Chapter Sixty Four

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"Come here Baby." I murmur against Garys mouth, before kissing his lips again softly. I let my fingers draw patterns on his lower torso as i run my tongue against his lips, willing them to open.
"Libby don't." Gary murmurs onto my mouth as I bite down gently onto his bottom lip.
"Shut up." I laugh, slipping my tongue quickly into his mouth whilst he speaks, a low groan escapes his throat as i allow my tongue to explore each corner of his mouth. The fact that he tastes like tea makes me smile slightly to myself. Gary does the same to me and i kneel there for a while whilst our tongues tangle with each other.
"Come on Gary." I lock my fingers behind his neck and lean back slightly to look at him. "Come and play." I bite my bottom lip as i slide my hands down onto his bare shoulders, massaging slightly.
"Play?" Gary raises an eyebrow at me, resting his hands on my hips.
"Mmm-hu." I nod with a smile. "Come and play with me?"
"Why should i?" He grins, pulling me further towards the bottom of the bed slightly.
"Because you've been working so hard..."
"Oh." He chuckles, Jesus hes so beautiful. "And i wouder whos fault that is..."
"Gary im pregnant." I attempt to keep a striaght face. "I cant do maunal labour."
"Manual labour?" Gary scoffs. "Hardly."
I laugh and shake my head, reaching up to kiss his lips again. "Come on. Its not light you to turn down sex..." I smirk, tugging down his pyjama bottoms. He has nothing underneath. Fuck. "You know you want me."
"Arrogant bitch." Gary smiles against the corner of my mouth as he pulls my t-shirt over my head.
"That's why you love me." I grin, climbing back up the bed and wriggling out of my knickers.
"Thats right..." Gary sighs, crawling up to meet me and pushing my legs apart with his knee. "Its got nothing to do with you're fucking sexy body, or you're personalitly...Just the fact you're an arrogant bitch." He grins sarcastically.
"Dont get sarky on me Barlow." I narrow my eyes at him, but cant help but smirk.
"Oh, Hurt me." Gary mouths as he moves his head to kiss my collar bone. Bastard. His stubble tickles me slightly as he speaks.
"What are you laughing at?" He smirks, lifting his head so his lips brush mine as he speaks.
"You're tickling me!" I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck and playing with the hair on the back of his head.
"What? This?" Gary ducks his head again, brushing his stubble against my collar bone.
"Gary stop!" I laugh. "Stop Gary!" I wriggle underneath him, but I can't move his hands are firm on my hips, pinning me down onto the bed. I can feel his erection against my stomach as he continues to brush his stubble against my collar bone.
"You're an idiot." Gary laughs to himself as he moves his lips back to mine. "I love you."
"Mm, love you too." I smile. Id argue with the idiot comment if i wasnt so aroused, intead i kiss him back and slip my tongue between his lips again as he adjusts himself inbetween my legs. I moan onto his mouth slightly as I feel him press at my entrance, before he eases himself half inside of me.
"Shit." He grunts against my ear, stilling inside of me.
"Gary we have a plane we need to be on. Hurry up man." I grin, biting his bottom lip as I speak. I actually feel Gary raise his eyebrow as he slams himself into me.
"Fuck! I choke, gasping in shock at the sudden feeling off fullness.  My fingers lock at the bottom of Gary's neck as he begins to move inside of me. I moan into his ear as he begins to build up pace. He gets quicker, before slowing down again, driving me insane on purpose.
"Gary please." I groan against his neck. He doesnt do anything other than bite down harsd onto my pulse point, making me cry out in pain. His tongue quickly licks over it, soothing the the pain as he continues to move, ever so s;lightly building up the pace. I feel my body climbing once again as he pulls nearly all of the way out before thrusting himself he back deep inside of me.
"Libby. Shit." Gary grunts, his breath hot against my neck. I can feel him drawing closer. "Lib you ready?"
I'm too deleterious with pleasure to speak, so I just nod frantically as I hit my orgasm, convulsing violently underneath him. Gary too, finds his release and empties his loads into me, swearing loudly before he collapses next to me, his arm across my stomch.

We lie there for a while, on the bed, just trying to get our breaths back.
"We should go." Gary mutters slowly onto my shoulder.
"Mm-h" I agree, twisting my head slightly and planting a kiss in his hair.


"Ready then?" Gary smiles, wrapping an arm behind my back as we stroll through the airport.
"Yea." I smile up at him. He looks gorgeous. He's wearing brown chinos with a burgundy t-shirt and his black ray bans. Honestly Libby. How the fuck did you manage to pull this?! The man is a God! "Thank you."
"What you looking at?" His lips quirk into a smile.
"Nothing..." I shake my head and look down at the floor, I'm not going to tell him. It would do too much to his ego.
"Tell me." Gary drags his glasses off his face and pokes my side with them, that lopsided thing plastered all over his face. He knows he's got me.
"Nothing!" I giggle again. "Honestly Gary."
"Look me in the eyes and tell me its nothing." Gary acatually stops still in the middle of the air port. I make an attempt at looking him in the eyes, but fail miserably and end up bursting into fits of laughter.
"Just you." I laugh, "You're beautiful." I nestle my head into his chest, wrapping one arm around him, so at least he doesn't see my embarrassment.
"Beautiful?" He smirks, wrapping his arm back around my waist before he starts walking again.
"Yes." I sigh, half in defeat. "You're beautiful."
"You're just blind." He chuckles patronisingly, kissing the top of my head softly, as we make our way onto the plane. -First class, of course.
"Honestly." I turn to face him as we approach our seats. "Do not think your good looking?"
"Not really." Gary shrugs, shoving a bag into the over head storage. His shirt rides up a little and I can see his perfectly tensed abs. No Libby. Not again!
"You must be blind." I smirk, nestling my head onto his shoulder once he's seated. "You're too good for me."
"Dont say that." Gary snaps, I feel him tense slightly underneath me.
"You are though." I mutter, planting a kiss inbetween his pecks, through the fabric of his shirt.
"Libby. Stop saying that." He snaps again. Jesus. "Or I'll have to teach you a lesson." A lesson? I like the sound of that....
"Okay, I'm sorry..." I mutter, smiling to myself because I know he can't see my face.  I bite my lip as I speak again, "But you are too good for me..."

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