over my knees and down to my ankles. I kick them off.
Painfully slowly, he begins to kiss his way up my leg. I cant help but tremble in anticipation, as he kisses along my knee and slowly up the inside of my thigh.
"Gary..." I moan, as he trails his kisses higher.
"Payback..." I feel him smile against my skin.
Then hes kissing me, there. Holy shit!. I cant control the loud moan that escapes my mouth as he continues his beautiful torture. My breath hitches uncontrollably as he flicks me with his tongue.
"Fuckkk." I groan, wriggling into his touch. He repeats himself, and then again, flicking his tongue faster and faster against me. I twist my fingers into his hair as yet another groan escapes my lips.
I shut my eyes tightly as I feel my body climbing higher and higher still.
"Gary." I choke, this is going to be intense...He doesnt stop. I cant hold on any longer...
"GARY!" I scream as i feel my body explode, shaking violently as my orgasm grips me. I pull my fingers in his hair and he lets out a low groan.
"Shit, Gary." I whisper as he crawls further up my body, licking his lips.
"I think you were right." He grins, kissing me below my ear, biting gently. I cant help, but moan quietly.

"I want you." I murmur into his neck, Gary pulls away and looks at me, eyebrows raised.
I nod slowly, i didnt actually think it was possible, its true however. I still want him.
"I guess thats just as well then isnt it?" Gary smirks, as he rolls on top of me i feel his hardness press against my stomach. I close my eyes for a moment, enjoying him there.
"Inside please." I whisper after a while, when i think i have the strengh to cope with what this man is about to do to me.
Without a word, Gary thrusts himself inside of me. Fuck! I dig my nails into his back, biting down on his neck to absorb my loud moans.
"Moan for me babe." Gary murmurs against my ear as he continues to thrust himself deeper inside of me. I dont need any further instruction as i feel pleasure building up inside of me again. I groan loudly, digging my nails harder into Garys back. It must hurt him but he doesnt seem to care.
"Fuck Libby." Gary hisses and i know hes close, that pushes me over the edge and i scream loudly as wave after wave of immense pleasure consumes my body.
"Oh fuck Libby!" Gary shouts as he comes too, this time releasing his load inside of me. "Oh shit." He hisses again as his body collapsed on top of mine.

After a while, Gary lifts his head again and smiles at me. "I love you." He whispers gently as he leans down and claims my lips with his. This is where i want to be right now. Nowhere else.

Garys pulls away from the kiss slowly, "I mean that you know?" He whispers, holding my gaze. "I love you."
Hes beautiful, hes so beautiful and lovely and caring. And i just want to be with him every second of everyday, but do i love him? Like, actually love him? Proper love? Yes, i think i do...
"I love you too Gary." I smile, reaching up and brushing a strand of hair off his face.
"Really?" He whispers, his eyes wide. I dont have the energy to do anything but nod.
Slowly, Gary eases himself out of me and drags on his boxers, i just lie there for a while, watching him. He is stunning. With a silent smile, i nod towards the back of the door where my dressing gown hangs, Gary passes it to me gently, his fingers brushing mine. I shrug it on and curl back up on the bed. Im so tired.
Gary takes a seat next to me, combing his fingers through my hair slowly. Hes still only wearing his boxers. How, HOW, after that, can you still possibly want him Libby?!
"You okay?" He asks quietly, throwing me one of those beautiful little smiles.
"Just exhausted." I laugh, stretching my feet out slightly so they rest in his lap.
"Well, we'll get something to eat and then i'll help you pack, okay?" He smiles at me, his hands moved down to my hand, twisting our fingers together. I look at him, confused.
"Pack?" I ask, "Pack for what, i dont get it?"
"Libby, your dads just had a stroke, hes in hospital in Manchester, you have no car. I do. Plus your probably going to get upset so you'll need someone to give you a hug now and then wont you?" Hes doing that lopsided grin thing again! Whats he talking about?
"What are you on about Gary?" I give him a confused kind of smile.
"Come stay with me for a bit Lib, at least until your dads better? Unless, youd rather me come and stay with you here?" He asks. I can hardly believe what i am hearing! Is he asking me to move in with him for a while?
"You dont need to ask me twice." I grin at him, climbing to my knees and planting a kiss on his cheek.
"So you'll do it?" he grins back at me.
"Stupid question" I smirk, twisting my fingers into Gary's.
"Thank god for that!" Gary sighs, smiling. "We'll pack your stuff and then go and pack mine okay? We'll leave in the morning if that's okay with you?"
"Leave? Leave where? What do you need to pack?" I ask, bemused once more.
"If your going to stay with me there's no point staying miles away from your dad is there? I've got a house in Manchester, well stay there for as long as you want to." Gary smirks at me, he knows I wasnt expecting that. I think i might cry.Of happiness of course, this man is so incredibly sweet and kind and hed drop everything and let me stay in his house because he cares about me...
"Dont you have work or stuff though?" I ask him, leaning against his lap.
"Nothing important." Gary dismisses quickly.
"No Gary." I stop him, "You cant just drop everything for my dad- or me for that matter!" I dont want to take advantage of him.
"I can, Libby. And i will." Shit! Why does he insist on the whole lopsided thing when im trying to be serious?! "I care about you, I want to to be happy and okay, and i want to do whats best for you. Im going up to Manchester, so you may as well come with me." Damn hes good!
"Your too good to me Gary..." I smile at him, toying with the stubble on his cheek. "I could be some serious gold digger or something."
"Your not though are you?" Gary winks at me, he knows hes won. "Come on then." I taps the top of my thigh through my dressing gown. "Lets go and get something to eat ye?"
I nod quickly at the idea, im starving.


A little while later me and Gary are sat in my living room with a Chinese take away. I shake my head at Gary. "I swear to god, since ive met you all ive eaten is shit!" I laugh. Gary just shrugs,
"Welcome to my life babe." I think hes joking, but im not actually that sure. I shuffle round so i can see his face better.
"I love spending time with you, you know Gary?" I smile, i know its cheesy, but i just need to tell him.
"You you mean that?" He asks, taking a sip of red wine.
"Of course, i woudnt have said it otherwise..."
"I just love you full stop." Gary smiles, its not the lopsided smile, or the little smirk. Its just the warmest, loveliest most beautiful smile ive ever seen in my life. A caring smile. "I mean it." he adds when i dont say anything.
"I know you mean it Babe." I smile, kissing him gently on his jawbone. Gary raises his eyebrows at me. "What?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.
"Did you just call me 'babe'?" Hes grinning at me.
"Yes..." I nod, i cant help but smile back.
"Awh! Your a little cutie arnt you Libby?" He grabs my hips and tickles me slightly, i squirm under his touch.
"Gary!" I shout, "Way to ruin a perfect moment eh?" I laugh.
"Your right, im sorry..." Gary shakes his head asif disappointed with himself. "Lets try that again. I just love you full stop. I mean it." Gary repeats.
"Fuck off i hate you." I snarl, trying to keep the straightest face possible, i fail and burst out laughing. Gary laughs too and tickles me more.
"Ill have you for that!" He chuckles in my ear as i squeal while he continues to tickle me. Somehow we end up on the floor, Gary has me pinned down, hands above my head. I could get used to this.
"I could get used to this." I murmur. WHAT? NO! Your were only supposed to think that! Hes gonna think your crazy!
"Thats just as well really." Gary throws that fucking gorgeous lopsided grin at me again. Oh man! Hes sitting on top of me, his legs straddling his hips, his hands pinning mine above my head, his face, inches away from mine. Slowly, he slides his hands down my arms as his lips descend onto mine. He kisses me passionately, but its not that fiery passion like usual, its something different. Gentle, but not at the same time...Its like nothing ive ever experienced before, Its love. Actual love. He loves me.

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