Chapter 1

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"What did he want," Brie asks as I walk back in. I sighed walking over to my bag pulling out some shorts and a sleeveless crop top. "Nothing!" "It has to be something. You are putting on ring gear," Nikki says pointing out the obvious. "No! I'm using it to hold me up! Plus these bad boys are still kind of leaking." I'm not lying but I'm not telling the whole truth. Yes, my breast are still dripping from Moxley but it's starting to stop.  But I don't need the crop top for anything. "Well hurry up and put them on! We have to get you ready!" I rushed over to hair and makeup. When I say rush, I mean pushed by four women into a chair.

"You look absolutely beautiful," Saraya says as the make up artist finishes the final details of my makeup. I smiled at her reassuring I heard her but don't want to mess things up. Once finished, I hopped down and stared at my girls. "You all look amazing." Nikki and Saraya in their short dresses and Galina and Brie in their long dresses. "Are you nervous," Galina asks fixing Joelle's tiara. "Nope! I'm marrying my love! Why would I be nervous?" They smile. "Okay now get out!" "No! We want to see you in your dress." "No! What did I say about it?" "No one can see you in your dress before Jon except Joelle, your mom, and your dad," they say together as they walk out. "How's my pretty little princess?" I stooped down to Joelle. "You look very pretty." "Thank you baby girl! So do you." "Let's get you into this dress."

My mom walks in with the dress on her hand. I walked over to my bag and grabbed a strap. I tied it above the garter making sure it is strapped tight. I look over to Joelle winking and putting my finger to my mouth. "It's our little secret." She nods. I stepped into my dress before mom could notice and waiting to be buttoned up.

"Mom don't cry!" "My little girl is getting married. Hell! My only girl is getting married." I laughed. "Mira! Joelle is there." "Sorry!" I looked in the mirror and sighed. Of all days to pull shit, why my wedding day. But it is okay, I am prepared. Always.

"You look absolutely beautiful princess!" "Thank you daddy." The girls have just walked in and we are waiting on cue for Joelle to go inside. "You ready for this?" "As ready I will ever be!" Moxley was standing next to Joelle due to him being the ring bearer. "Mommy!" "Hi baby." "Mommy you are a princess." "I am?" He nods. "Mommy you look pretty." "Thank you baby! You look handsome." "I know!" I laughed as I watched them signal him in. He ran down the way ignoring Jon and my parents telling him to slow down. He kept screaming,"Mommy is pretty daddy! Mommy is pretty!" I chuckled along with everyone else.

I took a deep breath and looked at my dad. "Don't you dare start crying old man! If you cry, I will cry." I wiped the tears from my father's face only to receive a smile. "I'm so proud of you baby." He kisses my cheek before we walk in.

When I entered, everyone was standing up. My eyes immediately went to Jon who was staring at me. I smiled. "I love you so much," he mouths to me. I mouth it back only to have a tear come down. He looked so perfect standing there. Wonder if he had on American Apparel underwear?

"Who here give the bride away to be wed?" I turn to my daddy with a big smile on my face. "It is I who gives my beautiful daughter away to this lunatic! What kind of father can say that and be happy about it!" Everyone laughed. Papa always knows how to lighten the mood.

I grab hold of Jon's hands and stare into his eyes smiling. He smiles back.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here toay to join two people here in matrimony." I turned around to Galina whispering to start unbuttoning my dress! She looked confused but didn't question. "Before you say your next part, can you hold on one second." Everyone looks at me confused. "Jo! What are you doing," Jon asks as I motion for my mother to come over. "Take all the kids and take them inside. You won't miss the ceremony I promise. Gather all the children, then after our vows, leave!" "Johannah!" "Mom! Just do it!" She looked at me before sighing reluctantly. "I'm sorry you may continue. Had to converse with my mother."

He's My Husband *Dean Ambrose/Jonathan Good*Where stories live. Discover now