Chapter Thirty Nine

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"You ready?" Gary gins at me, tightening his grip on the top of my thigh as the plane begins ascending into the air.
"Yes. Thank you for this." I learn over and peck his stubbled cheek. We're travelling first class- Obviously! Gary wouldn't settle or anything less, however, i am not complaining. We're off for two whole weeks in the sunny Caribbean and i cannot wait. Away from work, all the stress of my Dad being ill and far away from Marks texts...
"You feeling okay?" Gary asks, unbuckling his seat belt and shifting in his seat so his legs are hooked slightly under mine.
"Yea, im fine." I smile. "Just thinking."
"Of what? Of Mark? Are you thinking of Mark?" I can see Garys shoulders visibly tense when he says Marks name. I frown at him.
"No, Gary, i thought be said we wernt going to mention his name and have a nice break?...Huh?" I unfasten my own seat belt and lean over to him, running my hand from his shoulder down his chest. He sighs and relaxes again.
"I know, you're right. Im sorry. Ill stop worrying about it. We'll have a nice two weeks."
"Nice?" I mutter, leaning my head against his shoulder as he pulls my legs over his lap. "I dont want nice..."
"No?" Gary murmurs into my ear, we're both exhausted, we've been up since two in the morning. "And what do you want?..." I feel his sleepy smile widen against my jaw.
"I dunno..." I let my eyes close. "Ill have to have a think..."
"Oh." Garys grip tightens on my thigh. "What are you going to do to me?,.."
"Well thats for me to know and you to find out...isnt it?" The last thing i remember before i drift off to sleep is the sound of Garys low, arousing growl against my ear.


My eyes open slowly, Where am i?..Oh yeah, thats right. Gary's still asleep, his head has dropped onto my chest and there's a blanket over my knees, i presume he put it there before he fell asleep. Jesus hes hot when he sleeps, hes hot all the time, but when he sleeps...Oh my God.
I watch him for a while, watch his chest rise and fall. Occasionally his fingers twitch, tightening on my thigh. How is it he manages to arouse me even when hes asleep? Its not fair. Gently, so i dont wake him, i run my hand through his hair. He leans into me slightly, uncrossing his legs. The blanket slips away, so i try my best to lean forward and drag it back up.
Holy fuck. My breath hitches in my throat as a notice Gary's trousers. They're taught, really taught.
Oh My Fucking God. Hes got a fucking hard on! And now im so aroused its actually unbelievably and there is nothing i can do about it! Im suck here on a twelve hour flight! I hate him. I hate him for this. I'll get my own back once we land....
I stare at Garys crotch for a while, well as long as i can until a stewardess comes past. Quickly i drag the blanket back over our laps. Thankfully she hasnt noticed anything, she just smiles at me. She obviously recognises Gary. My hand is under the blanket, on Garys lap....Libby. No. Control your self woman. You are twelve weeks pregnant. Not to mention the fact you're on a fucking aeroplane!
No, thats it. Every single ounce of will power i ever had has failed me as i run my hand over Garys crotch. Fuck. Hes so hard. I hold him tighter, i cant help myself. This time Gary rolls his head back, groaning queitly. His eyes flicker open, and instantly i can see the fiery aroused passion. He groans again as he wakes up completely.
"Sssshhh! Babe!" I whisper, "Not here." I look around but i dont think anybody heard.
"Its your fault." He hisses playfully against me ear.
"My fault?" I open my mouth and grin at him. "How?!"
Gary doesnt say anything, instead he rec hes under the blanket and pulls out my hand, raising an eyebrow at me at the same time. I bite my lip.
"Oh yea...Sorry."
"Libby, do you realise how hard you've made me?"
"Its hardly unnoticeable..." I smirk.
"I know. And its not funny either."
"Then why are you laughing?" I giggle. Gary drops his head in exasperation.
"Im so uncomfortable Lib." He pouts after a while. No Libby. But i cant leave him suffering can i?....That would just be cruel. I twist my lips into a sideways smile.
"Im going to the toilet." I whispers, "Give me a minute then follow, Okay?" I get out of my seat and make a move, But Gary cant wait. He gets up instantly, and extremly undescreetly to say the least. Before grabbing my hips and practically marching me to the toilet.

The stewardess stairs at me in jealousy. She knows full well what we're about to do, but i dont care. Both off us are far too turned on to stop now.
"Well ive never done this before!" Gary laughs as he locks the door behind us, nearly falling on me in the process. This toilet is far to small to do anything in, however that only adds to the novelty of the whole thing. Within the blink of an eyes, Gary as whipped off my t-shirt. I do the same to him, tossing it behind me, i dont care where it lands. He grunts as he kisses my neck, my hands skim his torso until i reach his trousers. I fumble frantically with the button and drag them, immediately i feel him ageist my inner thigh. Garys hands pull down my pants, instinctively i kick them off, before his lifts my skirt up above my waist.

My hands find his erection and i grip him hard. Gary pants onto my shoulder, stepping closer to me.
"I want to see you!" I hiss, tightening my grasp around him.
"No." He grunts in response. "I want to be inside you." Fuck him. I go to drop to my knees, but hes too fast for me. Gary grips my bum tightly and throws me back against the wall. I scream in shock. Shit. Someone will have heard that!
He locks his stare with mine as he forces me to wrap my legs around his waist. Im sure he'll leave bruises, hes gripping the my arse and thighs so tightly it hurts, but i dont care. Gary cant wait, his eyes are bursting with hunger and he slams his length into me. That hurts too, but the feeling of pleasure is too rewarding. He keeps his gaze locked with mine. I know he wants to see the look on my face as he viciously impales me, he pushes himself into me again.
"Garrryyy!" I scream, with the familiar feeling of both pain and ecstasy. Gary leans against me, his full body weight crushing me as he thrusts his rock hard length deep inside of me. I moan again, loudly, too loudly. Gary continues to slam himslef into me, my body teetering on the edge on an explosive orgasm.
"Fuck. Fuck." Gary grunts into my ear. "Im coming! Fuck Libby!" He pulls away from my neck, locking our gaze once more. I open my mouth to scream as i feel my orgasm take its grip, before i get the chance to, however, Gary has stifled the shrill sound with his mouth, kissing me passionately, before he comes like an exploding volcano inside of me, groaning into my mouth. He pulls away as his release continues.
"Fuck. Lib. Shit! Oh Libby!" He moans against my neck, collapins his bodyweight agaist me again, beofre he pulls away and grins at me. "Welcome to the mile high club Babe."

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