Chapter 5

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"What's wrong," Colby asks as I sit on his couch rocking Moxley back to sleep. "Jon and I got into a fight." "About what?" "For what I said at RAW." "Why? It's just entertainment." "That's what I said but he is just a little bitch." "He's not a bitch. It's just hard when your girl talks about you on national television." "Well I was speaking the truth. What's wrong with that?"

Seth shrugs his shoulders.

"That's something you have to ask your husband." I just sighed laying Moxley down on the couch. "I have nothing to say to him." My phone rung along with his. I picked it up. "Hello?" "Hey! Where are you?" "Colby's house. Did he stop by?" "Yeah!""Did he leave?" "Yeah!" "I'll be there in like twenty minutes. Mox went to sleep." "Alright! See you then love." "Alright." I hung up picking Moxley up. "What happened with you?" "Jamie and Joey got hurt." "Oh!" "What about you?" "Going to Paige's." "I thought you were going to stay here." "I am mad at Jon. Don't want to give him a heart attack." "He should be fine with you staying here." "He wouldn't even want me to be a Joe's house without him."

I kissed his cheek before picking up the pillow up that Moxley was laying on. "Just stay." "No Lopez. I have to go. But can you take my son to the car?" "Yeah! Sure!"

When we walked out to the car, Paige pulled up. "What are you doing here?" "I came because I had no choice. Jon said he was going to stay at my house. So in order to get him to leave, I had to leave." "Did he follow you?" "I don't think so."

There was a knock on the door.

"I think he did." "Lopez! Open the door!" "That's Joe! Um. Okay. Seth take Moxley in a room and come back." He walks away and I look to Paige. "You go outside when Seth comes back and I disappear." She nods. "Which room?" "First door on the right." "Good luck." I ran to the door and picked Mox Mox up and went in the closet.

I heard a door fall and I was startled. Screaming came next. "Where is she?" "Joe calm down." "Saraya don't tell me to calm down. Where is my sister? " "I don't know." "If you don't know! Why is her car out there?" Damn it Jon. You had to come too?

"Search the house!" "You get out of my house or I will call the police." "You have my wife in here you will need an ambulance." I could hear footsteps. "Jo! Come back. Don't.....Damn it!" I looked confused. "She ran out the house with Moxley." "Damn it! Come on Joe!" I heard footsteps and then a door opening. "Jo Jo! Where are you?" I opened the door and got out of the closet. "Come on! We need to go before they come back." "I can't go to fast. Moxley is sleeping and I would have to transfer everything from my car to your car." "Well let's go. We have to drop your car at your house and make it back to my house before they catch on. Colby is already placing your stuff in my car now let's go."

I rushed to the front, securely hold Moxley's head in my arms to Saraya's car. "Thank you so much Colby. Thank you for letting me chill here until Paige came." "No problem." We put Moxley in the car with Raya as I drove home. Quickly switching to Raya's car, we drove off. Just in time, as I look back, I seen Jon's car and he got out the car.

"What is going on with you two?" "He's being a prick and needs to get over being weak minded." "He can't let this get to his head," Saraya says putting Moxley in the bed. "Exactly. But I'm wrong for stating the truth." "This is being blown out of proportion. Maybe you should go home." "He told me to leave. So I did. Then he acts like he wants me to stay." "Sounds like that Bieber song." I laughed.

Honestly, Jonathon need to get out of his feelings and accept the fact that there is no way that I am taking back my comment. He is still effected and so is Joe so until they prove to me that it is in fact not true, I will believe what I said.

Only you Roman. Only you!

"What?" "Where are you?" "A place you aren't and it doesn't matter." "It does matter because you have my son." "Sucks to suck doesn't it." "Why do you have to be a bitch?" "Why do you have to be a cunt?" "You know what you got into when you married me." "And same to you." "Yeah! But when I married you I didn't think you would diss me in front of the whole WWE universe along with it being on Tv." "So you would change your decision of marrying me. That's great." "I never said that." "It's called context clues baby." "Difficult you are." "And difficult I shall always be. Or am I messing with your mind again." "Why do you keep saying that?" "Good bye Jonathon." "I'll see you when you get home." "Whenever that is." "Later tonight." "So you thought."

I hung up the phone.

"I'm out for the night. I'll see you tomorrow at the ring. I have a big plan for tomorrow and Lord knows they will truly be entertained." "And what will you be doing tomorrow?" I looked at Saraya with a smile on my face. "Oh! Just wait and see."

He's My Husband *Dean Ambrose/Jonathan Good*Where stories live. Discover now