Chapter Fifty

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  "Told you she wouldnt like it." I sigh, pressing my forehead against the car window as we drive along a drizzly motorway.
"Eh." I feel Garys hand against my thigh, his fingers  squeezing ever so gently. "Can you blame her though?"
Wed gone to tell my Mum about the baby and naturally, being her pessimistic self shed not taken well to the idea, Dad didnt really say much and id ended up storming out, dragging Gary out with me. Yea, that didnt exactly go to plan. Marjorie on the other hand was totally elated, which kind of made up for the lack of support on my side of the family.
"Dont be too harsh on her Lib." Gary smiles across at me again when i dont say anything. "Her only daughter has come and told her shes pregnant with a man shes only known for three months. You can see why shes worried cant you?"
"Yea, but, she doest understand." I protest, hes probably right, but i dont want to admit it.
"I know, i know Baby." Gary squeezes my thigh slightly again, sending a bolt of electricity up my spine. No Libby. Not here. "Want to stop for something to eat?" He nods towards a service sign.
"Actually." I bite my lip, twisting my fingers into Garys on my lap. "I kind of just wanted to get home..."
"Oh, is that right?" Gary raises an eyebrow at me, so i just nod subtly.
"Yes." I breath, sliding my hand over to the waist band of his jeans.
"Libby im driving." He half speaks and half moans as i move my hand over his crotch, he hardens instantly.
"I know. I can see that." I smirk, biting my lip again.
"I could crash."
I just shrug in response. "Its a risk im willing to take." I press harder against the taught fabric of his jeans and hes gasps and groans, before composing himself.
"Just that irresistible am i?" He grins over to me and i nod silently, twisting hsi button undone.
"Libby. Stop." He  hisses, as i tug down his zip and watch him harden further. "Stop being immature. Ill get you back for this you  know, -and dont think i wont!" Even he cant stop his lips half twitching into a smirk.
"Fine then." I bite the inside of my cheek, replacing my hand in my lap. "If youd rather i stopped..." We both stay silent for about four seconds until Gary sighs.
"Well, you cant exactly leave me like this now can you?" His eyes glisten as he swerves off the dual carriage way and down a derelict country lane.


"What the fuck does he want?" Gary growls as we pull up onto his drive a couple of hours later.  Mark is stood on the doorstep, one arm shielding his face from the rain. When he hears the car pull up he turns around and begins to walk towards us.
"Gary! Libby!" He calls, half running, half walking over to us as we climb out of the car. Gary just ignores him and walks straight past up to the front door.
"Gary we need to talk!" Mark calls after him, Gary ignores him again. "Libby please!" Mark grabs my arm as i make my way towards the front door.
"Get off me Mark." I say bluntly trying not to show any emotion towards the man.
"No, Libby wait! Please hear me out! I need to talk to you -both of you!" He sounds so sweet, so innocent, but i insist on telling myself its all an act.
"Mark. Get off me. I wont ask again." I can feel Gary watching, hes stood in the door way, his eyes burning into the back of my head. Slowly, Mark lowers his lips to my ear.
"I didnt get off you last time Libby." He snarls. "What makes you think ill do it this time?"
I try and squirm free, but Mark moves his grip to my wrist.
"Get off me Mark!" I hiss, i dont want Gary to hear,i dont want him to think anythings wrong.
"Then let me fucking talk to you then!" Mark hisses back menacingly.
"I think she told you to get off." Garys voice sounds in my ears, hes stood behind me, his arm around my waist. Immediately Mark lets go of my wist and takes a step back.
"We will need to talk though." He practically chokes. "Ill come back some other time." And with that hes scuttled off down the drive as Gay leads me into the house.

"Are you okay?" He asks, once were inside.
"Yes. Im fine." I mutter, shaking his hand away from my waist. "You didnt need ton get involved."
"I was worried about you." Gary offers, dropping down onto the setee.
"Well i was fine." I snap, turning on my heels and heading for the stairs, however Garys grabbed my wrist before i reach them.
"Libby i was worried. I left you to talk for as long as i felt things were under control." He looks me dead in the eye.
"Well im a grown woman." I hiss, "Im perfectly capable of looking after myself and keeping a situation under control, thank you very much!" I snatch my hand away from him, but he grabs my thighs instead, pushing my dress up to my hips.
"Like you kept this situation under control you mean?" He stays surprisingly calm for Gary as he runs his thumbs over the bruises Mark left on my thighs. I feel a sharp stabbing pain in my heart. That comment hurt more than i thought it would. "Yea, well done Lib. Great job of taking care of yourself here."
"Yea. Well, he took me by surprise." I choke back the tears now, not wanting to admit that hes right. Why do you insist on being so fucking stubborn girl?!
"Oh, and you were perfectly prepared for his physical, not to mention sexual assult this time were you?!" Gay scoffs, raising an eyebrow and pushing my thighs further back against the wall. I cant help but find myself wanting him, yet again. Get a grip Libby.
"Yea, well, like i said." I turn my head away from his gaze as i dismiss his perfectly valid point. "Im a grown woman. I can fight my own battles."
"Yes. And you are also a pregnant woman carring my child, who, if im not mistaken we nearly lost the other week!" Gary voice rises as his grip on my thighs tighten yet again, "So, forgive me Libby, for wanting to protect you both!" He lets go of me, causing me to fall against him, but instead of catching me he just turns away, walking off into the kitchen, leaving me stood there at the bottom of the stairs. Shit. I havent just pissed him off this time, ive upset him.

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