Chapter 2

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After the 20 minutes, we took our pictures with the bridal party. The reception was fun. Our first dance was to Count Me In by Dove Cameron. Than the I did a dance to Cheerleader by OMI. It was fun! I even had Matt Steffanina come and teach me so I can dance for Jon. We cut the cake, blah blah blah.

So, we aren't having a honeymoon since Jon has to work. They offered him time off but I couldn't leave Moxley for a week so we decided that we can do it when Moxley is a little older. 

"Alright Wife! I'll see you after." Jon is going to the arena and I am currently at home with Moxley as we prepare to head over to my parent's house. "Yeah!  I'll see you really soon Husband." You can see we are getting use to the terms. He kissed me and then Moxley on the forehead. "Be good for your momma." "Okay daddy," he says pretending to fight Jon. "Alright! Let me go." I watched as he walks out and locks the door behind him. I picked Moxley up and walked to the door. Jon pulled out the driveway and drove off.

I put Moxley down and ran in to the room. I changed into a crop top and some shorts putting my combat boots on. "Come on Moxley. Let's go see Nonna!" "Nonna," he screams out as he runs to the  door. "Stop running before you hurt yourself." His runs turn into a brisk walk which kind of made him trip up and fall. I couldn't help but laugh. He looked at me and started laughing. I picked him up and walked out the door.


"Hey mom!" I walked in the house putting Moxley down. "In the kitchen." I walked in the kitchen to see mom putting some cookie dough on a tray. I kissed her cheek. "Smells good in here." "Thanks. That batch is for you to take." "Mom! I was kind of trying to leave now." "Well it's only thirty minutes. Can't you wait thirty minutes?" I sighed. "Plus! You could just use the gym here." "Yes mother! I know that! But I want to go to another gym." I hate lying to my mom but it will be okay for now. "Thirty minutes than you can go." I swear, I'm a grown woman and she still talks to me like I'm living in her house.

"Hey sis!" "Koda! So great to see you! I need a favor." "What do I get out of this," he asks crossing his arms. "Listen and you will find out." "Okay! I'm listening." "Mom is making a batch of cookies. I need you to bring it to this address. Tell them that you are with Johannah Good and they will let you in. You will look for me. Once you find me, you can stay. I know you will want to stay. A bunch of women half dressed and sweaty." "I'm in." "Josh has my son so just peep in and tell him I'm gone. Thank you so much brother! I love you." I kissed his cheek and ran out the door.


"This is my house! And if those Bella's think they can run everything, they are so wrong." I made it backstage. I am in the WWE arena! It's been a while so this should be great. No one has seen me yet due to the fact that my pink hair is covered in a jacket and my head is low. People have starred at me wondering who I am but that doesn't matter. Saraya was on stage screaming about the Bella's until an unexpected someone came out. 

I mean very unexpected.

"No one cares about your diva problems. So why don't you run on back there and handle it with the rest of the diva division." Seth and his bitches were walking down the ramp talking to Paige. "I'm talking so you can wait." "I am the face of this company and I have some things I want to say! Whatever I say goes and you need to get out of my ring." She laughs. "You may scare the men here, but you do absolutely nothing for me. So why don't you and your little children and go back there as I finish talking." The boys step closer. "The boss wants you to move little girl so you better move." Jamie speaking in the mic only made Paige laugh. "You have a voice? How cute!" "Watch it girl."

'Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. S.H.I.E.L.D.'

What the hell? The shield exist no more. Why are they playing that? Dean and Roman come down the stairs with their hair dripping as normal. Still, they aren't the S.H.I.E.L.D. Seth's voice is on that audio therefore it is not the S.H.I.E.L.D. But we will fix that later! 

"Dang! I always interrupt you and still don't give a damn," Roman says as they enter the ring. "Hey bozos! Why don't you leave her alone," Dean says. "What are you doing out here Ambrose?" "Damn! I became chopped liver in five seconds." Dean and Paige laugh. "Roman and Dean, I think that I can handle this. I mean they are a bunch of biothces anyways," Paige says. "You're luck you are a girl because we would beat your ass," Joey says. 

EVERYONE LAUGHED! Especially me. I laughed in a mic but I was seen by no one. They all look around. "Who the hell is that," Paige asks. They all look around like some helpless dogs. "REVEAL YOURSELF," Seth screams. I laugh again. I hand the  mic to the tech guy. "She said no!" "So it's a girl,"Ro says looking at Dean. "Why are you looking at me?" "Oh my gosh! You are so stupid Ambrose." I took the mic back. "Play my music."

'Walk my way! Mrs. All American! Say my name! No need to pretend!'

"It can't be," Michael Cole says,"That can't be Johannah Janson." He can clearly see me walking down the ramp. Well, hopping down the ramp. I skip over to the fans and high five them. I went around the  circle before prancing  into the ring. "I wonder what she wants." "Hey asshole," I say in the mic, pointing at Michael Cole as I glare at him. "Shut the hell up!"  I turn back.

"Hello WWE Universe." I walk around the ring as Dean has the most shocked look on his face. "Oh how I have missed you guys." "Johannah! Johannah!" The chant fills the arena. I stood on the turn buckle. "The baby says hi. Little Moxley is getting big!" I just wanted to talk about random shit until someone said something. Jamie cleared his throat and I kept talking. "Anyone have some popcorn I can have?" The crowd cheers. A little boy holds up some popcorn pointing to the container as he waves it in the air. I jumped down and walked over to the boy. I smiled and gave him a hug. "Take the whole thing." He shoves it in my hand and I hug him again. 

The lady next to him pointing to my ring complementing. I spoke into the mic. "You love my ring? Thank you. My husband has great taste. Isn't that right babe?" I was sitting on the barricade with my legs crossed looking at Dean. They all just look at me. "I'm sorry! Was I interrupting something?" "Yeah! So if you can shut up for a....." "Don't tell my wife to shut up," Dean says looking Noble into his eyes. "Tell my sister to shut up one more time I'm going to knock you on your ass." "Better yet Roman, I will beat his ass," Paige adds walking right up to Jamie. 

I jumped down and sat on the announcers table. "What? What are you doing? This is a table not a chair." I punched Cole in the face. He fell to the floor. "Damn! He never shuts up!" The crowd cheers. "Hello Jerry baby." "Johannah! How are you?" "I'm doing well. And you?" "I'm doing great." "That's goo...." "Excuse me! We are in...." "Did you just interrupt me Rollins?" I walked up the stairs. Popcorn was placed on the inside of the ring before I flipped in the ring. I walked to Dean and pushed him back so I can stand right in front of Rollins. "Don't you ever interrupt me again." "Well we were in the middle of something." "No! Paige was in the middle of something and you interrupted. The diva's division is just as important as your males division! So Paige, please continue! And if anyone has a problem with that, come holler at me! I'll give you a real good ass whooping. Kind of like this."

I dropped the mic and speared J&J security as Roman speared Seth. "Whoa! Johannah and Roman spearing the Authority," Jerry screams out as the crowd roars. Roman roars. Dean hits Seth with Dirty Deeds. Roman Superman punches Joey and Paige hits Jamie with a RamPaige. I laughed. "Nice talking to you!"

I stood on the turnbuckle. "Johannah! Johannah!" I threw my hands up and everyone cheered. I jumped down and grabbed the popcorn walking backwards down the ramp. Dean, Roman, and Paige walk out too. Dean and Ro go up the stairs, Paige jumps up on me hugging me. "Good to have you back baby." "Good to be back."

He's My Husband *Dean Ambrose/Jonathan Good*Where stories live. Discover now