Chapter Forty Four

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  "Urg its cold." Gary smiles, wrapping an arm around my waits as we make our way back through the airport. "Im not used to it!"
Im about to reply when i see Mum come bounding over to us, smiling, she greets us with open arms. My throat drys when i see Mark behind her.
"Whats he doing here?" Gary hisses, leaning down so only i can here. I take hold of his arm affectionately.
"Be nice." I smile gently. "Hes excited, his girlfriends away, his best friend has been away. Hes missed you."
Gary just rolls his eyes at me as Mark bounces over.
"Hello," Mark drags me into a tight hug, but Gary doesnt let go of my wrist so im torn between the two of them. I scowel at Gary as i pull away.
"Play nice." I mouth.
"Alright Gaz?" Mark grins, Gary avoids the hug and grunts in response, walking ahead with my Mum.
"Whats got into him?" Mark winks, i just giggle nervously in response.

Mark decides to invite himself back to the house for a cup of tea. Probably not the best thing he could have done, given Garys mood, but i couldnt exactly tell him to go could i? Garys heads into the kitchen and i go to take my bags upstairs, Mark decides to help and, well, if looks could kill Gary would probably be behind bars by now.
"So you enjoyed the break then?" Marks smiles, dropping the case down onto the bed.
"Yea, it was lovely thanks."
"You missed me though?" I cant actually tell if Marks joking or not so i just go for the nervous giggle again and wish Gary would come and rescue me. "I missed you."
I just giggle again, what am i suppose to say?!
"No, seriously Libby." Mark steps right infront of me, theres no way i can get out of this now. "I really missed you, like i hardly missed Nicole at all because i missed you so much."
"Mark!" I gasp, not even trying to hide how appalled i am."Thats an awful thing to say!"
He recoils slightly, but continues to speak. "No, i did miss her i guess. But i missed you too, like i missed everything about you, your personality, your sense of humour and your beautiful face of course. You are such a beautiful woman Libby."
"Mark." I mutter as he edges closer, im beginning to feel more and more uncomfortable.
"No i mean it Libby." He continues, walking forward until my back is against the wall. "Gary is so lucky to have you, you're perfect. And i swear, i swear if he doesnt treat you right, or your not happy, or-"
"Mark." I cut him short. "Gary and i are extremely happy together thank you." I smile quietly.
"You're sure?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Yes." I nod.
"But do you love him?"
"More than anything in the world."
"Well then," Mark mutters, looking down at the floor. "Let me do one thing?"
Before i have chance to answer his hands are on my arms as he forces me against the wall, his lips on mine, his tongue pressing against them, demanding entrance.
Frantically i squirm free. "Mark!" I hiss. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?!"
"Oh dont pretend you didnt want it." Mark grins. "You're just frightened Gary will find us fucking on his bed!" He steps forward again, his hands gripping onto my thighs this time, i try and pull him off, but hes much stronger than he looks.
"I know you want me Libby." He laughs against my neck. "Just as much as i want you." Its then i feel his erection against my thigh. I think im going to be sick.Scream Libby! No i cant scream, if i scream Gary will come in and if he comes in, then well, two of us will end up dead. I wriggle my neck away from Marks lips, but he just moves them closer, planting kiss my cheek until he reaches my lips. I can feel the tears burning in the backs of my eyes. Do. Not. Cry.
I slip my hands down inbetween our bodies and try and push him away like that, but that doesnt work either. I keep jerking my head from side to side, trying desperately to keep our lips apart.
"Oh come on Lib." Mark tugs at the bottom of my T-shirt. "Take this off?"

The sound of the door opening forces Mark to jump backwards.
"Everything okay?" Gary asks. "Whats taken you so long? The teas ready."
"Yea, sorry Babe," I clear my throat, trying to regain composure. "We were just chatting, im coming now." Without looking back at Mark, i push past Gary and jog down the stairs quickly, so he cant see the tears pooling in my eyes.

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