Chapter 14

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If Ireland were a person, it would be the person that I would date on the side. I am totally in love with this place. We seen so much this weekend and the hotel was beautiful. I don't want to leave. Well, I do to get my son then to come back. Forget the wrestling! I can get a job over here quick and we can live and love here.

I'm just kidding.

I love this place but I LOVE my home. I love my friends and the company. We can't leave. It's home. It's the place where Jon and I got to grow and be ourselves in front of millions of people. I don't think I could give those things up. And, I would love to see the babies I delivered grow up. 

"Baby." "Hmm." I turned my head seeing Jon in his suit. "You going to get dressed?" I looked down to see me only in my under garments. "Oh yeah. I'm sorry babe." "Dinner is in twenty minutes." "Thank you, Jonathan. I know." "Just a reminder." "Thank you Jonathan." "You're welcome." 

I looked down at my white nude crystal embellished beaded two piece evening gown. Jon picked out a nice gown. I'm proud of him. Then again, someone could have picked him out. Still proud of him for thinking of it.


After everything was in place, meaning hair, makeup,and dress, I put on the nude heels near the bed and stood to my feet. Nineteen minutes! New record! 

"Babe!" "Yeah, babe," Jon says sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand. "How do I look?" His head turned in a medium speed to look at me and he smiled. "I feel like I'm back at our wedding day." "Why's that babe?" "Looking at you makes me remember how lucky I am to be married to you." "Baby!" I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. "I know you are." He looked at me shocked expecting me to say it back. I was going to but I wanted to see his face. I got exactly what I wanted. Now, I can give him what he wants. "But it is I who is truly lucky to marry a guy who would do anything to make me happy and keep me happy." "Forever babe!" "You are my forever." I pecked his lips over and over before grabbing his hand and walking out the door.

"Jon! This is beautiful!" We are standing on the beautiful boarded area next to the beach with lights on the ground and the trees. There is seating for two and it beautiful with the night sky that you can still faintly see the sunset. So romantic. 

"I did a good job?" "You did this?" "Yeah. The girls came to me earlier about the idea of them buying us this honeymoon and I told them only if I could plan one special night. I wanted it to be romantic and perfect." "You did all this for me, Jon?" He held my chair out allowing me to sit down. "I had to do something. I thought you hated me at one point and I couldn't have that. It hurt like hell knowing that you were mad at me. Jo Jo, I meant it when I married you. I want you and only you. Not being able to hold you at night felt like taking a blade to my skin and pouring alcohol on it. I would rather you tell me a lie than to lose you. You are my world Johannah and I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you were nothing more." 

Tears started to fall out of his eyes making me cry. He was on his knees next to me with both his hands over mine. I drew my hand from his and wiped his tears as he wiped mine. 

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm a real stubborn girl but you love me anyway. I should say I'm sorry for putting you through that hell. I didn't know that I could mean so much to someone. And you gave me the best gift any human could ask for, a love so pure and a child so beautiful. Jonathon Good, I am honored to be your wife and to love you. I'm honored to argue with you, yell at you, get pissed at you, cry for you, and so much more for you. Babe, I love all of you. I chose all of you and I am keeping all of you."

He chuckled through the tears falling down his face causing me to do the same. He pulled a remote out of his pocket. Music started playing and a waiter came with our dinner and wine.

"To the good." "To the bad." "To forever." "To always." We toast our glass and enjoyed each other's company. We laughed and just thought about the good times. Can't help falling in love with you by Haley Reinhart came on.  Jon held out his hand. "May I have this dance?" "You may."

His arms wrapped around my waist and my arms around his neck. My head rested on his chest as my eyes closed just feeling the beat of his heart. Jon was humming along as I sang quietly with the song. 

I love Jon and would do anything for him. And I mean anything! I want forever with him. I want him. No one else. Never will. He is my everything and I don't want to lose him. He has blessed me with so much already.

When the song was over, Jon asked me a question. Remember what I said? He says things that are either life changing or make you think. Here is another moment.

"I want another baby! I want to put one in you tonight. Like right now." Life changing. "Okay. Under one condition." "What?" "You make love to me. Not hard core shit. Pure love and emotion." He chuckled. "Alright. But the hard core shit is me showing you how hard I love you. I will be soft tonight princess. I promise."

He's My Husband *Dean Ambrose/Jonathan Good*Where stories live. Discover now