Chapter Twenty

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We climb back into my little red sports car after im introduced to Ian, Garys brother, his wife, two boys and some other friends of family. I have to say, they were all exceptionally lovely, so welcoming. They made me feel right at home.
"So, where are we actually going?" I smile at Gary as i pull off the drive, following Marjorie's car. Gary just shakes his head, smiling in response.
"No fucking idea. She's slightly spontaneous. You'll have to forgive her." He laughs, i laugh along with him.

Fifteen minutes later we pull up along side a hedge, on the other side, i think there is a field. Then again, im not sure.
"Mum, are you sure we're allowed to park here?" Gary asks, shutting my car door to.
"Oh yes Gary, i do it all the time. Come on!" She grins, gesturing towards a small opening in the hedge. She disappears through it. Gary breathes a fed up sigh.
"Eh, whats up?" I nudge him, as i go to follow in Marjorie's footsteps. Gary just shakes hi head.
"Nothing. Im fine. I just, hate all this shit. You know?"
"No, i dont know, Tell me." I smile, turning around to face him. He shakes his head again, as if he were looking for words.
"Just, this." He guesters into the air. "This whole thing. The whole family bonding thing, i dont get it. What middle aged man wants to spend his birthday in a field for gods sake?"
I throw Gary my most apologetic smile as i turn around and slip through the gap in the hedge.

To my amazement, im standing at the top of a huge expanse of open Fields.They are bright Green in the sun light, a shady area marked out under a collection of what i think are apple trees. At the bottom of the first field there is a small brook with an eroding stone bridge leading over to the other side. I cant see much else after that, just more greenery. Lots of greenery.
"Here?" Marjorie smiles after we've been walking a little while, setting out a picknic blanket. I notice that we're close to the brook.
Gary sighs again so i throw him a 'be nice' kind of look.
"Mum, this really isnt my kind of thing." Gary stutters, he seems quite embarrassed. "I think, i think me and Libby will just go and take a walk for a while, we'll meet you back here later?"
"Alright dear." She smiles, i cant help but notice the disappointment in her voice. Gary smiles and grabs my hand, making his way down to the bridge by the brook.
"She wont be around forever you know?" I say quietly once we've crossed.
"You what?"
"Your Mum, she wont be around forever. You just just go spent some quality time with her Gary." I give him the smallest smile and Gary sighs again.
"I know...I know." He mutters, almost ashamed. "I just, i-i will, just not today eh? Just not now. Now like that."
I can see hes uncomfortable, i grip his hand a little tighter and he smiles down at me. We trek through the Fields for a while, ages actually. Just talking, getting to know one another better. Laughing, mucking about. Just having fun really.
"God. We could be anywhere else right now." Gary says seriously as we begin to wade into a wheat Field. It just comes up to my waist making it difficult to see where im stepping. "Anywhere else." Gary repeats. "Yet we're here, in a field. In the middle of fuck knows where." That lopsided grin finds its way back onto his face.
"I dunno Gary...Dont you find it quite pretty?" I smile. He jut snorts in response. "No." I add quickly. "You never did strike me as a man to appreciate nature." I smirk.
Holy fuck!
I squeal loudly as i trip over something on the floor, dragging Gary down after me.
"Shit, sorry!" I giggle, going to get up. However, Gary grabs my hips just in time so i fall back onto the floor again. We both roll around there laughing for a couple of seconds in fits of laughter. I pull Garys shoulder slightly so he leaning over me. I smile and wrap my arms round his neck, puling his lips down onto mine slowly. He kisses me tenderly for a few seconds before slipping his tongue into my mouth. I moan gently as he explores my mouth. His hands slowly begin to move up my thighs, under my dress.
"Gary. Can we do this here?..." I whisper, pulling away slightly, my lips touching his as i speak.
"Whos going to know?" Gary grins onto my lips. I cant help it. My hands wounder down to the waist band of his jeans, slowly unbuttoning them. I can feel him already, pulling the fabric taught. God i want him.
"Your such a bad influence." I mutter into the kiss, he doenst reply, instead hes hands continue to glide up my thighs until they reach my underwear. I feel his grin widen as he slowly pulls them to one side.
Before i know it, hes pushing at my entrance again, i moan as quietly as i can onto his mouth, but hes driving me insane. Suddenly he slams himself into me and i bite down onto his lip hard to prevent myself from screaming. Im sure i draw blood.
Gary withdraws again and repeats his action, slamming himself deep inside of me. I grip the back of his neck tightly as he begins to move. Thrusting his length into me quickly. He carries on, my body begins to climb once more, higher and higher. Until i find my self spiralling back down to earth. I use every being in my body to stop myself from screaming out loud as my orgasm takes a hold.
"Fuck." Gary hisses quietly against my lips as he too finds his release inside of me. "Fuck."

We lie there for a little while, our bodies sweating and panting in time with one another. Gary lifts his head slightly and smiles at me, brushing a stray stand of hair from my face.
"Love you." He smiles.
"I love you too." I grin.
"Whats that?!" I feel my eyes widen. Garys do too.
Fuck. Fuck.
"Is that?.."
I nod in response. Holy shit. Yes. Yes it is. Its the unmistakable roar of a tractor.

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