Chapter 12

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I was out for a few days because Jon wouldn't let me do anything. Moxley wouldn't either. But, today, I'm getting my revenge on that manly ass bitch. You think your match tonight is going to be great, I have plans of my own. 

Today, I was repping John Cena and I sat in the crowd laid back so no one would notice me. I was in the front, though. John was talking about his pairing with Enzo and CasS. I thought it was amazing. A lot of people don't like Cena but he is amazing. 

"Let's go, Cena!" "Cena sucks!" "Let's go, Cena!" "Cena sucks!" Shots coming back and forth from the crowd and Cena keeps talking. Come on John. Diva's match is next. Charlotte versus Paige. I am so ready for this. I'm just going to let the match go on and when it's over. My arm has a bandage on it like how Jon did when he got hurt. It's holding the stitches in place. I know I'm not supposed to do anything but I can't just sit at home.

John got off and it was time. Paige came out first then the she-devil and her lapdog came out with her. The match was going well until, of course, Charlotte had to get her little alien to cheat. While Charlotte was talking to the ref, Dana grabbed Paige's hair and punched her. That was it for undercover. I hopped over the barricade and took my glasses off and my hat. Taping Dana on her shoulder, she turned around and I waved. Right then, I sent a smack to her face over and over again. Charlotte was screaming at me causing Paige to take advantage. I threw Dana into the staircase then picked her up doing it again. Paige was on the floor now coming to my side. Charlotte did what she did to me last time, hitting Paige from behind. I kicked Charlotte right in the face. Paige got up and dragged Dana away. Probably to the doctor in the back.

"That must be a bitch champ move. You attack someone from behind so you have the upper hand. That makes you a coward. Kevin Owens does it, Seth Rollins does it, and you do it too. But that's okay, Charlotte. See, you thought I would be out for months but I'm back three days later. Beware. Forswear, I'm going beat your ass here."

Momma started to see black. 

I went to Little Miss Flair and start punching her in the face. Adrenaline was pumping. I grabbed her and threw her like I did Dana, over and over and over again into the steel stairs. I grabbed a chair from under the ring and smacked her over and over until I felt fit to stop. A ref came running to me trying to get me to stop. I smacked him with a chair too. The line of refs coming down all got smacked with the chair. Charlotte climbed into the crowd while I was busy so I followed her limp body.

"Where you going, Char?" I kicked her in the side. Picking her up, walking back over to the announcers table. Powerbomb. She started to climb away, when she started to get energy again, to the barricade and I cloths lined her into the fans again. She walked to the back by the tech crew and I followed. There was a table where a tv was sitting. I threw the tv at her along with everything on it. More guards came. I picked up the table. "Johannah! Put it down!" "You want me to put the table down? Okay." I smacked all of them with the table then threw it at Charlotte. Picking her up by her throat, I pushed her into a wall still holding her throat.

"You ever try some shit like that again, I will end your career. Believe that." Someone grabbed my arms and held them back and wrapped their legs around mine. "ROMAN LET ME GO!" Jimmy and Jey came into view and had their hands up so I couldn't run. Dean came to view and he looked at me with the most worry in his eyes. "Baby! Come back to me. Please, come back." I just looked at him. Next thing you know, Moxley came to view. "Mommy."

I regained the color.

"Roman, can you let me go please?" "Are you sure?" "Yes! I need to go home." He slowly lets go and I ran to my husband and my son. "It's okay baby. It's okay." I kissed Moxley's head and he smiled. Charlotte was escorted to the doctors by some security and I sat on the floor. "What the hell happened?" "You blacked out momma," Jon says sitting next to me. Ro, Jon, and Josh came to sit down too. Moxley was sitting on my lap. "What's wrong with me, Uce?" "You are having a hard day," Jimmy, Jon, says. "You just need to relieve some energy and anger," Ro says. I looked to my husband.

"Don't get mad." "Why would I get mad?" "I need to talk to Colby."

He's My Husband *Dean Ambrose/Jonathan Good*Where stories live. Discover now