Chapter 7

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I walked backstage to see my little bugger running up to me. "Jonathan where is your auntie Nicole and Brianna?" "I don't know." He shrugs his little shoulders sticking his little arms up. I picked him up. "How do you not know?" "Because he is with us." I looked up and seen John, Jon, and Joe. "Nicole and Brianna are preparing for their match so they asked me to watch Moxley. And they said to ask you to lunch tomorrow," John says. "Yeah! We can do that. You and I need to talk later Cena." "No you and your husband," Joe says. "I didn't ask that." "Well we need to talk." "I didn't ask that. If there is something important you want to talk to me about, see me in Kane's office." "So our marriage isn't important?" "This conversation is not important." We glare each other down for a bit before I walk away.

I sat in Kane's office looking for my bag. "Moxley sweetie, do you see mommy's bag?" "No mommy." "Damn it," I whisper. I opened the drawer to see if it was in there. No! There was a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and opened it. "There you are." I picked my bag outside of the door. I looked up and you would never ever EVER believe who was at the door.

"Rowan. So nice to see you. How can I help you?" The cameras come closer. "Move back. My son is in the room and I want no cameras on him." "We have to shoot this scene with you and Eric." "Then shoot it another time." "Well I need to talk to you." "Rowan in. You guys out."

Eric walked in and took a seat. "Hey little Jonathan." "Hello." "Moxley, go sit on the couch." "I can't find Moogley." Moogley is his stuffed monkey my dad gave him when he was born. "Look in mommy's bag." He ran over and I turned my attention to Rowan.

"Can we not have a match tonight or at least me?" "Why? What's wrong?" "Well I went yo the doctor recently and they told me to lay off physical activity. After the beat down you just gave, I don't think I can take the physical abuse anymore." "Yeah! That's fine. Let me just talk to Steph and I'll get back to you." "Thank you!" "If you find my husband, can you tell him to stop by my office. I need him to get my son so we can do our segment. " "Will do. And thank you."

Rowan walked out as Rollins walked in. "Hey." "What's up Colby!" "I was wondering if you can move my match up." "Why?" "Steph and I have a last minute public appearance and I need you to move a match." "You are main even though." "I know you can find another main event." "Yeah. Maybe." "Thank you." "Yeah. You see Steph, tell her I'm looking for her."

He nods walking out the room. "You wanted to see me." "I need you to get Moxley. I have a shot with Rowan and I don't want him in the shot." "Anything else?" "Nope. I'll get him when I'm finished." Jon was about to walk out. "Oh yeah. One more thing, you and the Usos are main event. You will be fighting against The New Day." "Since when?" "Since now. Moxley, be good for daddy now." "Yes mommy."

I gave him a kiss and shooed Jon out. Steph walks in with two cups of coffee in her hand. She hands me one. "We need to get your shot done now." "We are getting to it. I need to talk to you. Rowan can't fight tonight and needs to go back to the doctor." "Thats fine. I think the Wyatt's can survive without him." "Okay. And then we switched a match since you and Seth has to go." "Whose fighting? " "Dean and Usos vs. New day." "Alright. Hunter still isn't here. After the match with Seth, can I leave you in charge?" "Yeah! I can totally do that. " "Thank you so much. If you do great tonight, you can be in charge as Hunter and I take a week vacation. " "Thanks Steph. I won't let you down." "I'll send Rowan in here." "Thanks."

Erick and the camera crew walk in. "Johannah." "Erick!" "So you think you are invincible?" "No. But I'm better than you." "Don't get your panties in a twist. We can beat you anytime we want." "Yet you haven't. " I step closer and I stand on my tip toes. "I suggest you focus on yourself or I will focus on your face. Got it!" He glares at me. "Now get out of my office."

He storms out. "And cut! Good take everyone! "" Thank you everyone. Now get out. I want to be with my son."

Everyone packed their stuff and left. I went to find Jon only to be stopped by the new Diva's champion. I'm not prepared for this.

More cameras. Great!

"Johannah." "Look everyone. Its Ric Flair's daughter. What's your name honey?" "Very funny Johannah. You know, I don't see your purpose here. You aren't a wrestler." "I could say the same for you." You hear the arena laugh as Charolette holds on tighter to her title. "See if your daddy didn't teach you to be a low down and dirty fighter, you would not be here. I suggest you stay on my good side because I am directors of operations. I can easily make you loose that title. Believe that." I started to walk away but I couldn't help myself. "Woo." She jumped causing me to walk away laughing.

"Give me my son!" "Our son." "Whatever! Give me Jonathan." "Wow! You actually used his name." "You get on my nerves you know that." "Oh honey the feeling is mutual." "Come on Mox. Mommy needs to get away from your daddy before he disappears. " "Where would he go mommy?" "Hospital! Grave yard! He will pick his choice." "The honeymoon phase is so over," Jon says as I'm walking out. "It never even started."

As time goes on, it was time for main event. "Ready to go," Paige asks walking up to me. "Have to stay for main event. After, we can leave. Oh, can you watch Moxley as I commentate." "Yeah."

As the match starts, I stay backstage. I sneak through the crowd and hop over the barricade. "Ah!" I jump down on the chair and put on a head set. "What did I miss?" "Johannah! Where did you come from?" "Well Byron, it all started when my mom and my dad decided to...." "You know what I mean." "Byron please do not talk to me that way. I like you okay. Don't become the next Michael Cole." "Sorry. That came out worst than I wanted to. "

"What are you doing out here?" "Watching baby! Shouldn't you be paying attention to Big E and Kofi!" "And?" He turns around slaps Kofi and punch Big E over and over again. "What would he do without me?"

"He Johannah. New day rocks." Xavier plays his damn trumpet that he got revised. "5.... 4..... 3..... 2..... 1....." I threw the headset off and grabbed the stupid trumpet. "Bye bye Francesca 2." I threw that shit so hard breaking yet another Francesca." "NOOOOOOOO!" I threw the pieces at him to shut him up. It kind of knocked him out. That only caused the other two Unicorns to come down. They we're yelling and it was taking every inch out if me not to smack them.

Yes, I am mad at Jon, but I'm not mad at Dean.

"Back the he'll away from my cousin!" The USOS smacked them both. I back up showing that I wasn't doing anything. Kofi was thrown into the ring where Dean finished him with dirty deeds.

I literally ran out to Paige. "Let's go." "Alright." We drove to Paige's place and we dropped right there. The last thing I remember is saying night to Kevin and passing on the couch.

I woke up to the smell of coffee. "Baby. Wake up." Moxley is a heavy sleeper. He hates waking up at anytime of the day. "Baby! Its 10 am. We have to get ready." "No mommy. Sleep." "Moxley. We are going to get food." His head pops up. "Mommy! Get up! Food!"

I laughed and got us both ready. "Saraya! Are you ready?" "For what?" "Lunch with the twins." "Shit. Give me five minutes. "

We finally made it out the house and all hell broke loose. They never told me this was going to be for Total Divas.

He's My Husband *Dean Ambrose/Jonathan Good*Where stories live. Discover now