Chapter Nineteen

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Gary wraps his arm tightly across my back, pulling our sweaty bodies closer together.
"Oh god Libby..." He murmurs against my ear, his chin resting on my shoulder.
"Remember our agreement Gary." I pant at him smiling. "What was your idea?"
"Come and see my Mom with me?" He's still breathing heavily. What?!
"What?" I ask, pulling away sightly. Im still out of breath, but totally shocked.
"I need to go visit my Mom, my brother is there. Its his birthday, come with me?" Gary pants, staring up at me again. He's got an unfamiliar glint in his eye. Was that it?!
"Of course i'll come!" I laugh at him, still breathing heavily. Then it dawns on me, i look back down at him. At that unfamiliar glint in his eye. Hes lying to me! I watch as he tries to stop his lips twitching into a smile.
"Your lying to me!" I gasp, grinning, pretending to be annoyed with him.
"Am not!" Gary protests, his eyes are gleaming as he twists his mouth into this weird kind of 'im trying my hardest not to laugh' thing.
"Gary! You so are!" I smack the back of his head playfully. Before i have chance to do anything he flips me over so im underneath him.
"Argh!" I cry as he pulls himself out of me and stands up, pulling up his boxers and grabbing his t-shirt from under the pillow.
"Im so not Libby..." He grins mischievously at me. "And even if i was, i wouldn't tell you would i?" He bends down and kisses me swiftly on the lips. "Now if you'll excuse me, i need a shower." His eyes continue to gleam as he turns around and heads to the bathroom.


An hour and a half later, me and Gary Barlow are walking hand in hand down a little lane on the way to pick up my car.
"You know earlier?" I look up at him, smiling.
"You wern't going to suggest going to your Moms were you?"
"Nope." I knew it! I fucking knew it!
"Is that where we are going today?" I ask him, hes confusing me to say the least.
"Yea." Gary smiles back down at me, that lopsided grin thing again. "If thats okay with you of coure?" He adds quickly.
"Yea of course! It fine." I smile. "Will you at least tell me what you were going to say?..." I tug at his hand a little like an impatient child.
"Noooo..." Gary coos down at me, that cheeky little smirk on his face.
"Whyy though?" I wine.
"Because." He grins. Is that it?! 'Because.' ?
"Because?..." God i sound like such an idiot.
"Because you'll find out soon enough okay?"
"What do mean?.."
"Jesus Christ Libby! Your driving me mad!" Gary laughs, stopping still in the lane and turning to face me. "Its about the surprise! I had a thought, but it was bad timing okay? I cant tell you, It'll ruin it all, you'll find out on Wednesday okay?"
I cant help but grin like a lunatic, i knew it was something! "Okay." I give my head a satisfied nod.
"That clear enough for you?" Gary jibes with that cheeky grin. Awh man, hes taking the piss! We both burst into fits of laughter as we continue on our walk.

A little while later we come to the little blue garage, the familiar looking mechanic comes bouncing towards us.
"Alright love?" He smiles at me. I give him a smiley nod in response. He guesters over to My little red sports car, parked neatly on the garage forecourt. "Shes all done." He smiles.
"Awh, great! Thank you!" I grin, taking the key from his hands. "How much do i owe you?"
"900 Quid." The tall, dark haired man gits his teeth. "Expensive job the turbo is."
I giggle as i reach for my purse. Shit!
"Shit." I cant stop myself from swearing out loud.
"You okay?" Gary asks, turning to face me.
"My purse! It must be in my bag- Thats in your car!" I moan. "I'll have to run back and get it. Sorry about this." I turn back towards the mecanic who just shakes his head and grins.
"Dont be stupid Lib, I'll pay for it." Gary smiles, reaching into his back pocket for hi wallet. "900, did you say mate?" He too turns back to the mechanic.
"Ye, thats it."
"Gary no!" I intervene before Gary hands his card over.
"What?" He asks, hes actually serious. Oh my god.
"Im not letting you pay that! It too much! No-way." I put my arm on his biceps and push him back slightly for a quiet word.
"Libby, its not like i cant afford it." Gary grins, that god damn, sexy and fuck, lopsided grin. How can i argue with that?!
"Gary its too much, just buy me a drink somewhere instead like a normal couple?!" I hiss, i dont really want the mechanic to hear this conversation.
"Look Libby, we're already in a rush to get to my mothers, ill buy you a drink somewhere as well if you like?" Is he taking the piss? Theres no arguing with him though. I roll my eyes at him. "Lib?" He asks.
"Im paying you back as soon as we get back to yours, okay?" I grumble, Gary just throws me this. 'I dont think so' kind of look as he follows the mechanic to pay.


"This one here." Gary guesters to a long driveway and pull onto it. "Ready?" He smiles, flashing his perfect white teeth as i pull the keys out of the ignition. We've come straight from the garage to Gary Mothers. Im not going to lie. Im nervous, really, really nervous. This is Gary Barlow's family! Not many people do what im doing now! Youve dont okay so far. But do not, fuck this one up Libby.
"I think so." I grin back at him as i slam the car door shut.
"Dont worry," Gary smile as we stand on the door step. "They'll love you."

A small woman with grey hair, cut below her ears, opens the door. I presume this is Garys Mom.
"Hello Stranger!" She grins, pulling Gary into a tight embrace.
"'Iya Mom," He grins back.
"And whos this?" Gary Mother turns to me, a warm smile spread over lips.
"This is Libby, Libby this is my Mom. Marjorie."
"Hiya." I smile respectfully at her. "Its lovely to meet you."
"Oh you too Dear!" She pulls me into a welcoming hug. "We're off on a picnick." She turns back to Gary. "Will you two join us?" She smiles hopefully.
"It looks like we're got no choice." Gary rolls his eyes. I cant help but laugh at him. Hes like a little kid again.

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